Charles Davis

Drug rehab marketing agency providing addiction conferences, drug rehab SEO, drug rehab marketing consultants. Organic solutions for a buy rehab leads and AdWords or PPC strategies. We provide drug rehab marketing solutions for drug rehabs West Palm Beach to drug rehabs Costa Mesa California. Our substance abuse marketing clients are in many states including addiction treatment centers Nashville Tennessee. Our addiction conferences educate on ethical business and marketing practices.

Goals of a Drug Rehab SEO Blog?

Drug rehab SEO has become the single most important factor of lead generation for addiction treatment centers. This is a critical area that many addiction treatment centers are missing. Above all, a blog has one main purpose and that is to generate leads. Similarly, it is the most important web marketing tool. Many drug rehabilitation centers are missing the big picture when it comes to their blog.

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing Failures by CEO’s

The behavioral health industry has operated for years with short-term solutions in generating clients. CEO and marketing directors expect immediate results. This is because they have been able to get by with Google Ad Words and buying treatment calls. The business and marketing landscape have changed. The mentality of buying or obtaining a singular thing to generate immediate calls is gone.

Ranking organically on Google for drug rehab SEO keywords is one of the biggest area’s centers can generate treatment leads. However, understanding of SEO is paramount. Google uses over 200 things to rank for SEO.  Think of Google as the most popular kid at school. The first thing you have to do is introduce yourself. After that, you have to become friends and let Google get to know you. Then you need to get intimate so Google knows everything about you. The only way to do that is through content.

Drug rehab SEO Blog Goal

Drug rehab SEO is needed to achieve the main goal of blogs. It is to get your target audience to read it and to get Google to rank it on page one organically. The #1 way to accomplish this is to get your posts on page one of Google with proper drug rehab SEO blog writing and high authority back-link building. However, it takes many specific components to achieve this status. This is also the best way to compete against the big players.

We look at substance abuse treatment centers websites every day. Over half of them do not even have a blog let alone any drug rehab SEO blog writing. Out of the remaining, only a few have any search engine optimization. Just throwing up a 600-800 word blog post has very little chance of ranking. A blog needs to be strategically built to rank.

Why is Drug Rehab Marketing Budget Wasted with Legit Script Certification?

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing Failures by CEO’s

Drug rehab marketing is a tricky creature and requires an experienced professional that also teaches drug rehab marketing. Remember the big picture is to use drug rehab SEO to get ranked organically on page one of Google for the lkey search term. This can be accomplished with good drug rehab SEO blog writing and back-link building. Getting on page one could mean 1000’s of high quality and targeted organic calls. Many centers think the only way to accomplish this is through Ad Words and PPC. They could save big money if they would learn all about drug rehab marketing.

There is a high cost to play in that game. You have the initial Legit Script certification, then an annual fee. The bigger picture is you are competing against big players spending in excess of $500,000 per month. In addition, you have to pay over and over again for the leads. Once you get organically on page one, you tend to stay there for a long time.

Drug Rehab SEO is the Best Long-term Strategy

Drug rehab SEO is the best choice that provides the lowest CPA over time. Ad Words and PPC (pay per click) will produce calls however, their quality is generally poor. A small budget of $5000 – $10,000 a month will get eaten up quickly. A fraction of the budget would be better spent on organically ranking. In addition, with Ad Words, you tend to get a lot of Medicaid and Medicare calls. Consider this, pay per click ads on page one only receives 1.81% of the clicks. The Google Maps and top three organic listings get 60-70% of page one clicks. Drug rehab SEO blog must be part of the drug rehab marketing mix.

The #1 mistake made in our industry is treatment centers produce a poor drug rehab SEO blog that are all about them. This not only shows through on their blogs but also with their poor social media marketing. You need high-quality content that is valuable to the reader. If your blog is poor, then your web marketing strategy is poor.

What Are the Top 10 Mistakes Made with Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing?

Owners must know the  top 10 mistakes made with drug rehab SEO blog writing? CEO’s and Marketing Directors tend not to completely understand the common mistakes made with their blog. In fact 99% need a drug rehab SEO consultant to understand how to get ranked on Google. There are many common mistakes made in the advertising efforts. In addition, you must be aware that blogs should touch the reader on an emotional level. If the drug rehab SEO blog post is attracting, engaging and touches on that level, chances are high they will call.

