HPHS Wins First Place at NTCA Competition Feb. 8
Highland Park High School Winter Guard continues to make an outstanding showing in competition season this year. Winter Guard traveled to Coppell for their...
Park Cities iReporter     Feb 12 2014
Congratulations to Highlander Band Students Achieving All-Region Recognition
Congratulations to all the Highlander Band members who achieved All-Region Recognition! Director Reagan Brumley was impressed with the accomplishments of the...
Park Cities iReporter     Feb 12 2014
Highlander Band BBQ with the Band and Blue Out, Dinner and Auction Happening Oct. 11
The Highlander Band will host BBQ with the Band dinner and auction, in conjunction with the Tenth Annual Blue Out, on Oct. 11 at the Highland Park High School...
Park Cities iReporter     Oct 7 2013
Highlander Band Offers 'Glad for Plaid' Raffle Basket
The Highlander Band is offering a raffle basket which honors district employees. The “Glad for Plaid” raffle ticket offers any district employee a chance at...
Park Cities iReporter     Sep 27 2013
Highlander Band Hosting BBQ Dinner, Selling Blue Out T-Shirts
The Highlander Band will host BBQ with the Band dinner and auction, in conjunction with the 10th Annual Blue Out, on Oct. 11 at the Highland Park High School...
Park Cities iReporter     Sep 16 2013
Highlander Band Hosts 'BBQ with the Band' on Oct. 11
The Highlander Band will host BBQ with the Band dinner and auction, in conjunction with the Tenth Annual Blue Out on Oct. 11 at the Highland Park High School...
Park Cities iReporter     Sep 3 2013
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