
This holiday season, residents of Windham Terrace, an enriching assisted living and memory care community, came together to bake several dozen loaves of sweet breads. The breads were donated to Windham’s Helping Hands, a 501© (3) volunteer organization providing for families in need of assistance in a variety of ways.

 The sweet breads were put into Thanksgiving food baskets to help families in need. The senior living community has been participating in this project for years, making it annual holiday tradition. The joy residents feel as they contribute to this project is contagious. Windham Terrace has an ongoing partnership with the organization, assisting with other small tasks and contributions throughout the year.

In addition to baking loaves for the baskets, the “Terrace Elves” worked hard stringing paper mittens for the town Giving Tree. They plan to select an item from the tree to purchase when they take their monthly trip to the library.

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