Weekly Recaps
DFW BubbleLife Sunday Edition

This week, we featured leaders in local literature and explored DFW’s blooming book world. We learned lessons from a “joyful survivor” and told tales from a Dallas legend. See more about local authors – their process, their craft and their passions – by reading these insightful stories.

Top Stories of the Week

1. The Writer Everyone Is Talking About

People are noticing Lynn Dayton and her thriller series, "13 Days: The Pythagoras Conspiracy.” Her new book, "Strike Price," was recognized at the Texas Book Festival in Austin a few weeks ago as the winner for Best Mystery/Thriller. Click the link to see why everyone is talking about this local author. http://bubly.us/3Mcv


2. Learn How To Find Joy Through Adversity

Dallas-based author Cindy L. Herb shares her story of overcoming trauma and finding joy in her book, “Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles.” In this book, Herb tells how she found hope and healing after a sexual assault and has made it her mission to help other sexual abuse victims. Read more about Herb and her survival story by clicking the link. http://bubly.us/3Mcw


3. Experience The Magic Of A Children's Stories Writer

Local author Jennifer Judd comes from a family of storytellers. Since she was 5 years old, she has compiled rhymes and lyrics. This passion has materialized into a book entitled. “Eyeball in my Garden,” a compilation of poems from different authors. Learn more about this collaboration by clicking the link. http://bubly.us/3Mcx


4. A Must Read Story From A Survivor

Jordan Lee Knape wants to clear up the misconceptions surrounding eating disorders. She began by writing a memoir of her journey to regain health, called “Best Body.” See how Knape survived a life-threatening illness, and how she hopes to change the culture surrounding eating disorders, by reading the story. http://bubly.us/3Md2


5. The Dallas Legend You Must Meet

Rose-Mary Rumbley has lived an interesting life. She has authored six books, befriended Dallas icons and performed on the theater stage. Rumbley is known for her razor-sharp wit and charm, traits that have attracted large crowds at her public speaking events. Learn more about Rumbley, and her Dallas-sized personality, by clicking the link. http://bubly.us/3Md1

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