
25, May 2016: People are growing more socially conscious nowadays, and they love the products and brands that show more commitment towards the society or environment. There are several brands that are up with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and play their role in changing the people’s lives or their living conditions in the society. has been conceptualized as an exclusive marketplace that will feature socially conscious brands for people to buy, sell or discover various products from these brands.

The website aims at promoting Ethical fashion and making common masses more socially responsible. The website brings fashionable products or apparel with their own story that every customer must listen to. From weaving, crafting and stitching to designing, the products have been made with a careful attention with beautiful hands of the artisans, and they will be benefitted the most when the products will be sold online on the website of positive headspace.

The website endeavors to promote ethical brands that care for their workers, craftsmen and the community at large. The objective is to sell those products for which no one has been exploited. They have the mission of supporting the fair trade practices wholeheartedly that can have a positive impact on the community. This effort also contributes to the empowerment of the marginalized people, women and others, allowing them to live a better life.

The idea of the website is to exemplify a sustainable fashion by connecting people with companies that are against the unethical way of minting money. Anyone seeking to do business with socially responsible companies will find as a perfect marketplace. With a passion for ethics and their mindfulness, the creators of the marketplace are expecting to garner the support of the people who want to play their bit for the betterment of communities.

The website is going to be live very soon, enabling people to explore a whole range of products that have been produced ethically. In the meantime, one can register with them by visiting the website http://www.


Website: is a marketplace for socially conscious and ethical brands from around the world. One can buy, sell or discover products that are produced ethically to support workers and artisans and will benefit the community. The website will be live very soon, connecting customers with companies that believe in the corporate social responsibility and work for the betterment of the society.

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