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drug-rehabs-Carmel-Indiana-outpatient-treatment-op drug rehabs Carmel explains drug abuse and alcoholism warning signs.

We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

Suffering from drug abuse and alcoholism also develops some unique skills. People who are in the grips of substance abuse often try to downplay their problem and hide their symptoms. If you’re worried that a friend or family member may be an alcoholic or drug addict chances are your concern is warranted. Nevertheless, just to be sure, here are the warning signs to that will give you some clues.

The National Numbers Warrant Looking for Signs of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

The tell-tale signs of drug abuse and alcoholism are right before our eyes. We cannot ignore them if we see one, or more of the signs listed below in our loved ones. The statistics on drug abuse in the US clearly show that something needs to be done.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) annual nation-wide survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) shows the hard numbers. Illicit drug use in the United States is on the rise with an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older—9.4 percent of the population. This number is up by 8.3 percent compared to the last survey conducted. This increase is attributed to recent rise in marijuana use, the most commonly used illicit drug. It is followed by prescription drugs, cocaine, hallucinogens inhalants and heroin use.

Most people experience with drugs for the first time when they hit puberty. An estimated 2.8 million new users or about 7,800 new users per day were reported to have used.

Commonly Abused Drugs Including Alcohol

commonly-abused-drugs-causing-the-need-for-addiction-treatmentWe have a lot of experience at our drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana addiction treatment centers. More than half of new illicit drug users at our centers began with marijuana. Marijuana is most common among younger teens. It shows misuse with 6 percent of older teens and young adults in their 20s. This is followed by prescription drugs and pain relievers most common with middle aged females. What are the most commonly abused drugs in the United states?


17.3 million Americans (6.6 percent of the population) were dependent on alcohol. this leads to having problems related to alcohol use (abuse). The report also showed that 28.8 percent of underage persons (ages 12 to 20) have reported drinking. Out of these, 14.2 percent are involved in binge drinking.

Binge and heavy drinking is more prevalent among men than women. The rates of 30.2 percent reported among men and 16.0 percent in women. For both sexes usage showed 12 years and older in the past month alone.

An estimated 28.7 million people, aged 12 or older, have at one point driven under the influence of alcohol at least once in the past year. This remains a huge cause for concern.


After alcohol, marijuana has the highest rate of abuse or dependence among all drugs. A whooping 4.2 million Americans are dependent or have used/abuse of marijuana in the past year alone.


An estimated 55.8 million Americans aged 12 or older, or 21.3 percent of the population, are currently cigarette smokers. Teen smoking rates in just the past-month is estimated at 5.6 percent among 12- to 17-year-old. It shows more usage with boys (5.7%) than girls (5.5%) smoking.


An estimated 1.5 million people aged 12 or older were reported to current users of cocaine.


There has been an increase in use of Methamphetamine to 595,000 current users aged 12 and older. this is compared to 353,000 users in surveyed in 2010. These are the numbers (in thousands) of persons dependent/abusing different drugs as reported by SAMHSA.

  • Marijuana 4,206
  • Pain Relievers 1,897
  • Cocaine 855
  • Heroin 517
  • Stimulants 469
  • Tranquilizers 423
  • Hallucinogens 277
  • Inhalants 132
  • Sedatives 99

Psychological Warning Signs of Drug Abuse and Alcoholics

As we stated above the brain chemistry is altered by substance abuse. These changes affect how individuals interact. Here are some things to take notice of when speaking to a loved one you think may need drug rehabilitation;

  • Uncharacteristic change in personality or attitude
  • Abrupt mood swings, increased prickliness, or angry outbursts
  • Periods of unusual increased energy, followed by instability or nervousness
  • Lack of motivation; appearing spaced-out and tired
  • Experiencing paranoia, being fearful with no reason, and anxious

Physical Warning Signs of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

Long-term and even short-term misuse of drugs and alcohol show wear on the body. If you know what to look for in drug abuse and alcoholics the signals are clear. It is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible to hide some of these. Here are some of the physical warning signs of drug abuse and alcoholism;

  • Bloodshot eyes, pupils larger or smaller than usual
  • Unusual odors on breath, body, or clothing
  • Tremors, slurred speech, or impaired coordination
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain
  • Runny nose or sniffling
  • Deterioration of physical appearance, personal grooming habits
  • Changes in appetite or sleep patterns

Warning Signs of Commonly Abused Drugs

Signs of drug abuse and alcoholics typically depend on what substance is being abused. Understanding the cues are critical in determining substance misuse. So, if you notice any of these red flags in your loved one, do not hesitate to contact a drug and alcohol addiction center near you.

·         Depressants

These include Valium, Xanax, GAB. You may observe contracted pupils; difficulty concentrating; drunk-like demeanor; clumsiness; poor judgment; slurred speech, sleepiness.

·         Inhalants

These are the vapors, glues, and aerosols. You will notice watery eyes; secretions from the nose or rashes around the nose and mouth; impaired vision, memory and thought. They will complain of headaches and nausea; appear intoxicated and drowsy. You will also observe poor muscle control; changes in appetite; anxiety; irritability and lots of cans/aerosols in the trash.

·         Hallucinogens

These are the LSDs and PCPs. You will notice your loved one has dilated pupils; bizarre and irrational behavior including hallucinations, paranoia, aggression, and mood swings. They will tend to detach from people. Many will be self-absorbed or be absorbed with other objects. They will have a slurred speech and exhibit confusion.

·         Heroin

You will notice contracted pupils in your loved one. Their pupils will not respond to light. Also, look for tale-tell needle marks; sleeping at unusual times; sweating; coughing, vomiting; sniffling; twitching; and loss of appetite.

·         Marijuana

They will have glassy, red eyes; talk loudly, exhibit inappropriate laughter followed by loss of interest, sleepiness; motivation; weight gain or loss.

·         Stimulants

These include cocaine, amphetamines, crystal meth. You will notice they have dilated pupils, euphoria; and excessive talking. They can also show depression or excessive sleeping at odd times and increased hyperactivity. Look for signs of anxiety and irritability They may go for long periods of time without eating or sleeping; have dry mouth and nose and show extreme weight loss

Behavioral Warning Signs of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

Just like the physical signs, knowing what to pinpoint can make abuse apparent. Substance abuse changes the wiring in the brain. Thus, these change how individuals process information and think. Here are some of the behavioral warning signs of drug abuse and alcoholism;

  • Engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors
  • Frequently falling on the wrong side of the law including getting into legal trouble, illegal activities, fights, driving under the influence and most likely ending up in accidents
  • Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home, including neglecting one’s children
  • Sudden change in hangouts, friends, and hobbies favorite
  • Frequent, mysterious need for money or mounting financial problems. May result to steal money
  • Emerging difficulties in one’s relationships
  • Using drugs under dangerous conditions (using dirty or contaminated needles, driving while using drugs and having unprotected sex)

Signs That Drug Use Has Increased

  • Increased drug tolerance – the constantly need to use more of the drug(s) to experience the same feel-good feelings they had with much smaller amounts in the past.
  • Using drugs to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, nausea, depression, insomnia, shaking, sweating, anxiety
  • Overcome by drug use – they lose control of drug use and end up using either more than is intended, or is simply unable to stop
  • Completely controlled  by drug use – Life revolves around drug use and they are constantly thinking of using, recover from use and then figuring how to get some more
  • Deserting once enjoyable activities (sports, hobbies, and socializing) to focus on drug use
  • Continuing to use negative consequences notwithstanding like infections, blackouts, depression, mood swings, paranoia

How to Help someone Suffering from Drug Abuse or Alcoholism?

ways-to-help-with-drug-abuse-and-alcoholismWhen someone close to us is suffering from drug abuse or alcoholism it’s difficult. Most of the time we don’t know how to help. One of the biggest fears of a drug addict is going through detox and withdrawal. This fear is intensified by the rewiring of the brain. There are options like our drug rehabs Carmel NAD amino acid treatments you may want to get educated on. If you suspect that a family member or a friend suffering from drug abuse or alcoholism here are a few things you can do.

