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If you are a movie lover, at some point you need a home theater. It does not end there though. Inevitably, after some time you need the deeper engagement of a theater right at your home! “This is the stage where a customer looks for a good theater projection screen. We understand the importance of providing the best theatrical experience right at the comfort of your home. Our products offer the most amazing audio visual clarity you can enjoy. In fact, many of our installations serve mini theater halls in client premises,” the support staff explained. The discussion veered to the different type of projection screen options available.

Segregating screens by type is a little complex as there are several variations. The classification depends on client requirements. You can choose from manual and electric options. Manual screens are those that need to set up by hand. They are preferred outdoor options. Electric products are those that set up by own by the flick of a remote. These are popular in both domestic and official arrangements. Further subdivisions are made on screen quality, screen size, and special technologies used. You can choose a wall mount projector screen or use a screen paint to create your own screen!Special products include whiteboards, ambient light rejection, and acoustically transparent items.

“We stress on direct communication with customers. Getting in touch is very convenient with us. You can simply click on the online Live Chat during regular office hours and discuss. We provide all resources one may need to zero on his or her preferred product. Check out the section where it explains how to select your screen. Not only this, you have the guarantee of quality support all the way after you purchase. We maintain a comprehensive inventory of spare parts and deliver exceptional technical assistance.” The conversation was clear enough to interpret why the service has maintained a sweet streak of great business for years.

Buying the projection screen and the projector should coordinate well. This is especially important for a wall mount projector screen. The appliance would be set on the ceiling using mount brackets. The distance between projection and screen should be set carefully so that they are compatible on resolution and focus angle perfectly. Offices mostly prefer wall mount products for their impressive technology and automatic arrangement. A movie buff at his home usually has sufficient time to set the angle and illumination. In offices, you need your crucial presentation to get started readily at the flick of your remote.

Speaking of home theater, this is the real deal! Imagine the comfort of an expensive multiplex, right at your attic! You can set this up any day with professional support. In fact, many of our customers opt for a projection screen to play out their favorite video games! This is indeed an unmatched and unique experience. You cannot play games at your local multiplex. Neither do you enjoy the wide screen excitement on your TV, because televisions, even the widest of them, are still smaller than a medium sized screen. 

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