
Clevedon, UK; 05, January 2016: For companies managing vehicle fleets, there are technology solutions that can help mitigate accident related risks and can ensure driver’s safety. UK based HS Fleet, in association with Telematics Solutions, announces their Telematics solutions that are aimed at improving the efficiency and reducing the cost of running and operating a fleet of vehicles. The solutions can be tailor-made to meet the precise needs of a company and can be used for any fleet size.

According to the spokesperson of HS Fleet, these technology solutions prove very important in Driver Risk Management and allow fleet managers to efficiently manage and monitor each and every vehicle. They have three types of packages, namely Standard, Premium and Premium Plus, with their own set of features and capabilities. The solution is very helpful for fleet managers to monitor vehicles on a daily basis and address issues pertaining to the safety, efficiency as well as the operating cost. Moreover, one can use the solution to lower CO2 output for creating a greener environment while mitigating the cost and risk exposure at the same time.

Besides offering technology solutions, HS Fleet also offers Defensive Driver Training programmes. They deliver seminar or classroom based training that focuses on issues of driver safety, speed awareness, avoiding collisions, European driving, drink driving, winter driving and other important driving related topics. They conduct training programmes in small groups, so that each candidate gets the best of knowledge and information to become an efficient driver.

They also conduct Driver Risk Assessments to identify the possible risks that drivers may face. They have a 4-stage risk assessment system that provides an immediate risk rating for each driver participating in the assessment. According to the spokesperson of HS Fleet, they are very much concerned about the safety of the drivers and this is the reason why their risk assessment and DVLA Licence Checks are the essential tools for companies to ensure the safety of their drivers and the vehicles.

In order to learn more about the solutions and training programmes they offer, one may visit the website

About HS Fleet:

HS Fleet was launched to take the confusion out of Driver Risk Management. The senior team at HS fleet has gathered years of experience with some of the largest driver training companies in the UK. With a passion for driver improvement and road safety, they provide different solutions, from a full Driver Risk management programme to a simple Licence Check.

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