Martha Jane Brounoff
Is Being the Smartest Person in the Room a Good Thing in a Job Search? Not Necessarily.
Did you know that, if you are striving for professional success by avoiding failure at all costs, you could be limiting your potential in all area of your life?...
Brounoff Communications     Sep 4 2020
Video Interviews - Recorded & Live - Now Hold the Keys to Successful Job Searches
Are you aware that video interviews have become the new standard for recruiting? Walt Glass, Interview Success Coach, will be the presenter at the Wednesday...
Brounoff Communications     Aug 31 2020
Why Should Your Job Search Strategy Include LinkedIn?
Does your present job search strategy include the use of LinkedIn as a proven networking tool in the Covid-19 pandemic environment? Terry Sullivan, Founder of...
Brounoff Communications     Aug 24 2020
During Pandemic, Job Search Success Demands Networking Skills
Are your job search efforts being sabotaged because you are using networking techniques that do not pertain to the Covid-19 pandemic environment? Debbie...
Brounoff Communications     Aug 17 2020
Your Job Skills Can Help Revitalize the Economy!
Are you aware that your job skills may be just what companies that are hiring during the Covid-19 pandemic are looking for as they strive to get through this...
Brounoff Communications     Aug 10 2020
Achieve Quick Job Search Success
Securing employment during these challenging times requires a comprehensive and disciplined process to find your next job. The St. Jude Career Alliance...
Brounoff Communications     Jul 1 2020
Practical Tools for Quick Job Search Results
Are you feeling stranded – even abandoned – because of the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, especially in employment? The St. Jude Career...
Brounoff Communications     May 13 2020
St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry to Offer Job Search Workshop via Zoom Meetings
The St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry announced today that, beginning with its Wednesday morning meeting on April 15, 9:00-11:30 AM, and continuing through...
Brounoff Communications     Apr 8 2020
Successful Job Search Plans Contain Proven Strategic Steps Working Together to Eliminate Weak Links
Does your job search plan include weak links that have the potential to sabotage your quest for that dream job? As you map out your job search roadmap, are you...
Brounoff Communications     Feb 26 2020
Incorporating Proven Strategies for Targeting Companies in Job Searches Helps Ensure Success
Does your job search plan include targeted companies for which you believe you would be an asset? Or, are you just taking a scatter shot approach? The new...
Brounoff Communications     Feb 5 2020
Career Advancement Workshop Offers Proven Roadmap for Realizing Increased Salaries & Benefits
Are you becoming concerned your carefully thought-out job search plan lacks the missing ingredient that will enable you to have your dream job – a higher level...
Brounoff Communications     Dec 26 2019
How the "Champion Way" to Job Searches Helps Ensure Career Advancement Opportunities
Why are champions considered to be winners regardless of the types of challenges being met – in sports, in sales, in all areas of academics? Is it possible for...
Brounoff Communications     Nov 26 2019
Why is the Human Element So Crucial to Successful Job Searches and Career Advancement Opportunities?
Does your job search plan include a very crucial detail that is often overlooked? The human element. Every step involved with landing the job of your dreams –...
Brounoff Communications     Oct 23 2019
Discover the Secret to Finding a Job with Career Advancement Potential through a Recruiter
While searching for that job of your dreams - one that brings an increase in salary, better benefits, and opportunities for career advancement – you, of course,...
Brounoff Communications     Oct 9 2019
Career Advancement Workshop Provides Proven Roadmap for Getting a Promotion & Raise in Salary
Are you becoming concerned about your prospects for future career advancement? Are you beginning to think that your present job skills are not enough to help...
Brounoff Communications     Sep 4 2019
Career Alliance Suspends Programs during Summer 2019; Weekly Meetings Will Resume Wed., Sept. 11
The St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry announced today that it is suspending its Wednesday morning career advancement programs during the summer of 2019. The...
Brounoff Communications     Jul 10 2019
New Expert Speaker Series Will Focus on "How to" Build Rewarding Business Relationships
If you want to make more money in the next job in your career, then you must pay attention to the business relationships you are making now. The St. Jude...
Brounoff Communications     May 29 2019
New Expert Speaker Series Examining Emotional Factors in Job Search Success Begins Wed., April 17
Are you aware that your state of mind has an impact – positive or negative – on your ability to successfully redirect your career in a more fulfilling...
Brounoff Communications     Apr 10 2019
Career Advancement Workshop Will Be Offered for Evening Sessions Beginning Wed., April 3, 7-9 PM
Are you currently employed but would like to advance to the next level within your company or land the job of your dreams, but are just not sure how to make...
Brounoff Communications     Mar 27 2019
Expert Speaker Series Offering Tips on Breaking Barriers to Job Search Success Begins Wed., March 20
Do you feel you are up against an impenetrable wall in your search to find a new – and better - job that will enable you to redirect your career in a more...
Brounoff Communications     Mar 13 2019
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