Speak up and have a conversation with the person about your concerns. Offer your help and support, without being judgmental. Don’t wait for your loved one to hit rock bottom before you act. The earlier substance abuse is treated, the better for all parties involved. Be prepared for excuses and denial by listing specific examples of your loved one’s behavior that has you worried in the past as a result of their drug use.

Take care of yourself and don’t get so caught up in someone else’s drug issues that you neglect your own needs. Remember you are not alone in that journey, and you shouldn’t be. Reach out to people you can talk to and lean on them for support from time to time. Stay safe by not putting yourself in dangerous situations.

Always remember to avoid self-blame. You can support a person with a substance abuse problem and encourage them to get help. However, you cannot force an addict to change. You can’t force or control your loved one’s decisions. Let the person accept responsibility for his or her actions. This happens to be an essential step along the way to recovery for drug addiction.

What Not to do When a Loved One Suffers from Drug Abuse or Alcoholism?

One of the biggest mistakes when a loved one suffers from drug abuse and alcoholism is enabling. We tend to make excuses for our loved ones and can often enable the addiction. Here are some things that you shouldn’t do when dealing with substance abuse.

  • Take over their everyday duties, leaving them with no sense of dignity or importance
  • Use drugs with the drug abuser.
  • Hide or throw out drugs.
  • Feel guilty or responsible for another’s behavior.
  • Cover up or make excuses for the drug abuser, or shield them from the negative consequences of their behavior.
  • Attempt to punish, threaten, bribe, or preach.
  • Argue with the person when they are high.
  • Make emotional appeal; this will only serve to make them more uncomfortable and make them more defensive

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment is Available for Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

get-help-for-drug-abuse-and-alcoholism-at-drug-rehabs-Carmel-IndianaAs we learned drug abuse and alcoholism are out of control in the US. There are many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers across the US. Despite the numbers, there continues to be a large “treatment gap” in this country. An estimated 22.7 million Americans desperately needed treatment for a drug related problem. However, they could not access the services. Only an estimated 2.5 million people had access to treatment at a drug specialty facility.

These numbers are more than alarming. Combine these with 150 lives per day being lost to the heroin epidemic. Being armed with what to look for with drug abuse and alcoholism could save lives. If you see these signs reach out for help. Emerald Neuro Recover drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana is always available to help. Feel free to give us a call today at (317) 606-8778 and we will guide you to the best options, even if it’s not at our recovery centers.

The post Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Tell-tale Signs appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.


We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

When is an opiate detox necessary? What should you expect during an opiate detox? These are two common questions we get every day. Do you know someone who is struggling with opiate addiction? Are you struggling with opiate addiction? If you are, then this guide will help you to know the importance of opiate detox and the expectations.

What are Common Opioids That May Require an Opiate Detox?

these-are-the-most-abused-opioids-detcted-by-drug-rehabs-Carmel-IndianaThe United States is in an opiate epidemic taking over 150 lives per day. One of the biggest causes stems from prescription drugs. Doctors and Subsoxond clinics have been overprescribing for years. Opiates cover a lot of prescription drugs including;

  • Tramadol
  • Oxycodone
  • Morphine
  • Methadone
  • Hydrocodone
  • Fentanyl
  • Dilaudid
  • Demerol
  • Darvon
  • Codeine

If your doctor prescribes painkillers for longer periods and larger doses, you are at risk of forming a dependence on this drug. A person who is dependent on these drugs is likely to continue their use to make them function normally. If you decide to abruptly stop using them, you will become uncomfortable because your body will be struggling to adjust your body to your substance abuse.

Who is at Greatest Risk of Needing an Opiate Detox?

Realistically we all are at risk of getting addicted to opiates. However, there are common signs for drug abuse and alcoholism. According to the Web MD, you can become addicted to opiates in just a couple of days. Addiction has no boundaries and can affect anyone. Most of the people who are likely to overdose fall in the following bracket:

  • People who have low, medium, and socioeconomic statuses
  • Teens
  • Young Adults
  • The middle-aged
  • Yes, Seniors, this is a hidden epidemic
  • Males
  • People who are dependent on opioids and take the drug in high dosage
  • People who have mental health disorders that are co-occurring

When a person overdoses, a medical practitioner will reverse the effects of the overdose by using an antidote known as an opioid antagonist. It is introduced into the body intranasal, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. Even though this drug does wonders when it comes to reversing the effects of an overdose, the person will still need to seek immediate medical attention at an accredited hospital or clinic.

What are the Withdrawals Like During Opiate Detox?

The main reason for opiate detox is to reduce withdrawals and rid the body of opioids. The withdrawal symptoms are extremely uncomfortable and intense. This is how detox came into existence. It makes this process of dealing with withdrawals more effective and safe. Below is a guide that will help you figure out whatever you need during detox and why treatment is good for getting a full recovery. Our drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana staff realizes that opiate withdrawal symptoms can be extremely intense and uncomfortable. As a result, medical detox is the safest and most effective way to undergo withdrawal from these drugs. Find out what to expect during detox, and why additional treatment is so important for achieving a full recovery.

The withdrawal symptoms depend on a number of factors such as the painkiller, the tolerance of the person, and the length of use. The most common withdrawal symptoms are vomiting, sweating, and fever. However, there is also psychological and physical distress of the affected person. Because of the severity of the symptoms, most people opt to keep using the drugs to function normally. This constant cycle of using and stopping creates a dependency. It makes it even more difficult for the person to stop the use of the drug. Trying to abruptly cease the use of the drug is not easy. This is where opiate detox comes in. it is recommended by medical detox professionals because it overcomes opioids effectively and safely.

Factors Affecting Withdrawal of Opiates?

Opioid withdrawal symptoms range from severe to mild. A patient who suffers from extensive addiction or substance abuse is likely to have very severe symptoms. Extensive addiction is characterized by indulging in large dosages of the substance and use of the substance for a significant period. There are a number of factors that affect the types of withdrawals a person gets;

  • Mode of substance administration
  • Severity of addiction
  • Length of addiction
  • Family history of dependence on the drug
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Mental disorders
  • Well-being and current health of the person

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Opiate Withdrawal

info-graphic-outlining-opiate-withdrawal-process-by-opiate-detox-san-diegoOpiate withdrawal can be grueling and is a rough experience. Getting opiate detoxification from a qualified addiction treatment center can greatly reduce the pains of withdrawal. There are non-narcotic comfort meds that can be administered to reduce the pains. For most opiate users, within twenty-four hours after their previous dose, they start experiencing a number of withdrawal symptoms;

  • Vomiting
  • Tremors
  • Nausea
  • Change in blood pressure
  • Constricted pupils
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach aches
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Sweating
  • Running nose
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle spasms
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation

Please note that opiate overdose is a likely result for people who overindulge in the drug. People who relapse as they seek treatment have a higher chance of experiencing opiate overdose that can cause death. Symptoms of overdose include;

  • Pupils that are pinpoint
  • Respiratory depression
  • Unconsciousness

PAWS Score; How Long Does Each opiate withdrawal stage last?

opiate-withdrawal-PAWS-scores-and-how-they-are-determinedOpiate withdrawal is categorized as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). Stages may include fully-developed acute, early acute, and anticipatory. Acute is what occurs within the first few hours of the last dosage. The person experiences flu-like symptoms. After this stage ends, the protracted abstinence period sets in. this takes about six months. It’s at this time that the person becomes extremely vulnerable to various triggers that may lead them to relapse.

  1. Anticipatory period: It lasts for three to four hours after the previous dose. The person gets anxiety or fear related issues. Furthermore, the person gets cravings for the drug and engages in drug-seeking behavior.
  2. Early acute: It lasts for eight to ten hours after the previous dosage. Restlessness and anxiety kick in. the person develops flu-like symptoms like stomach aches, sweating, vomiting, and even nausea. The drug-seeking behavior persists in this stage too.
  3. Fully-developed acute stage: It lasts for a day to three days after the previous dosage. This is when the symptoms reach their optimum. The person starts developing increased blood pressure, insomnia, diarrhea, muscle spasms, and even body tremors. The cravings of the person reach their optimum.
  4. PAWS: It lasts for up to twenty-four months after the previous dosage. The acute symptoms are not experienced at this stage. The person may have mood swings, poor concentration, insomnia, agitation, depression, anxiety, drug dreams, and cravings. The person is likely to experience environmental triggers that may make them relapse.