  1. Google My Business Listing is incomplete and not updated regularly.
  2. A long-tail keyword is not in the URL.
  3. The long-tail keyword is not the drug rehab SEO blog title.
  4. Improper use H Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc…)
  5. ALT descriptions are not completely filled in (main title, ALT title and 2 sentence description with the keyword.
  6. SERP description should be 160 charters and include the long-tail keyword.
  7. Drug rehab SEO blog posts are too short, they should be at least 1,500 words.
  8. Content is not attracting and engaging to the reader (blogs are not about the services offered by the center.)
  9. LSI words are not used.
  10. Too many orphaned posts.

Take Inventory of Blog Posts and Where They Rank on Google

Get a drug rehab SEO keyword report for your treatment center. If you cannot do this, give us a call at 561-235-6195 and we will run one for you. This report will show how many words your center is ranking for and what pages they are on. It is often best to have a third party provide this information. Having this report will provide valuable intelligence on the effectiveness of your marketing.

This report will also aid in finding out what your competition is doing with their drug rehab SEO marketing strategy. Some savvy operators are raking in organic rankings because many centers are not utilizing search engine optimization, not even drug rehab SEO blog writing. You should at the very least be ranking for your main services followed by the city your center is located in. Here are just a few you should be ranking for, there are many more. Try and Google some of the following:

  • drug rehabs (followed by your city)
  • opiate and alcohol detox (followed by your city)
  • inpatient drug rehabs (followed by your city)
  • outpatient drug rehabs (followed by your city)
  • intensive outpatient drug rehabs (followed by your city)
  • sober homes (followed by your city)

Leading by Example with our Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing Failures by CEO’s

Behavioral Health Network Resources drug rehab marketing leads by example with our drug rehab SEO blog writing. Our organization ranks for many industry marketing keywords and on page one. In fact we unprecedentedly dominate page on for drug rehab marketing, drug rehab marketing agency, and drug rehab SEO.  We have 3-5 page one listings for these keywords. Remember we are competing against other agencies that say they do the best drug rehab SEO. We purposely rank for keywords that centers need to rank for to demonstrate our abilities. Ranking for keywords on services your website doesn’t actually offer is more difficult. Below is a list of some ranking keywords for our organization and our customers:

  • California drug rehabs (Behavioral Health Network Resources)
  • drug rehabs New Jersey (our client has 2 page one listings and Google Maps)
  • drug rehabs San Diego (our client is on page one)
  • outpatient drug rehabs San Diego (our client has 2 page one listings)
  • drug rehabs Los Angeles
  • IOP drug rehabs Austin (Our client is on page one and Google Maps)
  • drug rehabs Van Nuys (Our client has one page one listing and Google Maps)
  • outpatient drug rehabs Van Nuys (Our client has 1 page one listing and Google Maps)
  • Indiana drug rehabs (our client is on page one)
  • substance abuse billing (Behavioral Health Network Resources and Advanced Data Systems Corp)

These are all highly competitive keywords in large markets. Getting these profiles and drug rehab SEO blogs to rank is no easy feat. Our most recent client drug rehabs San Diego, California went from no existing to page one of Google in 90-days. It takes strategically built blogs with distribution channels to get them to rank.

Addiction Conferences Educating on Drug Rehab SEO and Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing Failures by CEO’s

Drug rehab SEO is taught at all our addiction conferences .They focus on drug rehab marketing and search engine optimization. Check out one of our most popular behavioral health events, “Get Linked for Addiction Professionals.” This event featured tools for Outreach and SEO techniques for CEO’s and Marketing Directors. We educate CEO’s, Executives, and Directors on ethical business and marketing strategies. Our Addiction Conferences EMP series has held 15 c-suite conferences. These conferences provide proven strategies and techniques to survive the changes in our industry.

Each behavioral health event has 5 Executive thought leader panelists. The conferences are in a talk show host/town hall forum. We interview the panelists in front of our audiences of 100-200 attendees. We then turn over the event to the entire audience. They have been successful because they get to the operating pain points of treatment center operators.

Drug rehab SEO Blog Content Relates to Lead Generation

The main component of drug rehab SEO blog writing is the content. We get 100’s of posting requests in our 60 social media groups every day. These groups have in excess of 210,000 members. They are on LinkedIn (12 groups and Facebook 40 groups.) These groups are unlike other groups in that we check all the posts before we approve of them. We do not let poor quality posts through. The content we do approve must be of high quality. They must be on a website and provide value to the reader. Check out our Facebook leading addiction professional referral group with over 14,000 members.

Many outreach professionals are attempting to post poor drug rehab SEO blog quality content. This does not produce calls and also damages the brand of the organization. Some of the poor-quality posts include:

  • memes
  • any posts that do not link through to a website
  • we are an intensive outpatient treatment center and JACHO accredited
  • we have beds available
  • telling a story not linked to a website or blog and saying CALL XXX-XXX-XXXX, I can help.

