
03, February 2016: The love of two people is an amazing bond that deserves to be celebrated. There is truly nothing like two people being brought together on that special day to become bound to one another for a lifetime. We read of happy couples that spend their entire lives together and no matter what they may forget through the ages, one thing remains the same that they will never forget the day where they stood before their family and friends to make the lifelong commitment to be together forever.

Two Become One

Everyone who has ever been married can remember the importance of the wedding day. All the details were in place. The entire wedding party as well as the guests was dressed in their best attire to watch as two completely separate people stood in front of the crowd and the minister to declare that they would love one another for the rest of their lives no matter what. The standard vows of a wedding consist of loving, honouring, cherishing, for better or worse, richer or poor, in sickness and in health until death parts us. This is an everlasting covenant between two people that is not easily broken and will be remembered for all time.

Bring on the Gifts

It is common knowledge that if you have the pleasure of being invited to a wedding, it is customary to bring a gift of some sort. The gift is one that should really be considered and not merely purchased. Many people think that a wedding gift should be something such as a toaster, blender, or a gift card so the couple can buy what they want to. It is important to remember when buying a gift the these two people are starting a life together and where standard gifts such as these are practical, they are not always meaningful.

Two people are blending two households into one entity and it is true that they need practical things to make life a little easier, but what is more special than just a store bought gift is something that will allow them to remember the day they said their vows and committed themselves to one another. Twenty Fingers wants to invite all that are going to be attending a wedding to purchase their Love Tree Papercut.

Love Tree Papercut

It is important to remember that when you are giving a gift to anyone for a special occasion it should be heart felt and thoughtful. Where a practical gift such as a toaster does have its place in making sure the happy couple have what they need, a thoughtful gift such as our Love Tree Papercut allow for much more than just a problem to be solved. It allows the couple to have something to look at throughout their marriage to remind them that the day they took their vows was the happiest day of their lives. Those memories also enable them to remember that day when things do get hard and anyone who has been married for any length of time can attest to the fact that two people inhabiting the same space will cause friction from time to time.

The Design

Anyone can have the date they were married etched on practically anything, but our Love Tree Papercut is far more than just a date with names on it. The tree within the frame represents life and how it is always moving ahead, but no matter how much the life takes over, the two within the leaves of the tree will always have each other. We produce each of our Love Tree Papercuts on an individual basis, so you can rest assured that your order will be one of a kind. Should you require any additional pieces within the design our design team will make every effort to incorporate your specific request into the design.

Further Customization

Everyone wants to give a gift to the happy couple that they will remember, but also one that is not like any other gift they will receive. We at Twenty Fingers understand this and work to ensure that every papercut we make is unique, so that you can be sure that no one else will be giving them the exact same thing. Along with the added touches that we are able to incorporate into the design of the Love Tree Papercut we also allow you to pick the colours you would like within the frame, but we go a step further to allow you to customize the frame as well.

It is time to give the large stores that seem to have everything you could desire a break in favour of a family company that truly cares for their customers. A wedding is a special occasion and the gift given should be just as special. We invite you to shop with us at for all of your gift giving needs.

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