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Wanda Hancock sings with members of Girl Scout Tro

It’s said the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing aloud for all to hear, a belief that Wanda Hancock (a resident of Windham Terrace Assisted Living) takes to heart. Known as the senior living community’s songbird, Hancock frequently serenades her neighbors and team members at the community with her own melodies. However, she will soon find herself in the audience as Windham Terrace hosts students from Merrimack Valley Montessori and members of Girl Scout Troop 10051 when they stop by the community (3 Church Road) for Christmas caroling. On Friday, December 14 at 10:00 a.m., the Montessori students will go door-to-door caroling for the residents. Additionally, Troop 10051 will come perform their own holiday tunes on Tuesday, December 18 at 3:15 p.m. These special performances will showcase the connectivity of the holiday spirit and remind all who hear the cheerful voices of the magic of the season. For Hancock, these performances will be particularly meaningful as she plans to join in and sing along with each note of “Jingle Bells.”

“I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember,” said Hancock. “Music has long been a part of my life and brings me immense joy and satisfaction. Whether I’m singing along or listening as someone else performs, there’s nothing quite like the power of music to engage and connect us. The holiday season is one filled with music, and it brings everyone together in celebration and wonderment. I’m looking forward to having our special guests visit and perform, as they will bring with them the merriment of Christmas that only children can share. Music does something special to the heart if you listen, and when we hear those little voices it will remind us all of what it means to be a child at Christmas again.”

Hancock began singing as a child in her church choir and continued to perform throughout her life, most recently with the Silver Lining Chorus for seniors. From a young age, she studied voice and piano and was also a member of her high school acapella group, where she met her high school sweet heart and future husband. In addition, she spent years helping to direct children’s choirs at the churches she attended. According to Hancock, some of her fondest memories are of taking her youth choirs caroling and then concluding their performances with hot chocolate on cold winter nights. It’s memories like this that she will think about during the caroling visits as she sits front and center to sing along.

“The holiday season is a special time for all of us to come together, and nothing unites people quite like music,” said Lynda Brislin, executive director of Windham Terrace Assisted Living. “At Windham Terrace, we enjoy celebrating with our residents and reflecting on what it means to be a community. By hosting the carolers and observing this special time of year, we spend time with one another and remember what matters the most.”

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