
New Jersey, USA; 03, February 2016: Researchers at Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Japan have found it is possible to multiply teeth in mice by extracting tooth germs, which are groups of cells that will later on develop into teeth. By splitting these tooth germs into two and implanting them into the jaws of mice, researchers were able to develop two fully functional teeth. One can get more details about the study at

While the teeth were fully functional, they were only half the size of normal teeth, but still allowed the mice to chew. Equally significantly the researchers were able to manipulate the teeth using orthodontic treatment that was similar to braces.

This type of regenerative medicine is extremely important, particularly as around 10% of people are born with congenitally missing teeth. This is something Dr. Stillman often sees in his pediatric dental clinic. When a child is missing more than two teeth, then this may be due to a genetic cause and where the teeth have failed to develop properly. Common causes include cleft lip or Down’s syndrome and this type of research has the potential to be very useful in treating children affected by missing teeth.

Obviously this type of research is still at an early stage and far more work needs to be conducted into how to successfully culture these tooth germs. For now, Dr. Stillman is able to provide more conventional methods for replacing missing teeth in children, which include using a removable partial denture or by using a bridge that is held in place by existing teeth. The exact method used by the children dentist can depend on the age of the child, their dental needs and the position of the missing tooth or teeth.

Treatment for congenitally missing teeth can carry on for years as the child grows and develops and is the kind of specialized care best provided by a pediatric dentist. As they get older, children with congenitally missing teeth may choose to replace them with dental implants once their existing teeth and jaws have finished growing and developing.

Dr. Dmitry Stillman has fifteen years’ experience practicing as a kids dentist. During this time, he has gained considerable experience in caring for children, particularly those with special health care needs.

About Dr. Dmitry Stillman:

At Pediatric Dental Clinic, Dr. Dmitry Stillman and his team are fully committed to provide the highest quality dental care to children and adolescents. Their strength lies in the commitment to the patients, their parents and guardians, their colleagues and the community.

For Media Contact:
Contact Person: Dr. Dmitry Stillman
Telephone: (201) 386-0353

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