Weekly Recaps
DFW BubbleLife Sunday Edition

Finding a gift that is original and unique is a difficult task.  Local stores are filled with hidden treasures and these 4 stores need to be on your radar during the holiday season.

Top Stories of the Week

1. Milk & Honey Is A Fashion Oasis

Stylish customers come here to find trendy fashion pieces at affordable prices. Named after the proverbial Promised Land, Milk & Honey Boutique opened to provide an oasis of fashionable finds and the shop has done just that. Learn how to easily update your style at Milk & Honey. http://bubly.us/3KDR


2. Escape To The French Countryside

Located on Henderson Avenue, The Whimsey Shoppe provides an escape to France. In addition to wonderful stories from the local owners, the shop features antiques and accessories from the beautiful countryside of France. Discover why this store is a favorite of local designers and discriminating homeowners. http://bubly.us/3KDS


3. Don’t Miss This Local Gem

Beads of Splendor, a family owned and operated jewelry design shop, has moved to White Rock Shopping Center. At the new location, customers can find semi-precious stones, freshwater pearls, sterling silver and gold filled findings, or take classes in jewelry making. Spark your creativity and talents by learning more about the shop and available classes. http://bubly.us/3KDT


4. See How Old T-shirts And Baby Clothes Can Be Transformed

Grapevine resident Beverly Pennington left a successful real estate career to open her own business, Tees Into Treasures. Pennington uses a network of quilters to turn old t-shirts into handcrafted, one-of-a-kind quilts and pillows. Learn why Pennington shifted careers and embraced her creative endeavor. http://bubly.us/3KDX


5. Help Us Showcase Local Authors

We’re looking for the best locally written books and cookbooks, and we need your input! Let’s highlight the talent in our own backyard and create a local list of books in time for the holidays. http://bubly.us/3KG5

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