Medication-Assisted Treatment Can Help with Opiate Detoxdrug-rehabs-West-Palm-Beach-Florida-to-drug-rehabs-Carmel-Indiana-MAT-is-used

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is popular across the nation from opiate detox West Palm Beach to Carmel, Indiana. It aids in controlling long-term issues that surround opiate withdrawal-like drug cravings. At our drug rehabs Carmel centers a doctor will tapper down the dosage until the patient achieves full-time recovery from the acute withdrawal symptoms. The medications are prescribed to patients who are still undergoing the inpatient rehab center. The common medications administered in opiate detox include –

  1. Clonidine: This is the main medication prescribed to suppress the withdrawal symptoms of the opiates. They also treat high blood pressure. It aids in the reduction of the symptoms of stress and anxiety. It is administered as a skin patch or an oral tablet. Unlike most opioid painkillers, it does not cause euphoric feelings. This makes it easier for the person who is using it to discontinue use of the drug when the symptoms stop.
  2. Methadone: This medication was once widely used in treating detox. However, with time it has been replaced by Buprenorphine. It helps patients ease off the effects of the drug that they are addicted to. It is highly effective in long-term treatment methods for the patients who are suffering and struggling with opiate addiction that has become chronic.
  3. Buprenorphine: This drug is also known as Subutex or Suboxone. It is mainly used to treat the effects of alcoholism but can also double-up to treat the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. It is a strong medication option but it does not mimic the effects of other strong opiates like hydrocodone. It decreases the symptoms of withdrawal and suppresses the patient’s cravings for the opiate. This helps maintain the motivation of the patient and reduces the chances of relapsing when faced with a trigger.

Opiate Detox Carmel is the First Stage of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Opiate detox alone is not enough to help you in your fight against your addiction. After completing the program, it is advisable that you seek further treatment. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers can help you get more equipped for the world and your new drug-free life. Our drug rehabs Carmel facilities have the best resources when it comes to helping you understand and overcome the root cause or trigger of your addiction.

They offer substance abuse treatments such as group counseling sessions, one-on-one counseling sessions, 12-step programs, and, cognitive behavioral therapy. Apart from this, you will also find creative expressions activities like music and art therapy. These activities are supplemented by twenty-four-hour monitoring that helps you maintain your focus and treatment after you leave the facility.

Programs Like Opiate Detox Carmel, Indiana Are Needed

Emerald-Neuro-recover-procides-opiate-detox-at-our-drug-rehabs-Carmel-Indiana-addiction-treatment-centersOpiate detox is necessary, as it’s the first step to long-term recovery. Call Emerald Neuro-Recover drug rehabs Carmel today at  (317) 606-8778 we can help you with your opiate detox. Our opiate detoxification addiction treatment centers are only one of 1000’s across the US. The programs are designed to create safe and well-structured environments that guide patients through their withdrawal symptoms. The medical practitioners ease their patients off these drugs until when they are no longer depending on the drugs. Medications are used to reduce the severe nature of the symptoms and stop the cravings.

After completing a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program an assessment should be made. The medical team of the patient advises the best options for addiction treatment. This is because of the hands-on nature of the treatment that increases the patient’s likelihood of weaning off the drug. This step is very crucial when it comes to preventing relapsing and making sure a person has long-term sobriety.

Article written by Charles Davis, drug rehab SEO professional for Behavioral Health Network Resources.

The post Opiate Detox Is it Necessary? appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.

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Emerald-Neuro-Recover-Drug-Rehabs-Carmel-Indiana.p emerald Neuro Recover drug rehabs Carmel provides NAD amino acid therapy.

We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

What are NAD amino acid treatments? Before you understand the process of NAD therapy, you might first want to know what it is. NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. This is a niacin co-enzyme that naturally occurs and aids in the production of energy by the cells within the body. It converts the energy that comes from the food we eat into cellular energy. Administering the NAD boosts the much-needed chemical levels in the body.

Why NAD Amino Acid Treatments Are Needed for Substance Abuse Treatment?

explanation-of-NAD-amino-acid-treatmentsNAD amino acid treatments are effective for overall health and substance abuse treatment. In both cases, amino acids can be greatly reduced in the body. This cause many different symptoms that are explained below. With drug and alcohol abuse they are greatly depleted in the body. When a person abuses alcohol and drugs the natural NAD present in the body becomes depleted. This makes it harder to convert the energy that comes from ingested food. In fact, it is assumed by most experts that people who have low NAD production tend to develop addictions and disorders that are potentially co-occurring. Apart from drugs and alcohol, other things that might cause the body to deplete its natural NAD include;

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
  • Aging
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)
  • Parkinson’s’ disease
  • Alzheimer’s

How Does NAD Therapy Work?

NAD amino acid treatments are intravenously administered by qualified medical professionals. The co-enzyme is directed and placed in an IV drip that enables it to slowly drip into the bloodstream of the person. This enables the product to directly access the brain as opposed to it getting ingested and broken down in the stomach. The stomach is responsible for breaking down analgesic medication.

This helps the person get an energy boost that enhances awareness and the mood of the person. They get just as much energy as they would get from their natural sources. This has been claimed to slow down the aging process of the person. The benefit of NAD therapy has been seen to open the door to the provision of this service by clinics. They offer this service as a luxury such as a spa treatment.

How Long have NAD Amino Acid Treatments Been Available?

Believe it or not, it has been available since 1961. NAD amino acid treatments have many FDA approved medical procedures. It is just currently gaining popularity in the United States. Its first use has been recorded to be in South Africa. The first addiction treatment center to use it in the United States of America is situated in Springfield, Louisiana.

This treatment produces very few side effects. This is because it is not administered for a long period. The introduction of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins into the body for a short period has very minimal effects on the body. The only side effect that has been reported so far is a flu that passes rapidly.

Treatments Available for More Than Just Substance Abuse

Top-4-reasons-for-getting-NAD-amino-acid-treatmentsEmerald Neuro-Recover has opened their doors to using NAD therapy as a treatment plan for people who are not suffering from any drug and alcohol abuse-related symptoms. We have formulated special applications in the following areas;

  • anti-aging
  • energy booster
  • no-crash
  • mood-elevating

This is an all-natural holistic treatment. It provides energy and supports reverse aging. The is used as an alternative to rehabilitation because it is faster. We provide to the public regular appointments for treatment that can be topped up every six to eight weeks.

There are several important reasons to utilize NAD amino acid treatments. Drug and alcohol abuse depletes energy levels in the brain. This causes the brain to fail in receiving the energy it would from breaking down the ingested food. NAD therapy causes the brain to flood with the co-enzyme that aids it in replenishing the depleted energy. There are three key effects on the body;

  1. It helps the body to produce energy naturally instead of using alternative energy production sources such as sugar, caffeine that causes jitters or crash.
  2. Stops the opioid or alcohol cravings and reduces the effects of withdrawal symptoms. This is what people go to rehabilitation centers to do. This makes mental and physical recovery easier and faster.
  3. Cleanses the user’s system from drugs and alcohol, which makes it the perfect cleansing treatment.

How Long is the Treatment Process?

NAD amino acid treatments session length depends on the addiction severity and the recommendation of the clinic. After the first session at our drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana facility, the person comes back for a follow-up session in about one month. Individuals will require support to supplement the NAD therapy to maintain a clear recovery path.

Most people do not know much about this treatment plan even though its treatment benefits are amazing. Regular boosts are needed to maintain the effects of the treatment. Most people see NAD  as a miraculous cure, even though it is far from the contrary. Even though it has been seen to ease the withdrawal symptoms effects and the cravings, it needs to be supplemented.

