Weekly Recaps
DFW BubbleLife Sunday Edition

Deeply rooted in all things local, BubbleLife is committed to serving and promoting small businesses. This week, we shed the spotlight on local shops, ranging from an organic grocery store to a furniture store, to share their stories.

Top Stories of the Week

1. See What’s Growing At The Green Grocer

Cassie Green, owner of the Green Grocer in Dallas, opened the store to create a sense of community surrounding sustainable, organic food. Since January, she has done just that. Green encourages customers to educate themselves about the food industry and to rethink what is local and healthy. Read more about Green and her store in the article.http://bubly.us/3HQS


2. Partners Card Teams Up With Local Businesses

One of the most popular annual shopping events, Partners Card, is back! This shopping extravaganza, ending Nov. 2, is an exciting opportunity to receive a 20 percent discount at your favorite department or local stores while contributing to a worthwhile cause – family violence intervention and prevention. Learn more about Partners Card, and see participating stores, in the article. http://bubly.us/3HHs


3. Living The Dream: Tips From A Small Business Owner

Howard Rhodes, owner of Furniture Connection in Sasche, always dreamed of running his own business. Through dedication and hard work, he has accomplished this goal. Rhodes offers advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, most notably to “research, research, research!” in the article. http://bubly.us/3I3h


4. Creating An Island Experience In Allen

To separate Coconut Cup Frozen Yogurt from similar shops, Owner Paul Russom took it to the tropics. The frozen yogurt shop, located in Allen, allows customers to escape to an island-inspired atmosphere. Read more about Coconut Cup Frozen Yogurt in our intern’s article.http://bubly.us/3I3i


5. Where Do You Shop Local?

We need your help to promote local stores in time for holiday shopping! You have another week to nominate the best local store in the Best of BubbleLife survey. Learn more about the survey in the post. http://bubly.us/3I3j

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