
27, March 2017: How to Recover deleted directory from pen drive? If you delete a folder by mistake, all the files in it will be lost. A folder is a virtual location where programs, files, and other folders can be located. Laptops with Microsoft Windows (Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, 2008, 2012. Support 32 bits, 64 bits.), or other GUI operating system have folders to help users store and organize their files and are accessed using a File Manager (EXFAT and FAT32 and NTFS file system).

Use "Undelete" to recover deleted directory from pen drive after Virus attack, Recycle bin clear, disk cleanup, Press shift del by mistake, permanently empty recycle bin, shift delete, accidentally deleted by a mistake.

Use "Unformat" to recover deleted directory from formatted pen drive after quick format, full format, accidentally formatted, reformatting, High-level formatting, Low-level formatting

Use "Recover partition" to recover deleted directory from pen drive partition changed or damaged or deleted.

Use "Full Scan" to recover deleted folders from pen drive if partitions show as "raw" or recover files which can not be found with "undelete"and "unformat" and "recover partition", recover files from raw partition, recover files of partitons which are not NTFS, nor exfat, nor fat32.

A directory is a file system cataloging structure which contains references to other computer files, and possibly other directories. On many computers, directories are known as folders, or drawers[1] to provide some relevancy to a workbench or the traditional office file cabinet.

Files are organized by storing related files in the same directory. In a hierarchical filesystem (that is, one in which files and directories are organized in a manner that resembles a tree), a directory contained inside another directory is called a subdirectory. The terms parent and child are often used to describe the relationship between a subdirectory and the directory in which it is cataloged, the latter being the parent. The top-most directory in such a filesystem, which does not have a parent of its own, is called the root directory.

A flash drive consists of a small printed circuit board carrying the circuit elements and a USB connector, insulated electrically and protected inside a plastic, metal, or rubberized case which can be carried in a pocket or on a key chain, for example. The USB connector may be protected by a removable cap or by retracting into the body of the drive, although it is not likely to be damaged if unprotected. Most flash drives use a standard type-A USB connection allowing connection with a port on a personal computer, but drives for other interfaces also exist. USB flash drives draw power from the computer via the USB connection. Some devices combine the functionality of a portable media player with USB flash storage; they require a battery only when used to play music on the go. Device with USB support. Also, standard FAT maintenance utilities (e.g., ScanDisk) can be used to repair or retrieve corrupted data. However, because a flash drive appears as a USB-connected hard drive to the host system, the drive can be reformatted to any file system supported by the host operating system.

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