
How Long is Recovery After Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)?

At Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic In Dubai, we understand that you're looking for comprehensive information about the recovery process after undergoing Direct Hair Implantation (DHI). We're here to provide you with all the details you need to make an informed decision and to ensure a smooth recovery after your DHI procedure.

Understanding Direct Hair Implantation (DHI):

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is an advanced and minimally invasive hair restoration technique that offers natural-looking results without leaving any scars. During the procedure, hair follicles are individually extracted from the donor area and then implanted directly into the recipient area, using a specialized tool called a Choi pen. This innovative approach ensures higher hair survival rates and quicker recovery times compared to traditional hair transplant methods.

Immediate Post-Procedure Care:

After your DHI procedure, it's crucial to follow the immediate post-procedure care instructions provided by our skilled medical team. These instructions are designed to promote healing, minimize discomfort, and optimize the results of your hair restoration.

  1. Avoid Touching or Scratching the Scalp:  It's essential to refrain from touching or scratching the scalp to prevent any damage to the newly implanted hair follicles. You should also avoid wearing hats or any tight headwear during the initial recovery period.

  2. Take Prescribed Medications:  Our medical team will provide you with the necessary medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics, to prevent infection and manage any post-operative discomfort. Ensure that you take these medications as prescribed.

  3. Keep the Scalp Clean:  Gently clean your scalp as per the instructions provided by our team. Maintaining proper hygiene will help prevent infection and promote faster healing.

The First Week of Recovery:

During the first week after your  DHI procedure, you may experience some mild swelling and redness in the recipient area. It's essential to avoid any strenuous activities, exposure to direct sunlight, or anything that may cause excessive sweating during this time.

Weeks 2 to 4: Settling In:

In the second to fourth-week post-DHI, your newly implanted hair may start to shed. Don't worry; this is a natural and temporary phase called "shock loss." Your hair follicles are simply making way for new and stronger hair growth. Continue following the post-procedure care instructions, and remember that patience is key during this phase.

Months 2 to 6: New Hair Growth:

Around the second to sixth month after your DHI procedure, you'll start to notice new hair growth in the treated area. The transplanted hair will gradually become denser, and the overall appearance of your hair will continue to improve. It's essential to keep attending follow-up appointments with our medical team during this period to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Months 6 and Beyond: Full Results:

By the sixth month, your hair should be showing significant growth and coverage. However, it's important to note that the full results of your DHI procedure may take up to a year to become apparent. Your hair will continue to grow naturally, and you can style it as desired.


At Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic In Dubai, we're dedicated to providing the highest quality DHI Implant and ensuring your satisfaction throughout the recovery process. By following our post-procedure care instructions diligently, you can expect a smooth recovery and impressive, long-lasting results.

Read More: Does DHI look natural?

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