
11, December 2015: Wartune is getting its own novel and to celebrate they’ve decided to launch a novel art contest. They’re giving players and artists the chance to have their artwork featured in the novel, as well as maybe get some limited-edition goodies.

Many players have already submitted their artwork through the comments section, along with feedback and general thoughts on the novel and the events. Join the rest of the players and draw your own illustration for the Wartune novel! Remember to also like and share the eventon the official Facebook, so even more people can join as well!


The novel is Wartune Game’s first cross-industry event, so they’re giving away some extra-special rewards. Players can either participate in the events or just contribute to the novel crowdfunding project to get prizes.

Wartune novel

The limited-edition postcards are a special gift to commemorate the occasion. Here’s a sneak peak of the first one, though they’ll be making six in all. They’ve also got plans to have some fun with who the sender is if that piques your curiosity. The postcards won’t be sold, and can only be received through contests or by helping fund the Indiegogo campaign.

Wartune Game

The campaign perks also include dog tags, in-game items, and of course a copy of the novel.They’re only making a few hundred of the postcards, and the rest of the rewards are limited as well, so don’t wait too long to participate!

We’ve also been told that some rewards will be given out before Christmas, so hurry up and get yours before it’s too late! or visit to check Wartune’s Novel Crowdfunding progress.

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