Top 7 Merits of NAD Amino Acid Treatments Therapy

remarkable-ways-NAD-amino-acid-treatments-help-with-overall-healthNAD amino acid treatments have many advantages in maintaining health. As stated above it is used for much more than substance abuse treatment and opiate detox. Amino acids are at the core of the human body. Without a long=term healthy diet, there is no other way for the body to get these essential building blocks.

  1. Restores athletic performance and muscle function thus works well for sports enthusiasts as they have enough energy to build muscle and train as they get the treatment they require. This keeps them active and less likely to go back to abusing alcohol drugs.
  2. Reduces the overall body fatigue since the energy levels of the cells in the body are boosted. This creates enough energy to enable a person to work on their physical health as they get treated for their addiction symptoms.
  3. Boosts the energy levels as explained above. NAD therapy aids in the natural production of energy by the cells present in the body.
    Improves mental clarity
  4. Dramatically improves neurological functions and brain health. Drugs and alcohol have been shown in numerous studies to directly affect the brain cells. This leads to degenerative neurological conditions that are halted and treated by NAD therapy.
  5. Reduces depression and anxiety. This helps addicts who are struggling with anxiety and depression as one of their withdrawal symptoms. This means that the NAD therapy raises the life expectancy of the society.
  6. Aids in addiction recovery for people who are addicted to alcohol, nicotine, and opioids, among others.
  7. Works as an anti-aging treatment because it helps the body alter the way it appears, metabolizes, and other body processes. It lengthens the telomeres that are protective caps present in the ends of the chromosomes. These chromosomes get short as a person ages.

The NAD Amino Acid Treatments Process

The initial treatment process at our drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana behavioral health center starts at about 18 hours and depending on the application it could be more. This is conducted under medical supervision and highly regulated. Here is a sample breakdown of what to expect during the treatment process. It may be more or less;

  • Eight (8) hours of 1000mg IV infusion of NAD
  • Six (6) hours of 750mg NAD
  • Four (4) hour infusion of 500mg for an estimated three (3) days

Normally, a person gets a signal infusion every day for a period of ten days. However, this is not standard, when you visit our drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana center you will get a personalized treatment plan. Therefore, the dosage varies as per the patient.

At the beginning of the day, a qualified nurse begins the infusion process by insertion of an IV that introduces the NAD mixture. NAD therapy is so effective that the withdrawal symptoms of the patient begin subsiding in a matter of minutes. The patient goes back to a state of relaxation when the mixture is introduced to the body for an estimated eight hours.

Within a matter of days, patients have been reported to feel better and their mental clarity improves. A patient is advised to go through and complete every infusion process to get rid of their alcohol and drug cravings.

Learn More About treatment Centers for Drug Addiction

treatment-centers-for-drug-addiction-provide-different-services-learn-how-they-differThis article explained the benefits of NAD amino acid treatments. As you can see it help with drug and alcohol addiction. However, it also greatly helps with overall health for individuals who don’t have substance abuse issues. From anti-aging, physical health, and mental health it has many advantages.

If your loved one has tried rehabilitation center treatment and failed, you might want to try NAD therapy at our intensive outpatient drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana center. After failing on substance abuse treatment, it may be difficult to get back to this form of treatment. Getting treatment should not have to be this difficult. Maybe the NAD amino acid treatments could be what was missing. Even though this treatment plan may seem extremely successful, you cannot count on it as the sole treatment mode for your rehabilitation. The ultimate recovery can only happen when you decide to act on the root of the issue that is triggering your alcohol and drug abuse. Give us a call today at (317) 606-8778 and get healthy!

The post NAD Amino Acid Treatments Changes Drug Rehab appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.

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Drug rehabs Carmel provides historical facts.

We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

Drug rehabs Carmel Indiana are known for more than substance abuse treatment. Whether you’re seeking intensive outpatient, NAD amino acid therapy, alcohol, or opiate detox there is a piece of unknown addiction recovery history. The historical connection has to do with the AA chip. The alcoholics anonymous chip reward system was started by Doherty S. in Indianapolis, Indiana around 1942. He is also credited as the boy who put AA on the Indiana map.

Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana Researches AA Chip

aa-chip-explained-by-drug-rehabs-carmel-indianaThe AA chip or medallion is a long-standing tradition of alcoholics anonymous. This is a strong motivation for individuals to continue their life-long sobriety journey. It’s a form of inspiration and a reminder of how long individuals have been abstinent. There are 13 chips given within the first year 24-hours – 1 year.

The AA chip has become one of the biggest motivators of AA. However, AA has never made it an official medallion and it’s not actually a part of the alcoholics anonymous program. The 2.1 million worldwide members might state otherwise.

There are some website listings claims of the original AA chip. One claims that it was started in Elmira, NY around 1947. However, the first use AA chip or medallion was in 1942 by Doherty S.

Carmel Indiana’s History

The history of Carmel, Indiana shows it was with formed in 1837 by Daniel Warren, John Felps, and Alexander Mills. It now spans a total of 47 square miles and over 92,000 residents. It has a rich culture and a highly affluent population.  While attending drug and alcohol addiction treatment you are going to be spending months in that city. Carmel, Indiana has the best of both worlds.

Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana and Historical Facts

Carmel-Indiana-history-with-drug-rehabs-Carmel-IndianaWhile attending the best drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana offers you will be able to visit some interesting historical landmarks. One of these is the Clay Historical Society Museum. It presides at 211 First Street; SW, Carmel, Indiana. This is the past location of the Monon Railroad depot that was built in 1883. So, if you like the history of trains, this place is for you.

The Museum depicts many different parts of its’ history. Their railroad history tells a story of how the city has grown. While attending any drug rehabs in Carmel, Indiana this is the best place to go to learn its’ history. We would highly recommend taking a tour. This is the best way to learn the culture, history, and people. You can visit the Clay Historical Society Museum for more information.

Carmel, Indiana Clay Veterans Memorial Recognizes Locals

Clay-veterans-memorial-in carmel,l IndianaThe Clay Memorial at 768 3rd Avenue SW, Carmel Indiana 46032 pays tribute to local Veterans. It is located towards the south of City Center Drive. This important memorial honors past and present local military personnel while demonstrating the cities commitment to vets. It was established to create a central haven that honors and pays homage to the veterans in the area. It’s a creation of the Carmel Clay Memorial Corporation.

This amazing place shows a stunning military sculpture created by artist William H. Wolf. The Carmel Memorial Corporation raised the funds by getting brick donations to home loved ones. Emerald Neuro Recover understands the behavioral health problems our veterans have to deal with every day. We have helped many vets with PTSD and prescription drug addiction stemming from their service to our country.

Our intensive outpatient drug rehabs Carmel Indiana behavioral health rehabilitation center allows veterans a setting to continue spending time with loved ones and working. Our highly qualified medical and counseling staff provides the needed tools for long-term recovery. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment require guidance and tools for sobriety. When seeking an outpatient rehabilitation facility individual need to make sure the center is a good fit their individual needs.

Take in the Arts While Attending Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana

At our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana centers, we encourage new external experiences. The Carmel, Indiana Arts and Design District is one of the best places to wake up your senses. It is located at 30 West Main Street, Suite 220, Carmel, Indiana 46032. It boasts some of the nation’s best art galleries, showrooms, and restaurants. Be sure to visit the world’s smallest children’s art gallery and the Stewart Johnson (the Norman Rockwell of American sculpture.) life-like sculptures.

At Emerald Neuro Recover we have studied the effects of substance abuse on the brain. Experiencing the arts above are a healthy way to get your mind off of recovery. The brain is damaged from drug and alcohol abuse. To enjoy the culture of Carmel, Indiana we help rewire the brain to get the benefits of healthy life experiences with NAD Amino Acid Therapy.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or NAD amino acid therapy is remarkable for detox and rebuilding neuro-pathways affected by addiction. NAD is an essential molecule found in every cell in your body. These essential amino acids can only be obtained by the body in two ways. The first way is through diet. The process of the body obtaining amino acids through diet generally takes up to a year and requires a specific diet. The second is through an intravenous medical procedure showing some immediate results.

