Jeff Erdner
West Nile Virus: Emergency Symptoms You Need to Know
Last year’s outbreak of West Nile virus (WNV) sent residents and officials throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area scrambling for information and resources to...
Highland Park Emergency Center     May 14 2013
What's Causing Your Child's Asthma Attacks?
If you or your child suffers from asthma, an attack can be a sudden, scary occurrence, even when preparations are made in case of an attack. Asthma is a...
Highland Park Emergency Center     Apr 11 2013
Five Common Injuries That Require Emergency Care
After work, you’re in the kitchen preparing dinner for your family. While chopping vegetables, the knife slips and you cut your finger. What should you do now?...
Sore Throat? There's a 37% Chance it's Strep
A sore throat can be a symptom of a number of illnesses — both viral and bacterial. To ensure proper treatment is given, it’s important to diagnose what the...
Highland Park Emergency Center     Jan 30 2013
Is Your Cough a Simple Symptom or Serious Concern?
Winter months bring on a bevy of illnesses, and a cough is often a symptom. Sometimes, a cough may just be a minor seasonal annoyance, but when should a cough...
Stomachaches: Overindulgence, or a Sign of Something More Serious?
Stomachaches are an uncomfortable part of life. Often, they can be prevented by refraining from certain foods, and treated with home remedies or...
Highland Park Emergency Center     Nov 20 2012
Suspect the Flu? Watch for Danger Signs
It’s cold and flu season again and everyone in the Park Cities seems to be blowing their noses and complaining. While a cold is unpleasant, influenza or “the...
Highland Park Emergency Center     Oct 19 2012
Kid in Sports? Watch Out for Injuries.
It’s not stickball in the street anymore. Kids’ sports today carry serious risks as they play longer and harder than we did at their age. Whether you are...
Highland Park Emergency Center     Sep 11 2012
Knowing Heart Attack Symptoms Can Save a Life
Severe pain ripples through your chest. The same pain hits your arm, neck and jaw. Are you suffering from a heart attack? Knowing the symptoms of a heart...
Highland Park Emergency Center     Aug 13 2012
Prevent Summer Dehydration
The Dallas summer heat drains you. Then, the humidity exhausts you. The result can be dangerous dehydration that can land you in the hospital – or worse....
Highland Park Emergency Center     Jul 10 2012
Free-standing ERs offer faster, more affordable access to healthcare
Your child’s fever refuses to come down in the middle of the night. Your spouse’s eye appears infected, but your primary care physician does not have...
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