Are we celebrating the wrong leaders? | Martin Gutmann

TEDTalks (video) 5/24 4:52A contact@ted.com (TED)
We tend to celebrate leaders for their dramatic words and actions in times of crisis — but we often overlook truly great leaders who avoid the crisis to begin with. Historian Martin Gutmann challenges us to rethink what effective leadership...

With AI, anyone can be a coder now | Thomas Dohmke

TEDTalks (video) 5/23 4:38A contact@ted.com (TED)
What if you could code just by talking out loud? GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke shows how, thanks to AI, the barrier to entry to coding is rapidly disappearing — and creating software is becoming as simple (and joyful) as building LEGO. In a...

The good news you might have missed | Angus Hervey

TEDTalks (video) 5/22 4:49A contact@ted.com (TED)
Whether or not you believe the world is doomed might depend on where you get your news, says journalist Angus Hervey. He delivers stories of progress that mainstream media organizations missed last year — from advances in clean energy to...

How to fight for democracy in the shadow of autocracy | Fatma Karume

TEDTalks (video) 5/21 4:46A contact@ted.com (TED)
Democracy may be an abstract concept, but it holds the very essence of our autonomy and humanity, says lawyer and human rights advocate Fatma Karume. Sharing her journey navigating a tumultuous political transition in Tanzania that put her life...

The luminous mystery of fireflies | Wan Faridah Akmal Jusoh

TEDTalks (video) 5/20 4:39A contact@ted.com (TED)
There are more than 2,000 firefly species, found on every continent except for Antarctica — an astonishing diversity of movement and light. Firefly scientist Wan Faridah Akmal Jusoh explores the mysteries of these little beetles that light up the...

With spatial intelligence, AI will understand the real world | Fei-Fei Li

TEDTalks (video) 5/15 4:33A contact@ted.com (TED)
In the beginning of the universe, all was darkness — until the first organisms developed sight, which ushered in an explosion of life, learning and progress. AI pioneer Fei-Fei Li says a similar moment is about to happen for computers and robots....

How fantasy worlds can spark real change | Annalee Newitz

TEDTalks (video) 5/15 4:31A contact@ted.com (TED)
When the world's problems have you weary, journalist and science fiction writer Annalee Newitz suggests a good dose of escapist fiction to refresh your perspective. Step into the whimsical world of science fiction, cosplay and "goblincore" to see...

An activist investor on challenging the status quo | Bill Ackman

TEDTalks (video) 5/13 5:00A contact@ted.com (TED)
Bill Ackman has made billions of dollars — and a name for himself — as an activist investor, buying up stock to push for change at companies. In this wide-ranging conversation with author and business ethics professor Alison Taylor, Ackman...

1 simple question that could improve women's health | Meryam Sugulle

TEDTalks (video) 5/10 4:27A contact@ted.com (TED)
There's a reliable indicator of a woman's future likelihood of cardiovascular disease — but it rarely gets asked about, says obstetrician and researcher Meryam Sugulle. She delves into the role of the placenta in pregnancy, how it can predict...

How aerosols brighten clouds — and cool the planet | Sarah J. Doherty

TEDTalks (video) 5/9 4:46A contact@ted.com (TED)
Here's a conundrum: the same aerosol pollutants that harm human health also help cool the climate, says atmospheric scientist Sarah J. Doherty. Is there a way to clean up the air without warming the planet? Exploring the unintended consequences...

Welcome to the world of audio computers | Jason Rugolo

TEDTalks (video) 5/8 4:57A contact@ted.com (TED)
In an exclusive preview of unreleased technology, designer and inventor Jason Rugolo unveils an entirely new kind of computer you can talk to like a friend. This "audio computer" — which can augment the sounds around you, translate conversations...


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