Addiction alters the brain and the reward centers. Traditional detoxification only gets the substance out of the body. The NAD amino acid therapy helps to fix neuro-pathways allowing patients to think clearly for their next step in the addiction treatment process. Within the first two days, you can see the color come back in patients and see the light bulb come back on.

Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana a Trip in the Park

With over 600 different recreational programs Carmel, Indiana parks are a retreat from your drug rehabs Carmel treatments. The twelve parks offer programs in wellness, nature, and science. They cover over 500 acres with a lot of room to reflect on your recovery journey.

Our drug rehabs Carmel, Indiana holistic treatment centers help the mind heal from nature. The unique substance abuse treatment protocols make us a popular choice across the nation. Our protocols go much deeper than just treat substance abuse. Usually, there are co-occurring disorders that accompany substance misuse. The treatments provide help with many behavioral health issues.

Is There a Central Park in Carmel, Indiana?

Yes, there is a central park in Carmel, however, it’s not New York City, It does have an urban style atmosphere. Central Park is located between Westfield Blvd. and College Avenue. This area boasts 161 acres and is the largest park in Carmel, Indiana. This is a great place to get a break from your addiction treatment regimen. It has free events, gardens, a lagoon for fishing, skate parks, and vast wetlands.

You may want to visit this serene area after one of your 12-step meetings. At our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana addiction treatment centers we encourage 12-step participation. The 12-steps in combination and after substance abuse treatment increases long term sobriety. We also address co-occurring disorders like trauma, abuse, and depression. The 12-steps helps people remain focused and they can openly talk about their recovery in the groups.

Carmel, Indiana City Center a Most Likely Visited Place While in Treatment

The city center will be a popular place that is visited by our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana clients. It is located on City Center Drive between Monon Greenway and the Range Line Road. This set to be the epicenter for nightlife, restaurants and an amphitheater. Its’ centerpiece is the Center for Performing Arts.

The Center for Performing Arts has been the center of attention. It also encompasses Center Tarkington Theater and the Studio Theater. This helps our clients get intimate with the arts and help them on their road of recovery. This boasts a classical series of ensembles, recitals, vocalists, and even orchestras. While you are attending your drug rehabilitation center visit the Center for Performing Arts.

How to Find the Best Drug Rehabs?


With many drug rehabs options, you may start your search on google with “best drug rehabs in Carmel Indiana.” You can start with any city. You may want to include the type of treatment you want like intensive outpatient, opiate detox, or alcohol detox to name a few. Or, you may want to check drug rehabs Carmel Indiana on Yelp. This is a highly recommended consumer website that lists reviews.

Opiate and alcohol detox is usually the first step in the rehabilitation process. The body needs to be rid of the drug or alcohol to begin the process of addiction treatment. This causes pain due to withdrawal from alcohol, opiates, pain medications and more. With the traditional detox, many patients experience many of the pains associated with the withdrawal process.

They are also still foggy after this critical process. Understanding that with the drug rehabs in Carmel Indiana options NAD amino acid therapy is available. This reduces many withdrawal symptoms are drastically reduced. This non-narcotic, non-evasive, an all-natural process is medically proven to be advantages in the detoxification process.

Alcohol Detox Carmel Indiana Addiction Treatment

Our alcohol detox Carmel Indiana facility is equipped with highly qualified medical and counseling professionals. It is recommended that detoxification from alcohol is done under medical supervision. There are many things that can go wrong during this process if you choose to perform this at home.

One of the biggest advantages of being medically treated is getting NAD Amino Acid therapy. This cutting edge, an all-natural medical process almost immediately eliminates withdrawal symptoms. This is critical for many individuals as this is their greatest fear. This protocol allows for individuals to get counseling while still in detox.

Opiate Detox Options

The opiate detox Carmel Indiana option is similar to the alcohol detoxification. It also uses NAD amino acid therapy to almost eliminate withdrawal symptoms. With over 250 lives being lost every day to the opiate epidemic, this is good news for many. The drastic reduction in withdrawal overcomes the biggest barrier for individuals to enter treatment. There is no longer a need to have the fear of severe withdrawal.

Top 10 Reasons for the Best Drug Rehabs


  1. Drug rehabs Carmel Indiana rehabilitation centers on LinkedIn can be an excellent resource when seeking treatment. Unlike Facebook, the professionals on this website are more polished and genially interested in helping you. There are also fewer patient brokers on LinkedIn than there are on Facebook.
  2. However, you can’t ignore that there are 2 million people on Facebook. It’s the #1 social media website in the world. When looking for the best drug rehabs in Carmel Indiana providers on Facebook you should stick with actual treatment centers. We utilize drug rehab SEO specialists that maximize our ability to educate on substance abuse treatment.
  3. Google searches for drug rehabs Carmel will produce a Google maps listing at the top of the page. This would seem like a safe search. However, be careful some facilities are tricking Google with their listing. Some are not even treatment centers they are aggregators. Carefully examine the website and look for an exact address and location. Once you have this info Google that addresses preceded by “what is at this location.”
  4. There are only a few intensive outpatient drug rehabs Carmel Indiana that provide a holistic approach. Treating the entire individual and the co-occurring disorders that come with substance abuse is important. You want to speak with the IOP counselors. If the person on the phone doesn’t let this is a good sign that you may not want to attend this treatment center. By speaking with the counselor, you will get more qualified answers as to your individual needs.
  5. When seeking the best drug rehabs you’ll most likely use a Google search. When doing this you need to go beyond the first top 3 ads. These are paid slots and can be risky. You want to look in the maps section and read the first three organic listings. These will have in-depth information beyond a sales pitch. You will want to research 2-3 centers that are a good fit for your individual needs.
  6. Ethical drug rehabs Carmel Indian treatment centers for substance abuse will have listings on credible websites beyond the norm. Websites can provide valuable insight into the clinical care and the business side of the center. Read as many articles on substance abuse that are centered around your needs. You want to look for reviews on all the websites the rehabilitation center is on. However, bear in mind that some people will give a bad review because they were not ready for recovery. This happens frequently.
  7. The heroin epidemic is costing 150 lives daily. However, only 10% of those suffering reach out for help. Drug rehabs in Indiana and Carmel are trying to get the message in front of people on social media. It’s estimated that people spend 2-4 hours a day on social media. This is an excellent chance to educate on substance abuse treatment.
  8. Each individual suffering from drug and alcohol addiction requires specific needs. One of the biggest is detoxification. There are the traditional centers that detox in 5-10 days at a cost between $5000-$15,000. There are also better solutions at a lower cost. One of these is provided by opiate detox Carmel Indiana with NAD amino acid therapy. This is a non-narcotic, non-evasive procedure. It drastically reduces opiate withdrawal.
  9. Again, local resources on google can be a good source of finding legitimate drug rehabs near me Carmel Indiana addiction treatment center locations. Do in-depth research and evaluate each rehabilitation facility before placing a call. If they ask for your insurance information in the first 3-5 minutes be careful. You want them to ask questions about your addiction. While they do this, they should be determining if you are a good fit for their substance abuse treatment.

Best Drug Rehab Carmel Indiana

Finding the best drug rehabs Carmel Indiana options for alcohol and opiate detox or intensive outpatient providing holistic care can be a difficult task. There are many options available including NAD amino acid therapy for addiction treatment. Looking for holistic behavioral health treatments can prevent complications later. This article outlined several key areas to look at for intensive outpatient, opiate detox, NAD amino acid therapy, and alcohol detox.  Seeking substance because treatment can be overwhelming. Take the process step by step and be sure to research 2-3 centers before making a phone call.

The post Why the Best Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana? appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.

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Emerald Neuro Recover is one of the best intensive outpatient, opiate detox and alcohol detox centers providing holistic care. Unlike other rehabilitation centers, we utilize NAD amino acid therapy for addiction treatment. Our behavioral health services are holistic and many are non-prescription options for the treatment for substance abuse.

Why we are the Best Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana Option

Our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana at Emerald Neuro-recover offers outpatient alcohol and opiate detox, intensive outpatient, and NAD amino acid therapy. The unique medical protocol of amino acid treatment reduces withdrawal symptoms and allows our clients to start their addiction treatment much faster.

