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October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to increase awareness and raise money for research Waltonwood Lake Boone, a premier senior living community, is hosted “The Fairy” from Finklepott’s Original Fairy Hair Magic to give seniors pink Fairy Hair. The magical sparkle hair is a unique way for the community to involve the residents while raising money for 1 of Us, a Raleigh-based non-profit that helps women who are undergoing breast and other gynecological cancers. Seniors who didn’t want to receive Fairy Hair had the option to color their hair pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

“We host several programs during the month of October to support Breast Cancer Awareness, but this year we wanted to do something different to engage the residents at Waltonwood Lake Boone,” said Shelly Levin, life enrichment manager. “We have several ladies who already have pink hair and they were thrilled to add a little sparkle to it. Fairy Hair is 100 percent safe, non-toxic and heat resistant. It takes a few minutes to fuse the strands of regular hair with the Fairy Hair, and it could last for months. I know the residents were excited to participate. Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer in women and we want to do our part to raise awareness. It was a fun and memorable day for all.”

About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a yearly campaign to educate people about the importance of early screening, testing and more. The campaign starts on October 1 and ends on October 31. Waltonwood Lake Boone decided to donate their funds to 1 of Us in Raleigh to support their mission of helping women across North Carolina battling the disease. Since the non-profit started in 2010, they have touched the lives of more than 1,000 patients.

“1 of Us is known in the Triangle-area for their hard work and dedication to helping those in a financial crisis during one of the most difficult times in their lives,” said Allison O’Shea, executive director at Waltonwood Lake Boone. “Being able to donate a portion of the Fairy Hair funds to the organization plus the funds we’ve raised at the community during other events is truly rewarding. At our community, we have several women who have battled breast cancer, so to be able to have them here with us raising funds and awareness is inspiring. We know our efforts during the month of October and throughout the year can make a difference in the lives of others and that is what motivates us to find new ways to support Breast Cancer Awareness.”

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