These are only a few examples there are many more. Part of the problem is the management doesn’t respect or understand how to use drug rehab social media marketing. Providing marketing tools and developing a plan with all employees plays a critical role. Part of that is the blog writing MUST be attracting and engaging while hitting the pain point.

Learn More About Our Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing Service

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Blog Writing Failures by CEO’s

Drug rehab SEO requires professionals. The behavioral health industry has experienced many business, operational and marketing changes over the last 12 months. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers are closing because they refused to change. They thought they could continue to operate without a detailed marketing plan and at the very least no drug rehab SEO blog.. They thought they could survive with just boots on the ground tactics and Google Ad Words. Relying only solely on these is extremely risky.

Search engine optimization takes time and is a long-term strategy. We get many calls where the CEO or Marketing Director has waited too long. They are 30-60 days away from closing their doors or being forced to merge with another company.

Our drug rehab SEO blog writing service provides high-quality 1,500-word blog posts. These posts will be specific to your target keywords. We can also re purpose existing blogs and enable SEO. We also have a 90-day SEO program that increases your SEO and teaches you how to perform search engine optimization. Give our CEO, Charles Davis a call at 561-235-6195 and let’s chat about getting your center organically on page one of Google.

Get educated on ethical business and marketing practices at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences EMP series.

Charles Davis
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Learn from the Top 40 Drug Rehab Marketing Solutio

Picture of a person juggling drug rehab marketing, SEO, social media, drug rehabs, and addiction treatment centers.

Drug Rehab Marketing is Changing Across the United States

The best drug rehabs West Palm Beach in Florida have been on the forefront of molding drug rehab marketing. They have forced drug rehab SEO and now are realizing the bigger picture with their advertising strategies. This is mainly due to patient brokering laws. West Palm Beach is where the regulations on advertising started. This is where the Sober homes Task Force started. Lawmakers across the US have adopted these strategies to ensure ethical drug and alcohol addiction treatment. substance abuse treatment facilities have many guidelines from the services they offer and how their drug rehab marketing works,. This has made it a little easier for consumers to find the best addiction treatment center healthcare.

Some of the best drug rehabs in San Diego are clearly making a difference. The educational material on inpatient, opiate and alcohol detox is much better than before. The content carefully explains the process of addiction treatment and alcohol detox. This drastically assists anyone seek help. These services are greatly needed since we are in the middle of a heroin epidemic. When seeking help it can be overwhelming with over 14,000 facilities across the nation. What sets them apart is how well they educate with their website and content.

While other new startups like drug rehabs in Los Angeles California are starting their organization with proper marketing strategies. They hire well-experienced consultants and agencies. The difference shows in their Google rankings. They are outranking other centers that are well established using this strategy.

Where to a Drug Rehab Marketing Education?

Addiction conferences on moments of change is one area to get drug rehab marketing information. These professional events provide in-depth information on how to advertise a drug rehabilitation center. However, there are only a few that focus on drug rehab marketing and SEO. Many of the behavioral health events focus on the treatment side. They don't cover the biggest pain point which is how to generate leads and clients. Without revenue coming in, it doesn't matter how good your program is is treating addiction. Owners need business information that will enable them to keep their doors open.

Directions to the Best Drug Rehab SEO Agency and Consultants

Directions to drug rehab SEO companies can be found on Map Quest. This is one of the best resources when seeking driving directions. It lists many drug rehab SEO and marketing agencies. When researching the best companies this will help you get to their website. Once there, you should be able to find useful information on advertising in our industry. However, an agency doesn't have to be local. the services they provide can be done from anywhere.

Behavioral Health Network Resources drug rehab SEO agency is by far the best in the United states. their comprehensive content is all across the web. If you are a treatment center Owner it's hard to not find them. They are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Medium, Scoop It and many more. They are the only drug rehab marketing agency that actually does organic social media marketing.

Most agencies say they do this, however they only do paid marketing. BHNR leads by example with their unprecedented ranking for keywords. If you google drug rehab SEO, drug rehab marketing agency and drug rehab marketing they dominate page one. When looking for a new agency Owners should google these terms. the ones on page one are the leaders.

Drug rehab marketing and SEO is complicated. there is no one solutions. It's a combination of many things that get you ranked. Almost all addiction treatment centers need to start with having their website rebuilt by a website developer in conjunction with a good consultant. This formula will prevent wasting drug rehab marketing dollars.

Why Are Drug Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Needed?

