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Mirador retirement community is working to lend a helping hand to those in the local Coastal Bend area affected by Hurricane Harvey. The senior living community recently partnered with other local vendors to host a supply drive and special fundraising events for residents and guests, with all proceeds going directly to those in the local community who need the most assistance. Donations and supplies were divided equally and given to the Rockport Chamber of Commerce and Port Aransas Independent School District. The public was invited to drop off their donations at the front desk of the senior living community. Donations needed were for people of all ages include diapers, socks and undergarments. Additionally, Mirador also sold “Texas Strong” bracelets for $3 each to raise additional funds to purchase nonperishable foods and other supplies. The community understands that many in the local area were affected by the devastating storm and wants to do its part to help those most impacted get back on their feet.


“It’s difficult to observe the devastation from the storm and see how it affected our neighbors and impacted the greater community,” said Deborah Nugent, executive director of Mirador. “We want to do everything we can to make sure that everyone has what they need to regain a sense of normalcy. For many, there is a tremendous need for basic necessities. When we were thinking of a way to help it seemed natural to collect supplies like socks, which everyone can use to stay comfortable. We hope that this endeavor will be successful and that we are able to show our Coastal Bend neighbors they are not alone as we rebuild and look to the future.”

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