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Residents of Waltonwood Cary Parkway, a premier senior living community, bagged up homemade treats and dog toys and visited the SPCA of Wake County in honor of National Pet Month. Residents participated in a self-guided tour of the building and played with adoptable dogs and cats.

Pet therapy has numerous mental and emotional benefits for seniors, including socialization, mental stimulation, higher comfort levels and a boost in self-esteem. Not only did the residents benefit from the interactions, so did the shelter animals. The shelter environment can cause stress for dogs and cats, but shelter staff and volunteers help ease those feelings by providing enriching opportunities and activities like spending time with visitors. Socializing the animals also makes them more adoptable, which the community hopes this visit will do.

The senior living community is always looking for ways to get involved with the local community, and what better way than playing with their four-legged friends.

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