Alcohol and Opiate Detox at our Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana Medical Center

Opiate and alcohol detox is usually the first step in the rehabilitation process. The body needs to be rid of the drug or alcohol to begin the process of addiction treatment. This causes pain due to withdrawal from alcohol, opiates, pain medications and more. With the traditional detox, many patients experience many of the pains associated with the withdrawal process. They are also still foggy after this critical process.

With Emerald Neuro-Recover’s drug rehabs Carmel Indiana NAD amino acid therapy option many of these withdrawal symptoms are drastically reduced. This non-narcotic, non-evasive, an all-natural process is medically proven to be advantages in the detoxification process.

Alcohol Detox Carmel Indiana Addiction Treatment

Our alcohol detox Carmel Indiana facility is equipped with highly qualified medical and counseling professionals. It is recommended that detoxification from alcohol is done under medical supervision. There are many things that can go wrong during this process if you choose to perform this at home.

One of the biggest advantages of being treated at Emerald-Neuro Recovery is our NAD Amino Acid therapy. This cutting edge, an all-natural medical process almost immediately eliminates withdrawal symptoms. This is critical for many individuals as this is their greatest fear. This protocol allows for individuals to get counseling while still in detox.

Opiate Detox Carmel Indiana Options

The opiate detox Carmel Indiana option is similar to the alcohol detoxification. It also uses NAD amino acid therapy to almost eliminate withdrawal symptoms. With over 250 lives being lost every day to the opiate epidemic, this is good news for many. The drastic reduction in withdrawal overcomes the biggest barrier for individuals to enter treatment. There is no longer a need to have the fear of severe withdrawal.

What is NAD Amino Acid Therapy?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or NAD amino acid therapy is remarkable for detox and rebuilding neuro-pathways affected by addiction. NAD is an essential molecule found in every cell in your body. These essential amino acids can only be obtained by the body in two ways. The first way is through diet. The process of the body obtaining amino acids through diet generally takes up to a year and requires a specific diet. The other way intravenously while breaking the blood barrier in the brain.

It’s a coenzyme of vitamin B3 (niacin) that binds to a protein molecule to activate an enzyme. When you receive NAD amino acid therapy intravenously, this powerful molecule goes directly into your bloodstream for the maximum absorption into your system.

Addiction alters the brain and the reward centers. Traditional detoxification only gets the substance out of the body. The NAD amino acid therapy helps to fix neuro-pathways allowing patients to think clearly for their next step in the addiction treatment process. Within the first two days, you can see the color come back in patients and see the light bulb come back on.

Intensive Outpatient Drug rehabs Carmel Indiana substance Abuse Treatment

The outpatient setting allows our clients to continue working and spend time with loved ones. Our highly qualified medical and counseling staff provides the needed tools for long-term recovery. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment require guidance and tools for sobriety.

When seeking an outpatient rehabilitation facility individuals need to make sure the center is a good fit their individual needs. Many people do not go into addiction treatment due to the fear of withdrawal. Our medical program provides amino acid therapy that greatly reduces these symptoms and enables our clients to start treatment much fast than traditional centers.

Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana Holistic Proven Approach

The unique substance abuse treatment protocols make us a popular choice across the nation. Our protocols go much deeper than just treat substance abuse. Usually, there are co-occurring disorders that accompany substance misuse. The treatments provide treatment with many behavioral health issues. Give Emerald Neuro-Recover at 12265 Hancock Street, Suite 42, Carmel, IN 46032 a call today at (317) 606-8778 and start rebuilding your life.

Top 10 Reasons Why We are the Best Rehabilitation Center in Indiana

Drug rehabs Carmel Indiana rehabilitation centers on LinkedIn can be an excellent resource when seeking treatment. Unlike Facebook, the professionals on this website are more polished and genially interested in helping you. There are also fewer patient brokers on LinkedIn than there are on Facebook.

However, you can’t ignore that there are 2 million people on Facebook. It’s the #1 social media website in the world. When looking for the best drug rehabs in Carmel Indiana providers on Facebook you should stick with actual treatment centers. There are some patient brokers that can represent several treatment centers. They get reimbursed by the center for each patient. If you come across with any individual will to get you into an addiction treatment center be careful. Go to the center's website and see if they are listed in the staff section. If they are not, you should stay away from him or her.

Google searches for drug rehabs Carmel will produce a Google maps listing at the top of the page. This would seem like a safe search. However, be careful some facilities are tricking Google with their listing. Some are not even treatment centers they are aggregators. Carefully examine the website and look for an exact address and location. Once you have this info Google that addresses preceded by “what is at this location.”

There are only a few intensive outpatient drug rehabs Carmel Indiana that provide a holistic approach. Treating the entire individual and the co-occurring disorders that come with substance abuse is important. You want to speak with the IOP counselors. If the person on the phone doesn’t let this is a good sign that you may not want to attend this treatment center. By speaking with the counselor, you will get more qualified answers as to your individual needs

When seeking the best drug rehabs Carmel Indiana you’ll most likely use a Google search. When doing this you need to go beyond the first top 3 ads. These are paid slots and can be risky. You want to look in the maps section and read the first three organic listings. These will have in-depth information beyond a sales pitch. You will want to research 2-3 centers that are a good fit for your individual needs.

Ethical drug rehabs Carmel Indian treatment centers for substance abuse will have listings on credible websites beyond the norm. Websites like Scribd can provide valuable insight in the clinical care and the business side of the center. Read as many articles on substance abuse that are centered around your needs. You want to look for reviews on all the websites the rehabilitation center is on. However, bear in mind that some people will give a bad review because they were not ready for recovery. This happens frequently.

The heroin epidemic is costing 150 lives daily. However, only 10% of those suffering reach out for help. Drug rehabs in Indiana and Carmel are trying to get the message in front of people on social media. It’s estimated that people spend 2-4 hours a day on social media. This is an excellent chance to educate on substance abuse treatment.

Each individual suffering from drug and alcohol addiction requires specific needs. One of the biggest is detoxification. There are the traditional centers that detox in 5-10 days at a cost between $5000-$15,000. There are also better solutions at a lower cost. One of these is provides by opiate detox Carmel Indiana with NAD amino acid therapy. This is a non-narcotic, non-evasive procedure. It drastically reduces opiate withdrawal.

There are drug rehabs in Florida, Indiana and California that are 12-step based. The 12-steps in combination and after substance abuse treatment increases long term sobriety. The rehabilitation center should address co-occurring disorders like trauma, abuse, and depression. The 12-steps helps people remain focused and they can openly talk about their recovery in the groups.

Again, local resources on google can be a good source of finding legitimate drug rehabs near me Carmel Indiana addiction treatment center locations. Do in-depth research and evaluate each rehabilitation facility before placing a call. If they ask for your insurance information in the first 3-5 minutes be careful. You want them to ask questions about your addiction. While they do this, they should be determining if you are a good fit for their substance abuse treatment.


We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

What are the top 5 effective methods of opiate detox? With the heroin epidemic, this is a popular question. More than 150 people lose their lives to opioids and prescription drug overdose. Accounting for deaths caused by overdoses of illicit opioids raises the number even higher. this is making the risk of death associated with opioid addiction clear.

Why the Top 5 Effective Methods of Opiate Detox is Needed?

The opiate epidemic is killing more lives than automobile accidents. There is a great increase of carfentanil being added to heroin. This means that one more use could be your last. The best life-saving strategy against substance abuse is to get treatment today. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the number of deaths due to opioid overdose more than tripled between 2002 and 2017.

Your journey is smoother with experts who are familiar with detoxification and withdrawal by your side. getting medical guidance on the most appropriate method of detoxification is a critical step. This depends on;

  • how long you’ve been addicted
  • your overall health
  • the type of opiate you use
  • and other factors

Understanding Tolerance and the Need for Opiate Detox

One of the hallmarks of opiate addiction is an ever-growing tolerance for your drug of choice. As you use the drug more and more, it takes a higher dosage for you to get the effect your addiction demands. When you decide it’s time to overcome your opioid addiction, your first step is the detoxification process. Detox, which is the elimination of opiates from your system, is very likely to involve symptoms of withdrawal.

