
Overview of The Good Ai

As a student, I have always found essay writing to be one of the most challenging aspects of my academic career. When I heard about The Good Ai, I was excited to try it out. The website promises to provide students with a fast and efficient way to write essays by using artificial intelligence algorithms to generate high-quality writing. However, after using the tool for several assignments, I can confidently say that it has failed to meet my essay-writing needs. In this article, I will provide a critical review of The Good Ai, focusing on its lack of quality and limitations.

The Good Ai works by analyzing the topic of an essay and generating a rough draft based on its extensive database of academic writing. Once the draft is generated, users can edit the essay to their liking and then download it as a Word document. While the tool may seem like a useful solution for students struggling with writer's block, I found that it fell short in several areas.


Lack of Quality

One of the biggest issues I faced while using The Good Ai was its lack of quality. The tool claims to have an accurate grammar and spell check system, but I found that it frequently missed errors, leading to awkwardly phrased sentences and typos. In some cases, the tool even inserted incorrect words that completely changed the meaning of the sentence. As a result, I found myself spending more time correcting the tool's mistakes than actually writing the essay myself.

Another issue I encountered was plagiarism. The Good Ai claims to produce original content, but I found that the essays it generated often contained passages that were lifted directly from other sources without proper citation. While the tool does provide a citation feature, it was often incomplete or incorrect, making it difficult to ensure that the essay was free of plagiarism.

In addition to these issues, I also found that the writing structure generated by the tool was often poor. The tool would frequently insert unnecessary words or phrases that disrupted the flow of the essay, and it often failed to provide a coherent thesis statement or clear argument. As a result, the essays produced by the tool were often disjointed and difficult to read.

Finally, I found that the essays generated by The Good Ai lacked originality. While the tool claims to use artificial intelligence to generate unique content, I found that the essays it produced were often formulaic and generic, lacking the personal touch and creativity that is essential for a well-written essay.


In addition to its lack of quality, The Good Ai also suffers from several limitations. These limitations make it difficult to use the tool for anything beyond a basic essay.

One limitation of the tool is its limited scope of topics. While the tool claims to be able to handle a wide range of topics, I found that it struggled with more complex subjects. For example, when I attempted to use the tool to write an essay on a specific scientific theory, it generated a generic essay that did not adequately address the topic.

Another limitation of the tool is its inability to customize writing style. While the tool does offer several different writing styles to choose from, I found that it was difficult to incorporate my own writing style into the essay. The tool's algorithm seemed to favor a specific writing style, which made it difficult to create an essay that sounded like it was written by me.

A third limitation of the tool is its difficulty in incorporating personal voice and tone. While the tool does allow users to make edits to the generated essay, I found that it was difficult to inject my own voice and tone into the essay. As a result, the essay often sounded robotic and lacked personality, which is an important aspect of essay writing.

Finally, the tool offers limited feedback and revision options. While users can edit the generated essay, the tool does not offer any specific feedback or suggestions for improvement. This means that users are left to their own devices when it comes to improving the quality of the essay, which can be a daunting task for students who are not confident in their writing skills.


In conclusion, The Good Ai failed to meet my essay writing needs. While the tool may seem like a useful solution for students struggling with writer's block, its lack of quality and limitations make it difficult to use for anything beyond a basic essay. The tool's inaccurate grammar and spell check, plagiarism issues, poor writing structure, and lack of originality all contribute to the overall low quality of the essays it generates.

Furthermore, the tool's limited scope of topics, inability to customize writing style, difficulty in incorporating personal voice and tone, and limited feedback and revision options all make it a less-than-ideal tool for students looking to improve their essay writing skills.

In light of these issues, I would not recommend The Good Ai to other students. While the tool may seem like a quick fix for essay writing problems, it ultimately falls short in delivering high-quality essays that meet academic standards. Instead, I would encourage students to focus on developing their own writing skills through practice and feedback from teachers and peers. By doing so, they will be better equipped to write high-quality essays that reflect their own unique perspectives and ideas.

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