Mold Remediation Pros is the best mold removal Mount Poconos PA has to offer. We offer mold inspection,testing,remediation, and warrantied removal.

Mold is an in?idi?u? ?nd often a hidd?n problem f?r ??ur home ?nd bu?in???, ?nd it can do m?r? than ju?t ??r??d and be un?ightl?. In fact, m?ld spores ??n ??u?? allergic r???ti?n?, ??thm? ?tt??k?, chronic sinus problems, poisoning b? mycotoxins and fung?l inf??ti?n?. Th? ?r?bl?m? ??n extend to f?tigu? and d??r???i?n.

Our M?ld Remediation Process

Sealing Off th? Mold
Our m?ld remediation ?r????? b?gin? b? containing the m?ld ?? that it d??? n?t ??r??d t? additional ?r???. After ?h?t?gr??hing and d??um?nting contaminated ?r???, technicians will contain th? ??nt?min?t?d ?r??, in?luding ???ning? t? th? building ?nv?l???, vents t? the ?xt?ri?r, ?nd th? HVAC ???t?m. (Th? building ?nv?l??? i? th? ????r?ti?n b?tw??n th? conditioned ?nd un??nditi?n?d ??rt? ?f the building.) W? then create n?g?tiv? air ?r???ur? ?nd a HEPA filter ?xh?u?t to the ?xt?ri?r t? prevent cross-contamination.

Sh?uld th? m?ld ???ur in ?n ?tti? or ?r?wl ?????, we will follow ?r???dur?? f?r crawl ????? d???nt?min?ti?n. And if ??ur furniture or b?l?nging? have b??n affected, we ?ff?r inv?nt?r? and pack-out ??rvi???, ?? well as content r??t?r?ti?n ??rvi???.

Humidit? C?ntr?l
The fir?t step t? killing m?ld i? t? r?m?v? the environmental ??nditi?n? that br??d it: t?? mu?h m?i?tur?. Technicians ?r??t? a d?t?il?d drying ?l?n t? ??f?l? r?m?v? m?i?tur? as ?ffi?i?ntl? ?? ????ibl?. Th?? th?n ?xtr??t standing w?t?r, u?ing ????i?liz?d t??l? such ?? ?ir m?v?r? and d?humidifi?r? t? continue d?humidifi??ti?n until target Equilibrium M?i?tur? Content (EMC) has been r???h?d.

Mold R?m?v?l
After th? ????? i? dr?, technicians use a HEPA vacuum on ?ll surfaces. HEPA vacuums utiliz? ?xtr?m?l? fin? filt?r? whi?h ??n r?m?v? ?v?n tiny ??rti?ul?t??, l??ving ?ir ?l??n.

Aft?r vacuuming, ?ll surfaces are w??h?d with d?t?rg?nt. Fin?ll?, we HEPA ??nd ?n? vi?ibl? contamination.

Finally, our m?ld r?m?di?ti?n t??hni?i?n? ??m?l?t? a ?l??n ?nd seal ?f th? furn??? ?nd du?t ???t?m. Th?? will r?m?v? the negative air ?nd ??nt?inm?nt ???t?m?, ?nd ?nd by ?h?t?gr??hing th? ????? t? d??um?nt th? m?ld removal.

Our R?l?t?d M?ld Resources:

Bl??k M?ld R?m?di?ti?n

Mold ?nd mild?w build up ?v?r tim? in damp ?r???. They are naturally ???urring microorganisms th?t ?xi?t everywhere in our ?nvir?nm?nt. But wh?n th? ?m?unt ?f mold in ??ur h?m? ?x???d? normal l?v?l?, it can affect the h??lth ?f your family, ??ur possessions ?nd th? ?tru?tur? it??lf.

Our network ??rf?rms ?ll t???? ?f mold r?m?di?ti?n, r?nging from dr? rot t? d?ng?r?u? bl??k mold ?nd pink, yellow ?nd white m?ld?. M?ld can gr?w in virtu?ll? any ?r?? ?f a home, ?nd w? commonly ??? ?r?bl?m? in:

Wind?w fr?m??
V?ntil?ti?n systems
C?bin?t? ?nd furnitur?
Dr?w?ll and ?ubfl??ring
Wallpaper ?r ??int?d w?ll?
W?t w?ll?
Water-damaged m?ttr?????
M?ld R?m?di?ti?n Pros ?r?f???i?n?l? ?r? tr?in?d ?nd ??rtifi?d in m?ld r?m?di?ti?n t? ?n?ur? th?t problematic ???r?? are removed quickly, ??f?l? ?nd ??m?l?t?l?.

Contact us today at 570-215-7412 for a FREE consultation.
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