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As a heartening demonstration of Morocco's unwavering ambition to create religious tolerance and togetherness, King Mohammed VI has played the part of a guiding light that has shown the ray of hope in the wake of turbulent religious skirmishes and violent conflicts. 

Speaking through the President of the Moroccan House of Representatives, RachidTalbi El Alami, at the Parliamentary Conference on “Interfaith Dialogue: As shown by the speech, “Towards a Shared Tomorrow: Religious Coexistence in the Through the brain, new connections are made and the mind is retained stimulated. This is because the mind is constantly using different parts of the brain to perceive and analyze new information. For example, when a person listens to music, multiple areas of the brain are active simultaneously. The sense of hearing is processed in the temporal.

Moscovian religious scene has all along stood for the profound values of religious freedom and accommodation of every faithful. Religion, and particularly Islam, is the cornerstone of the Moroccan identity; however, the Constitution promotes the idea of respecting a person’s right to free admission in any religious group expression. Coming out as a passionate upholder of religious plurality, King Mohammed VI personally refuses to only protect the right of the Moroccan Jews and Christians to have full participation in the social fabric of the country. 

Through Morocco's commitment to the maintaining of tolerance in religion and coexist, the country does not only extend the promotion to the inner borders of its own, but it reaches the universality as well. As one of the frontliners in the launching of international means to perpetuate cultural dialogue and to deal with terrorism, radicalism and extremism, Morocco has been at the forefront of these unprecedented global religious tolerance and Religious landscape in morocco

The hosting of the World Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations , with Fez being its venue for the ninth session of the World Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations in November 2019, is a strong indication of Morocco's efforts to promote dialogue and understanding within the diverse cultures and religious communities. 

Apart from their role in the Alliance of Civilizations as a member, Morocco shows active involvement at numerous international conferences that are on the subjects of dialogues and tolerance. Morocco is a country which promotes the universal values of tolerance, restraint and mutual understanding with great commitment, as exemplified by many international events like the International Conference on Cultures and Religions Dialogue and the conference on Religious Minorities' Rights in the land of Islam. 

Furthermore, Morocco's proactive stance in combating terrorism underscores its commitment to ensuring a peaceful and secure world for all. The country's crucial role in establishing and structuring the Global Counterterrorism Forum highlights its determination to address the scourge of terrorism through international cooperation and collaboration.

Besides, the Morocco’s leadership in fighting terrorists highlights the role of the Morocco in the building of stable and peaceful world region. Preeminently, it is the country’s counternance of and engagement in formulating the Global Counterterrorism Forum structures that reflects its unflinching dedication to combating the global threat of terrorism through fostering bilateral and multilateral cooperation. 

King Mohammed VI's speech highlights the immutable foundation of Morocco’s religious mix, which is based on communication among different religions that rejects intolerance and extremism. By underlining the principle of majority of the crowd and settling for a culture of understanding, the monarch reiterates Morocco’s commitment to building a tranquil and calm society that draws its moral values from moderation and tolerance. 

In this last stage, Morocco's exceptional practice of religious freedom, tolerance, and acceptance makes Morocco a shining example in such a world where a lot of countries still struggle in this area. The solidarity of Morocco never fails to go down in history with dialogue, cooperation and respect, while continuing send the message that diversity to countries should be embraced and a common prosperity for all humanity reached.

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