
New Delhi, 22, April 2016: People who want to learn yoga and want to become an expert yoga therapist can now enroll for yoga teacher training, offered by New Delhi, India based Dr. Deepak Sachdeva’s Medical Yoga Center. They offer both regular and weekend courses, and fresh batches are going to start very soon. The regular course is of 5 week duration, while the weekend course duration is of three months. The Medical Yoga Center offers courses at three levels of total 900 hour duration, allowing students to gain proficiency in using yoga for the treatment of various diseases.

According to Dr. Deepak Sachdeva, the Therapeutic yoga teacher training that they offer is an intensive training program, with practical sessions and live project assignments. The course has been designed for students to get the desired knowledge, enabling them to apply yoga for the betterment of health and vitality of the people. With practical yoga skills and yogic therapeutic techniques, one will be able to treat patients, suffering from a variety of diseases. Dr. Sachdeva has been offering yoga treatments and training for years and aims at creating a new generation of yoga therapists who will be able to address the growing health concerns of the modern generation.

The well-conceived yoga therapist teacher training will provide students with the hands-on experience to treat various ailments. After the completion of the course, the successful students will be awarded with a certificate from Medical Yoga Association. On the basis of their performance, students will get Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum certificate respectively, and this will certify their competence in the field of yoga therapy.

The yoga teacher training program will bring a vast range of Restorative yoga asanas and practices that will enable students to treat different types of medical disorders. Besides, students will also be trained to diagnose the health problems and will be given the scientific knowledge of several types of diagnostic techniques, such as X-ray, C.T. Scan, Blood Test and others. The comprehensive training program aims at creating yoga therapists and also establishing yoga therapy centers across the world. To enroll in their upcoming yoga therapist training program, one can visit the website .

About Dr. Deepak Sachdeva’s Medical Yoga Center

Dr. Deepak Sachdeva, Honorary doctorate [Ph.D (Honoris)] by Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, is the Founder of the Medical Yoga Center based in New Delhi. He has done exceptional work in the field of "Yoga therapy for Pain Relief" and has been instrumental in conceptualizing the Medical Yoga Centre. He, along with fellow qualified medical and yoga professionals, has the vision of 'Propagating Medical Yoga Therapy for Eternal Wellness'.

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