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For Sale

$129, 900, .69 acres, 0 Massapoag Street, Weymouth

Raw land in nice South Weymouth locale. Right on Braintree line, close to highways, hospital, restaurants, shopping and more. Build your dream home here!


 3 Reasons to Sell This Fall 


Thinking you’ll have to wait until spring comes back to sell? Think again. Here are three great reasons to list your home this fall.

1) The Seasonal Slump Doesn’t Start Until Snow Falls

Did you know that the most active day for home closures is October 8? Also, October 8 is National Fluffernutter Day so there are lots of reasons to celebrate. Joking aside, buyers relocating for new positions starting in January are entering the market, as are their homes. And as temperatures drop so too do the demands on service providers like agents, appraisers, inspectors, title companies, and lenders. As their schedules open up, their focus improves, as does their ability to ease your transition. Mild weather makes it easier for your buyers to get out and view your home.

2) Cash In On Curb Appeal

Use that autumnal golden glow to your advantage and snap some great pictures of your home’s exterior! If your paint is showing its age, splash on a new neutral shade of a color found in nature. Your paint contractor's schedule is opening up, too! Add a few pumpkins and mums to the front porch and let the changing leaves frame the shot. Repurpose an old trunk or wagon to create a seasonal yard, porch or entryway vignette. These hints of the fall holidays provide a homey, comforting feel that can help buyers envision your space as their own.

3) The Market is Still On Your Side

Interest rates, though rising, remain low around 4%. Buyers are eager to lock in these rates and may also be looking for a tax incentive for buying before years' end. Inventory is also lean, so that means your home will get a lot of looks from potential buyers. Also, people looking for homes during the fall months tend to be serious buyers, not just browsers.

Closing your sale this fall can also enable you to buy quickly in the spring, and without contingencies! Call me today to turn this fall into your season of success. 

And don't forget...I'm never too busy for your referrals! 

Dick Phinney, Realtor

Granite Group Realtors

7 Beale Street

Quincy, MA 02170

(617) 921-0373

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