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Woodland Terrace, a senior living community in Cary, has a tradition of celebrating the Kentucky Derby each year. With the Derby being postponed until September, Matt Towler, executive director, found a solution without horsin’ around. On Tuesday, May 5, Katie and Linda Wilkins walked their American Miniature Horse Show ribbon-winning beauties around the community’s pond, cottages, and Arboretum courtyards.

Residents in Assisted Living, Independent Living, and even Memory Care areas watched the horses named Rue and Scout from the comfort of their residences through the window and enjoyed the outdoors safely at a distance from the horses and others.

“Our residents love engaging in our Kentucky Derby special events every year, and we decided this year should be just as fun,” says Towler. “We’re so grateful to the Wilkins for bringing their horses to our community and know this will continue to keep residents’ spirits high.”

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