
USA, 18, May 2016: The emergence of different virtual reality devices and technologies has revolutionized the platform of internet. Using these devices, users will get the real life feeling while watching movies or playing games. There are different types of virtual reality devices that are out in the market. For obtaining detail and accurate information about them, readers will have to rely on the contents that are posted in various informative sites. VR Headsets 3D is one such informative site that provides updated information on various virtual reality devices, games, technology to the viewers. It is the most reliable online platform where users will get full specifications of each and every device including headgears. For details, users can log on to its URL Address of

From this site, users can obtain much useful information about the industry of virtual reality headset before spending money on them. The site clearly informs the viewers that the vr headset devices are expected to hit $895 million by the end of the year of 2016. It also mentions that with the emergence of more and more VR devices there shall be a sharp fall in the sale of VR computer gaming devices which is of about 1.7M. In brief, the site proclaims the dominance of VR headsets in the global market.

Users looking for HTC Vive can gain much information from this informative platform. They can also easily follow the installation and set up instructions mentioned in the site to derive maximum joy while engaging in various modes of online entertainment. This device is already available for pre-order and users spending $799 have the chance of getting accessories like couple of wireless controllers, base stations, ear buds, link box along with the headset. It informs the users that for playing VR games or watching VR movies, Oculus Rift is the most suitable device. The site provides in detail all the jaw-dropping features of this device in a plain and simple manner.

This site offers all the relevant information and facts about Samsung Gear VR. Using this device, users have the chance to play amazing games, watching favorite movies in their own private cinema and even use it on Facebook with Facebook Dynamic Streaming. This device is equipped with an accelerometer, gyroscopes, magnetic and proximity sensors to allow the image of the virtual world to rotate in response to the head movement of the players. For more news updates visitors can subscribe to its newsletter.

About is an informative site from where users can obtain detail information on various virtual reality devices including headsets. It also provides through instructions on how to use these devices in a simple language. For more information, users can subscribe to its newsletter. To know more about the company check out the above mentioned website.

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