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Stop, Drop and Rock it! Seniors and children recently came together to take part in a rocking movement known as “Kindness Rocks.” The idea is to share beauty and inspiration in a creative way, through painted rocks featuring motivational messages. Wanting to surprise and encourage people in North Hills, seniors and children came together for a “Rock Star” Paint Party at The Cardinal at North Hills. After the rocks dry, The Cardinal will host a “drop” party during which the residents will hide the rocks around North Hills. The Cardinal’s goal is to start its own “garden” here in North Hills and beyond by painting and distributing these secret messages.  This project is a simple way to pay-it-forward by sharing beauty and encouragement in a creative way. Artists were encouraged to paint a personal hashtag and #TheCardinalRocks so that people can share a photo of the rocks they find on social media and the person who created it can see how many lives they touch. Imagine the surprise and joy people will experience when they come across these motivational rocks! This will be an ongoing project at the community.


The original “rock project” was founded in 2015 by Megan Murphy of Cape Cod, MA when she formed the idea of leaving inspirational messages on rocks and dropping them on the beach for others to find.  This hobby has turned into a national effort, and has been the seed to spreading crops of hope and kindness to all generations. 

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