Knowing when opiate detox is necessary can help a loved one. There are many signs of opiate withdrawal. Understanding these can be signs that someone needs help. While individuals build up a tolerance, there are always ways of knowing if they are suffering from substance abuse.

What Are the Top 5 Methods of Opiate Detox?What-Are-the-Top-5-Methods-of-Opiate-DetoxFrom West Palm Beach Florida to Carmel Indiana there are five main methods of opiate detox that are used to manage the symptoms of withdrawal. The key is to have a qualified drug and alcohol addiction treatment center guiding you to safe detoxification. Qualified clinicians should evaluate each case and determine the appropriate medical treatment based on their clinical expertise. In some cases, they may determine that NAD+amino acid IV therapy is an appropriate additional treatment to help patients reach their healthcare goals.

The top 5 methods of opiate detox include;

  1. cold turkey
  2. tapering using methadone or buprenorphine
  3. oral clonidine
  4. rapid opiate detox
  5. ultra-rapid opioid detoxification

1. Cold Turkey

Most everyone is familiar with the cold turkey method — simply stopping the use of the opiate. However, that means you’ll feel the full brunt of withdrawal symptoms which may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Muscle pain
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Sweating
  • Feeling tired
  • Chills
  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Although detoxification from opiates is almost never life-threatening, it can be very uncomfortable. When NAD+ IV therapy has been combined with the cold turkey method, there have been some patients whose withdrawal symptoms are fewer than what is typical when quitting cold turkey. Results may, however, vary patient-by-patient.

2. Tapering Using Methadone or Buprenorphine

Another method is the use of the drugs methadone or buprenorphine to control and taper the amount of opioid you’re taking. You’ll still have opiates in your system, as this method of detoxification happens slowly over time. Working closely with your health care provider will ensure that the opiates are eliminated from your system in a way that limits the symptoms of withdrawal and gives you the best chance at reaching a full recovery.

3. Oral Clonidine

Another option for detoxification may be the use of oral clonidine. this is alpha-adrenergic agonist, instead of opiate-like methadone and buprenorphine. While a tapering program may last months, years, or indefinitely, oral clonidine usually works in 14 days or less. It has a high rate of success.

4. Rapid Opiate Detox

Even faster methods of detoxification have been developed, including the use of oral opioid antagonists, such as naltrexone. This method is known as rapid opioid detoxification (ROD).

If you use the ROD method, you may be given graduated doses of naltrexone along with clonidine to treat your symptoms. This is generally a very safe approach to detoxification.

The naltrexone may also be administered along with mild sedation that’s given orally or through an IV. During this treatment, you’re awake but sedated.

5. Ultra-rapid Opioid Detoxification

Another way of handling your withdrawal symptoms may be ultra-rapid opioid detoxification (UROD). In this method, you’re given naltrexone through an IV along with general anesthesia.

UROD may help you get past the most intense withdrawal symptoms, but you’ll need continued treatment. At Emerald Neuro-Recover, we’ll closely monitor your condition, and provide the treatment most suitable for you, making it possible for you to reclaim your life without addiction.

Opiate Detox Carmel Indiana NAD Amino Acid Therapy Option

We’ve outlined the top 5 methods of opiate detox to help educate on safe detoxification. Our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana center provides NAD amino acid therapy for opiate detox. NAD+ is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is an enzyme that naturally exists in your body’s cells. Opiates deplete the amount of NAD+ you have, particularly in your brain cells. NAD+ amino acid IV therapy is intended to restore this critical enzyme.

Regardless of the method you use for detoxification, NAD+ amino acid IV therapy can help you manage any symptoms. Look at our drug rehabs Indiana patient success stories, you will be convinced this is the best way to treat addiction. It immediately helps you feel better overall, and begin to heal physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our staff at Emerald Neuro-Recover can help you through the process. Withdrawal may be scary, but it’s far less risky than continued addiction. give us a call now (317) 606-8778 and learn more about your options for overcoming opioid addiction.

The post The Top-5 Effective Methods of Detoxification from Opiates appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.

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What-is-the-Correlation-Between-Depression-and-Add Drug rehabs Carmel explains the correlation between depression and addiction.

We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

Depression is not easy to deal with at times. It’s not easy watching your partner struggle. When your loved one is suffering from more than just the blues, you might experience a variety of emotions. Understand the feelings of powerlessness to frustration to uncertainty over how to help.

Our health specialists at Emerald Neuro-Recover in Carmel, Indiana, work with patients with depression. We encourage partners to be an active part of their treatment. If your partner has depression, here’s what you can do to support them.

How to Treat Depression?

drug-rehabs-Carmel-knows-how-to-treat-depressionHow to treat Depression? A study by NIDA revealed a correlation between depression and addiction.  For people with depression, simply being there during difficult times is a huge form of support. Depression can cause patients to experience feelings of hopelessness. Be stable and a comforting presence will help your partner feel less alone.

Let your partner know he or she means the world to you. You can also remind your partner of all the qualities that make him or her special to you.

Be an active part of your partner’s depression treatment

Many men and women with depression have a difficult time seeking treatment. You can help by supporting any kind of treatment he or she chooses. This can take different forms depending on the kind of help your partner is seeking. It also encompasses what type of treatment support he or she requests from you.

If your partner is getting help from medical practitioners, you can help schedule appointments. You can also provide or arrange for transportation if needed. If your partner exercises, see if he or she would like a workout buddy.

Avoid platitudes and advice

It’s important to remember that depression is a medical condition. Trying to get your partner to cheer up won’t help them any more than it would help cure a patient with diabetes.

Don’t give in to the temptation to tell your partner how good his or her life is or how to feel better. Doing so is more likely to make your partner feel guilty about having depression than be productive or helpful. Instead, do your best to listen to your partner’s needs and provide a supportive ear.

Ask what your partner needs

Every person with depression has different needs. Some might want to hear words of affirmation, while others will appreciate you running errands or cleaning the house.

When you’re not sure how to support your partner, don’t hesitate to ask. Your partner will feel grateful, and you’ll be able to provide just the right kind of help.

Practice your own self-care

Dealing with a partner that is suffering might sometimes feel exhausting. As your partner seeks treatment for depression, it’s also important for you to get the support you need as a partner of a depressed person.

Don’t be afraid to keep doing the things you enjoy in life, including sometimes spending time with your friends and away from your partner. If you’re having a difficult time coping, finding a qualified practitioner to provide support can help you maintain balance while you support your partner.

When you have a partner with depression, you don’t need to go it alone. Our health specialists at Emerald Neuro-Recover will provide your partner with the treatment they need while ensuring you also receive support.

If your partner needs help, don’t hesitate to call us at Emerald Neuro-Recover. We can provide a diagnosis and personalized treatment plan in a caring environment.

Drug Rehabs Carmel Treats Depression

At our drug rehabs Carmel addiction treatment facility we treat all behavioral health issues. Depression is present in many with substance abuse issues. We are medically qualified to also treat depression outside of drug and alcohol addiction.

Emerald Neuro-Recover is located at 12265 Hancock Street, Suite 42, Carmel, IN 46032. give us a call at (317) 606-8778 and start living your life again. The first must be made by you. We can get you back to a healthy life.

The post How to Support a Partner Who’s Suffering From Depression appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.


We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

The importance of a 12-step program plays a vital role at our drug rehabs Carmel addiction treatment center. You’ve already taken the hardest and most important steps. You’ve admitted your addiction, and got help at Emerald Neuro-Recover Centers in Carmel, Indiana. The experience of detox replenished your body with all-natural nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) plus amino acid treatment.

For the first time in years, you feel healthy, happy, and stable. But there’s part of you that’s afraid those feelings will all go away once you go back to your “normal” life and routine.

12-Step Program Needed After Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

drug-rehabs-Carmel-Indiana-encourages-a-12-step-programUnderstand that a 12-step program is a critical piece after receiving rehabilitation education. Our team knows that kicking your addiction is just the first step toward the profound life change and the well-being you desire. The clients of our drug rehabs Indiana center have given us outstanding testimonials and reviews on our care. We also understand how important it is to surround yourself with other individuals in recovery. You need women and men who support your sobriety and personal growth.

