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A general customer may be able to figure out only a few types when inquired about projection screens. The idea is limited within a common home setup for table top projectors and a typical official ceiling mount arrangement. However, a leading service would be able to provide customers with as many as fifty different options to choose, if not more. Buying the right one can be tricky even for the most tech savvy customers. You need to have a very clear concept on your expectations to be able to select the exact product. One needs to decide on several important factors that decide the viability of a particular screen according to your requirements.

The resolution aspect, as commonly believed, is a primary consideration. However, this may not be necessarily true. 16:9 is the commonest resolution ratio, and is compatible with all projectors. Even if the screen is not in 16:9, the projector can play its compatible ratio as well. So, one way or another, the viewer has to ultimately adjust with the black pillars on sides or bars on top and bottom, even when you bought a 16:9 screen. According to professionals, the basic aspect should be the visual quality. The quality depends on parameters such as ambient light rejection, screen material, size, and mounting technology. Ambient light rejection in itself would need several considerations. You need to choose between various screen materials.

Customers should prefer to shop from a reputed manufacturer with trademarked screen materials to their credit. This ensures that you can have your screen on the basis of a long-term maintenance guarantee. Even after the warranty period expires, you can buy the materials and repair your product. Official requirements can benefit from a white board screen. One can also purchase screen paint to create a customized arrangement. Another crucial aspect of selecting a projection screen is the mounting technology. The options here include fixed frame mounting, portable systems (electric or manual), and rear projection. Again, several choices are available. For fixed frames, you can either choose a ceiling bracket system or a table top projection. For the former, you would need expert technical assistance. Find a service that can send the technicians.

Furthermore, your selection may depend on the nature of your preferred experience. The categories include home theater (for movies and gaming), outdoor screens (for occasions like marriage and picnics), presentation screens (in a dimly lit room or a brightly lit place), and commercial use (in hotels, restaurants, showrooms, etc.). Customers need to discuss their requirements with the support staff at the manufacturing service. A good company would provide all necessary contact details right at their website, including live chat.

“Call up and we would help you decide.” This was the commitment received from a leading manufacturer with almost a monopoly market in US. “We attend all inquiries with customized attention. Our motto is not to push a particular product disregarding your needs. You would be suggested products strictly based on your exact requirements.” The reassurance was trustworthy and offered good insight on why the company keeps leading the market year after year.

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