Liz Berry
Vol. 3 - Site 3: A visit with Leon Smith at Keyhole Farm
Another Volume from the Annual Keyhole Garden Tour April 25 - Clifton Texas Leon Smith and his brother Lyndell of Keyhole Farm have manufactured the first...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 27 2014
Vol. 2 Site 8: Dr. Deb Tolman's Keyhole Gardens site
Attempting to write about Deb Tolman is a formidable task because there is a lot to tell. Dr. Deb Tolman holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences/Resources and...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 26 2014
Vol. 1 - Site 9: Dr. Deb Tolman's 2nd Annual Keyhole Garden Tour
I just returned from Dr. Deb's annual Keyhole Garden Tour today. If you can make the trek to Clifton Texas (only two hours away from Garland) next year, I...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 25 2014
Update on Compost in Two Weeks and Self-watering Containers
( The darker brown area is the part that was covered for a week ) Remember last Wednesday (April 16) I reported that I was trying a concoction of equal parts...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 24 2014
About Mushrooms--Can they save the world?
Scene from one of the pots in my urban garden this morning -- Garland, Texas What I don't know about mushrooms will fill volumes, but that doesn't prevent me...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 21 2014
Gardens Before and After the Easter Rain
Returning to the Garland Community Garden on Easter Before the Rain It's no secret: I love the Garland Community Garden. I like to be there. The air of the...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 20 2014
More Urban Gardens! Four Good Stories from Garland!
Garland Urban Vegetable Garden replaces a flower bed. Yesterday was an exciting day! It began with an email I received from a woman who lives in our Coomer...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 20 2014
Compost in Two Weeks? Really?
Supplies you need (in addition to leaves, grass cuttings and a little soil or compost): a bottle to mix and spray equal parts of Coca-Cola, beer and Ammonia....
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 16 2014
Keyhole Farm has donated a Keyhole Garden to the Garland Community Garden
Leon Smith of Keyhole Farm has generously donated one of his keyhole garden kits to Loving Garland Green for installation at the Garland Community Garden...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 15 2014
Underground Watering Systems--a good idea for Texas Gardens
Current Watering System for Raised Bed at the Garland Community Garden: a five-gallon bucket of water attached by flexible tubing to four ollas buried in the...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 14 2014
Garland Community Garden Planting Has Begun!
Ed Browning and Cary Majors, members of Loving Garland Green, assist Jack Morgan in planting seeds while Jack's sister, Erin, patiently waits her turn. Welcome...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 13 2014
Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club Plant Sale April 12 was a Success!
I stopped by the Greater Dallas Organic Garden Club organic plant sale yesterday. They offered vegetables, heirloom tomatoes, pass-alongs and hard-to-find...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 13 2014
Garland Community Garden Installation Tomorrow
Eight days ago the mulch pile for the Garland Community Garden looked like the photo above--a pile about six feet high. Today, it looks like the photo...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 11 2014
Building a Stronger Community Food System One Urban Garden at a Time
Charles Bevilacqua, member of Loving Garland Green begins installation of a raised bed Yesterday, members of Loving Garland Green installed two more urban...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 11 2014
Old Poster that Inspire Gardeners
Kenneth Wicklne, an avid local gardener for years, and a friend of Loving Garland Green sent me some great old posters of victory gardens. Frederic Cooper,...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 9 2014
More Garland Urban Garden Installations Tomorrow!
(Mexican Tarragon from Charlie's garden October 29, 2013) Tarragon will be featured at the Garland Community Garden opening Saturday April 12 at 11 AM....
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 9 2014
Regarding Use of Treated Wood in Your Garden
Definition of Treated Wood as referenced in this article: Treated wood refers to wood industrially pressure-treated with arsenic and chromium (chromated copper...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 9 2014
Efficient Spacing and Crop Diversity Increase Crop Yields
Illustration courtesy Mark Roach, South Africa Plant More Using Efficient Spacing Designs The spacing chart above illlustrates a method of plant spacing used...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 7 2014
Economic and Other Viewpoints of Successful Gardening
Photos of some of the bounty from my first garden ever last fall (2013) Much More to Gardening than Economics Growing a garden can reduce household expenses;...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 6 2014
Children Lead the Way as Gardeners
Take a look at my potatoes today (April 3). Soon I'll need to add another layer of soil to the potato tower. Who knows? Perhaps I will win my race against the...
If Liz Were Queen     Apr 3 2014
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