A 12-step program allows you to on track in the face of challenges. Whether you’re religious or spiritual or not, finding a 12-step program or other support group is a great way to give yourself the structure and support you need for a successful journey.

Consistency is Key with a 12-Step Program

During your time at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana Centers, you learned many important factors. You must consistently nourish your body and brain with the nutrients they need to function optimally. It’s important to eat a whole-foods diet and perform plenty of exercises. Avoiding toxins such as alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes, we give you oral supplements. A recommendation of periodic booster IV nutrient treatments is essential.

That level of consistency is something you should look for in a support group, too. Data on the success rate of a 12-step program, Alcoholics Anonymous, is mixed. Individuals who regularly attend meetings have twice the rates of abstinence as those who don’t. This is according to the NIH. Many AA groups meet once a week so that you’re always just a few days from support.

Going Beyond the 12-steps

Though AA is the originator of the 12-step program model for change, an increasing number of women and men may find its faith-based language off-putting. Former AA members created their own, secular branch. this relies on the 12 steps they found to be effective, yet without the religious slant.

Whichever support program you choose, it should offer you consistent, reliable help with:

  • Maintaining motivation
  • Managing urges
  • Managing thoughts and emotions
  • Managing behavior
  • Living a healthy, balanced life

A good 12-step program will provide groups, offer online chat groups and support in addition to regular meetings. You can also choose to join more than one recovery group. This sometimes happens as you take charge of your own journey toward sobriety and well-being.

Drug rehabs Carmel Indiana is Part of Your 12-step Program Community

Your substance abuse treatment doesn’t stop after the drug rehabs Carmel Indiana treatment. After your detox at Emerald Neuro-Recover Centers, you’re still a part of our family. In addition to ongoing nutritional support, we have an on-site addiction counselor to help you through the rough spots.

You can break the cycle of addiction. Learn more about how balancing your body with IV NAD plus amino acid therapy. We are always available at (317) 606-8778 with a helping hand. You can also book an appointment with our online form.

The post How to Integrate a 12-Step Program with Your After Emerald Recovery appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.


We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

To say that the human brain is incredibly complex and full of mystery is an understatement, but it’s also a challenge that medical researchers are rising to, especially when it comes to head trauma. In recent years, the effects of repeated concussions have made national headlines as researchers begin to shed light on the long-term problems that can develop on the heels of these events, with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) taking center stage.

At Emerald Neuro-Recover in Carmel, Indiana, Dr. John Humiston and our team specialize in the complexities of the human brain, handling everything from addiction to chronic brain conditions like CTE. If you’d like to better understand how CTE affects the brain, here’s what you should know.

What is Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

Chronic-Traumatic-Encephalopathy-CTE-is-treated-at-drug-rehabs-Carmel-IndianaChronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a brain disease commonly seen in athletes, military personnel, and individuals with brain trauma. While CTE isn’t new, it was finally recognized as a unique medical condition in the mid-2000s. An extensive project by the VA-BU-CLF Brain Bank that studied over 600 donated brains brought this to light. What they found is that patients with CTE had clumps of a protein called Tau. It slowly spread in the brain, killing brain cells. As the destruction and atrophy of the brain continued, sufferers lost critical communication between the brain’s cells. this led to:

  • Depression
  • Loss of impulse control
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Trouble focusing
  • Loss of memory

Many sufferers succumb to substance use disorders as a result, and even suicide, as the condition progresses. In truth, there’s no checklist of symptoms. CTE can affect different areas of the brain, the result is that no two people present the exact same side effects. For example, in addition to the common symptoms listed above, some people lose their sense of smell while others lose motor skills, including speech.

Who is at risk for CTE?

CTE is often associated with military veterans or athletes because of the prevalence of injuries to the head. CTE can also develop in anyone who’s sustained repeated trauma to the brain, from victims of abuse to those who may bang their heads because of a mental disorder.

Still, sports — such as football, hockey, and boxing — lead the charge when it comes to CTE. Earlier the traumas, the worse the outcomes. In fact, the Concussion Legacy Foundation reports several studies found that those who sustain brain trauma before the age of 12 fares worse than those who sustained them later in life.

This is not to say that everyone who suffers repeated blows to the head will develop CTE. The condition is quite rare — but these activities, combined with younger age, certainly put people more at risk. And the trauma doesn’t have to be concussive to lead to CTE. Any blow to the head can be problematic.

Dealing with CTE at our Outpatient Drug rehabs Carmel Indiana Centers

Unfortunately, there’s no single test that can confirm the presence of CTE, but we can use a number of diagnostic tools for testing. From neurological function tests to MRIs of your brain, we can narrow down the possibilities to help you better manage your symptoms. You can check out our addiction and brain healing services to see if we can help you.

Good management is the key for those who suffer from CTE. There’s no cure for the condition, but we can help minimize its impact on your life by finding ways to work around the byproducts of the disease, such as addiction and depression.

You can learn more about Emerald Neuro Recover and the different area we address. If you suspect you or a loved one is dealing with CTE, please give our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana behavioral health centers a call or use the online scheduling tool to set up a consultation.

The post Understanding How CTE Affects the Brain appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.


We provide holistic substance abuse treatment at our drug rehabs Carmel Indiana locations.

NAD+ amino acid therapy is critical to many aspects of the human body. Every cell of your body contains nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD. This molecule is essential in activating your enzymes.

What is NAD+ Amino Acid therapy?


NAD+ amino acid therapy is the replacement of the most important chemicals in the body. It is an intravenous medical application that restores critical enzymes. Your enzymes control more than 500 biochemical reactions in your body, like supporting your metabolism and digestion. This makes NAD an essential component for keeping your body, internal organs, neurological system, and brain functioning at optimal levels.

Several things can decrease the levels of NAD in your body, especially work burnout, internet addiction, and addiction. When you have low levels of NAD, your body has a harder time repairing damage and functioning on a cellular level. By raising your NAD levels, you can support your body, so it can heal more effectively.

Our team at Emerald Neuro-Recover Centers intensive outpatient drug rehabs Carmel Indiana facilities provides this service. We understand the role illness and addiction play on the NAD molecules in your body. By offering NAD+ amino acid therapy, we can work to replenish these vital building blocks to help support your recovery.

The benefits of NAD+ Amino Acid Therapy

When NAD attaches to other molecules, it helps generate energy and supports your body’s ability to heal. By flooding your system you can ensure that every cell in your body receives the nourishment it needs to support your recovery.

As an innovative, natural, and holistic therapy, high levels of NAD can provide numerous advantages, including:

It also supports brain healing, which can offer deeper and more sound sleep, improved mental clarity, and mood stabilization.

What to Expect During this Medical Application

This new NAD amino acid therapy for substance abuse treatment comes with some questions. Understanding what to expect during treatment can be useful. During your appointment, we administer this therapy intravenously using a slow IV drip. This approach ensures maximum absorption because your infusion goes directly into your bloodstream instead of passing through your digestive system. We also customize each of our IV solutions to your needs, so we can tailor your treatment to your specific illness or addiction.

Depending on your dosage and the rate of its flow, your IV can take anywhere from 3-4 or 8-10 hours. For men and women with an illness, we may suggest a series of treatments for 3-4 days. If you’re recovering from drug or alcohol addiction, we may increase your treatment to 8-10 days.

One of the Best Resources for NAD Amino acid Therapy at Drug Rehabs Carmel Indiana

Emerald Neuro Recover is one of the best of only a few NAD+ amino acid therapy providers. This medical procedure reduces withdrawal and shortens the detox process. The benefits go beyond detoxification.

After your treatment, you can continue supporting the effects of your IV therapy by taking oral supplements. To see if the medical procedure can support your recovery, call Emerald Neuro-Recover Centers at (317) 606-8778 today.

The post How NAD+ Amino Acid Therapy Can Aid in the Recovery From Illness or Addiction appeared first on Emerald Neuro Recover.