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To honor women and what they’ve accomplished, Waltonwood Cary Parkway, a premier senior living community, recently hosted its inaugural Ladies of Legacy luncheon to celebrate Women’s History Month. Grammy nominated singer Cynthia Jones provided the entertainment. During the event, residents were recognized with three different awards: the Humanitarian Award, which identifies the contributions of someone who has improved the lives and living conditions of others; the Entrepreneurship Award, which recognizes the achievements of entrepreneurship by someone who started one or more business; and the Kindred Heart Award, which honors someone who has demonstrated outstanding courage, passion and generosity. Women were nominated by family and friends for the awards, and the winners were announced the day of the luncheon. The senior living community understands the importance of Women’s History Month and wants residents to know their good deeds and accomplishments do not go unnoticed.

“We are proud to have hosted a luncheon like this and let the residents know they are appreciated, not just during Women’s History Month, but all the time,” said Richard Mabe, executive director. “We have many fascinating residents who have accomplished a lot in their lives both here in Raleigh and across the country. It’s important to let them know they paved the way for other women to achieve their dreams. They grew up during a different time than us, and it’s remarkable to hear what they accomplished. They never gave up on their dreams, and I couldn’t think of a better way to honor these fine women.”

Some of the nominees included a woman who worked as a secretary for 25 years, volunteered regularly at soup kitchens throughout Raleigh and started an organization called Protect Every Child, which offers resources for parents and children regarding internet safety. The organization was formed after her granddaughter easily found an inappropriate site while doing homework. She took a proposal to the North Carolina House of Representatives, and on September 23, 2002 it became House Resolution 1804. Another nominee bought a one-way ticket to Alaska at 25 years old and stayed for 43 years as a missionary. She has dedicated her life to helping others and continues to do so at Waltonwood Cary Parkway. She reads the Bible to memory care residents and lends a helping hand to residents when necessary. Another example is a woman who worked as a nurse, cared for her parents and started her own makeup business. After retiring from nursing, she worked full-time as a consultant for Mary Kay, and at the age of 79 she continues to work, attend monthly group meetings and inform women on each product. These are just a few examples of the incredible women the community honored at the luncheon.

“I was blown away at the accomplishments of the residents in our community,” said Mabe. “I have never worked at a community that has so many influential and inspiring woman. To be able to achieve what they did and raise a family is unbelievable. We are honored they call this community home. This is the first time we’ve hosted an event like this, and because it was successful this is something we plan to do every year during the month of March for Women’s History Month.”

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