
There is a bunch of diseases can be named those are killing people slow but effectively. These are known as silent killers and they are not only an invisible threat but also they effectively cap someone’s ability. These are not only very long to eliminate but also, they need a lengthy process in order to get the satisfactory result. Atherosclerosis is one of such diseases those are killing someone effectively with a lengthy process.

Atherosclerosis is one of the conditions in where fatty materials of the body those are getting stick with both sides of arteries. When such build-up togets increased, the arteries get narrowed and after a long time, it blocks it completely. This is the blockage which is responsible for the strokes, heart attacks and different type of cardiovascular disease.

Primarily, atherosclerosis begins with high blood pressure, high cholesterol,and smoking. All these factors are eventually damaging the endothelial layer of blood vessels. Such type of issues occurs insidiously without knowing it. All these cholesterol plaguesget the larger overtime and then reduce the blood flow to the arteries. Such type of actions causes the pain in chest and vascular claudicating those are known as the biggest factor and they can lead to different disease in future.


Apart from them, there isa different type of soft athermanous plaque those suddenly ruptures. Such type of action results in a thrombus formation that rapidly blocks the affected vessel and sometimes, they lead to the death of the tissues. Such type of actions is leading to heart attack or stroke. Atherosclerosis has been found to influence numerous organ frameworks, including the heart, cerebrum, digestion tracts, kidneys, and appendages. Atherosclerosis is likewise now and then connected with the debilitating of the dividers of veins, prompting the arrangement of aneurysms. However, there are several foods to consume those will effectively reduce the threat of atherosclerosis. They are known as the way of natural atherosclerosis treatment.

Garlic and Onions

When the time comes to follow the best food in order to avoid such problem, garlic and onions are top on the list. These are additional food and they effectively remove the blockages that your arteries are getting from the unnatural lifestyle. Apart from them, they will also reduce bad cholesterol level and keep your body fit from various issues. Fortunately, today, there are a number of meals available those are including garlic and onions and they are the proven ways to reduce cholesterol without any additional attempt. According to different research, regular consumption of onion and garlic will effectively reduce the level of LDL cholesterol from the body. This is the reason for which, maximum health experts today, recommend taking this in your daily diet.


Salmon is known as the most favorable diet that makes the perfect balance of HDL-LDL cholesterol in fish. Apart from it, it has also a different type of unique mineralsthose are making it more beneficial for different aspects of health including a different type of protein. Accumulating all the minerals, you will get the best result which not only makes the things better but also gift you a finest health which you desired from a long time.

Fish oil

Fish oil is the natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids and research suggest that it also contains Omega-6 fatty acids. This is the reason, it is considered as the best-balanced component those are rebalancing the cardiovascular system and prevent the dangerous build-up of the plaque in the blood vessels. It won’t let cholesterol to stick in the walls of arteries and it will save you from such type of life-threatening disease those may shorten your life period.

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