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Senior women in their 70s, 80s and 90s recently brought the “Go Red For Women” campaign to the runway. Ladies living at The Cardinal at North Hills, a vibrant senior living community in Raleigh, were a part of the “Go Red For Women” fashion show which happened at the senior living community located at 4030 Cardinal at North Hills Street, Raleigh, NC 27609. The fashion show was held on National Wear Red Day. In an effort to increase awareness for heart disease, 17 residents volunteered to model outfits provided by three local boutiques: Marta’s, J. McLaughlin and Charlotte’s Inc.. For most of the participants, this was their first time modeling. These women were excited to try something new for such a good cause.


“It was a meaningful and fun event full of fashion, education, refreshment and chances to win prizes,” said Susan Drury-Rohner, wellness director for The Cardinal at North Hills. “During the event, we accepted donations on behalf of the American Heart Association from those who were interested in contributing. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Velukumar Nanjagowder, an expert in geriatric medicine from Durham. We were delighted to help raise awareness for a disease that impacts both men and women.”


According to the American Heart Association (AHA), cardiovascular disease claims the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year, yet women do not always pay attention to this fact. Many women dismiss it as an older man’s disease. To dispel the myths and raise awareness of the fact that heart disease and stroke are the number one killer of women, the American Heart Association created “Go Red For Women,” a passionate, emotional social initiative designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health.


Based on AHA research, a woman who “Goes Red”:


•             Follows an exercise routine

•             Eats a healthier diet

•             Visits her doctor for important tests

•             Influences others by talking about heart health


“During the fashion show, we not only discussed trendy clothing and accessories, we also discussed ways in which attendees can make healthier choices that help prevent the onset cardiovascular disease,” said Drury-Rohner. “We also educated the audience on statistics related to women and heart disease. Only 55 percent of women realize that heart disease is their number one killer. Less than half of the 55 percent know what healthy levels for blood pressure and cholesterol are, and these relate directly to risks associated with heart disease. We wanted to bring this movement to our community to harness energy, passion and power to band together and collectively wipe out heart disease. We want women to know they are at risk, and hopefully they can take action to protect their health.”


“Go Red For Women” challenges older women to determine their risk for heart disease and take action to reduce their personal risk. It also gives them the tools they need to lead a heart-healthy life.

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