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Not many people make it to the age of 100, and for those who do, what is considered a life well lived? For some, it’s experiencing all that this world has to offer, for others it’s about leading a successful career, and for people like Evelyn Howell, it’s about giving back to the best of their ability. Howell is a 100-year-old resident of Baptist Retirement Community (BRC), a continuing care retirement community in the Concho Valley, who recently celebrated her birthday on October 13. She decided to call BRC her new home 15 years ago and recently moved into the senior living community’s Sagecrest building. Not wanting to make a big to-do of her 100th birthday, Howell is much more focused on her volunteer work – playing the piano during the Monday morning worship services for fellow residents. She meets with the community’s chaplain, Kevin McSpadden, at 10:30 a.m. and together they provide a lovely half hour of worship.


“I learned how to play the piano at the age of six and started volunteering to play during the worship services at our local church in my teens,” said Howell. “My mother is the one who encouraged me to play and arranged for the lessons. Even though she had six kids, she always took the time to sit in on my piano lessons. My sisters learned to play too, and we did many duets together. Growing up on a farm was hard work, but I loved my childhood. I volunteered at our hometown church in Lubbock for 30 years. I truly enjoy volunteering and plan to continue doing so as long as I am able. I have many of the hymns memorized, and fellow residents sing along while I play. My favorite hymn is ‘Amazing Grace,’ and I also really enjoy playing stamps, which is pepped-up religious music. Music has always been therapeutic for me, getting me through tough times and helping me feel better.”


Howell lived through major historical events, recalling the depression, the hippie era in the 60s and how polio was rampant before widespread vaccinations were available. Her son was diagnosed with polio at seven and has been paralyzed in one leg ever since. She says he is living a good life though. After 100 years on Earth, her advice is to take the good with the bad and to keep going after the things that make you happy. She advises that people find something they are passionate about and find a way to give back.


“Evelyn is an outgoing, kind, humble Christian who I know I can count on to help me with the Sagecrest worship services,” said McSpadden. “Music is an avenue of service for her, and she plays wonderfully for someone who is 100 years old. Sometimes, musical abilities can diminish with age, but Evelyn still plays beautifully and can play everything she sees. I believe she enjoys being involved, and we all appreciate her time and service. It is special to see her play, as it lifts our spirits and hers. She is an inspiration to us all.”

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