Drug rehab SEO is the process of advertising and ranking on search engines. It requires certain tasks that must be in place with search engine optimization. Some of these include; on-page optimization, and high authority back-links. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers a lacking many of these. They have traditionally used a buy rehab leads technique that is no longer as effective.

Many recovery centers are closing due to poor drug rehab SEO practices. They are making many common mistakes with their blogs and website pages. This is the main reason they do not rank organically on Google. This main issue is they expect immediate results from drug rehab SEO. This is because they are used to paid marketing and google Ad Words that would achieve immediate results. They are frustrated that this method no longer works. This has caused many to have a boots on the ground strategy. Drug rehab SEO drastically outperforms this method, however it takes time, money and expertise. 

There is a great increase in competition with drug rehabilitation centers. This is not only from new substance abuse treatment centers buy also call centers. The competition is spending in excess of $500,000 per month in paid advertising. This has pushed out the small and medium treatment centers from the buy rehabs leads strategy. This causes a huge problem for Owners. They are making common drug rehab marketing lead generation mistakes. The treatment centers that do research for a healthy long-term marketing mix will be the ones on the first page of Google. These are the ones that will hire the best drug rehab consultants to get their marketing mix in place.

How to Find the Best Drug Rehab Consultants?

The best drug rehab consultants will find a way to get in front of drug and alcohol addiction treatment center Owners. There content should be comprehensive and explain the complicated process of marketing and search engine optimization. When seeking a drug rehab SEO and marketing expert LinkedIn is one of the best places. this website has 550 professionals with over 20,000 addiction and behavioral health professionals. By spending a little time there you should these professionals profiles and posts come up on your feed. Their profiles should be robust with lead generation content.

In addition to LinkedIn is its sister website called Slide Share. This is a great website that enable individuals to post full articles in pdf form. Just like LinkedIn there is a tremendous about of information on  drug rehab marketing here. Here is will find in-depth content on search engine optimization in the drug rehabilitation industry. Look for articles that explain in detail the entire process. Learn how SEO is achieved this will help you when you hire a consultant or expert.

There are other websites like that list drug rehab SEO experts . Again, the content there should be educational and provide valuable insight for CEO and Marketing Directors. These are the individuals that are experienced in the treatment side and advertising side. They know how to get ranked on google. With 63,000 searches on google every second, their fee will pay for itself over and over again. This is definitely not an area to price shop. Go by how often you see them when you are on the web. If they are coming up again and again, this is a good bet for your lead generation.

Facebook is the #1 website in the United States. It has over 2 billion users. The is the best resource to find drug rehab marketing professionals. You should see them in your feed and in the addiction groups. If they are smart they will drip their marketing and SEO content to you. They should have articles that explain the process of search engine optimization. These comprehensive posts should leave ni doubt that they are experts in the field. Look for check lists and common mistakes made with drug rehab SEO. This is an excellent indication of the results you can expect.

Another exceptional business resource to find a drug rehab SEO professional is This website is similar to LinkedIn, but does a better job of networking. This platform helps you connect with the professionals you may need. In the case of drug rehab marketing and SEO there are several outstanding choices . Every substance abuse treatment center should have some of there staff on this website. It is an exceptional resource with very good content on advertising strategies.

The best drug rehab SEOn marketing resources provide information on search engine optimization. It brings up to date solutions on what it takes to rank on Google. They rank the highest on Google for many keywords.

How to Find the Best Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Strategies

Rehab Owners are always looking for the best drug rehab marketing and SEO strategies, ideas and techniques. Many cannot find the solution to their lead generation problems. Part of the reason is there are only a few resources on the subject. The drug rehab marketing agencies don't want to give away their secrets. This combined with no formal training available makes it difficult to learn. However there is information on the web, you just have to look for it.

Take for instance the problem of drug rehab SEO is the lack of search engine optimization knowledge. This concept explains the main issue extremely well. The rehabilitation centers are far behind on web marketing techniques. They have no idea how to get ranked on the first page of Google. This is evident by just looking at there websites. Many of these were built by a website designer not developer. The difference is a developer knows how to effectively communicate with Google. Thus, they get ranked on page one. It's funny to see the same critical errors on many drug and alcohol addiction treatment websites.

Drug Rehab Marketing Agencies That Specialize in Search Engine Optimization

Finding the best drug rehab marketing and SEO providers doesn't have to be difficult. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers need to get smarter with lead generation that produces treatment calls. Drug rehab consultants will play a critical role in this process. However, they must get away from a buy rehab leads strategy. Drug rehab SEO is the long-term technique that produces lower costs per client gained.

When looking for a reputable drug rehab marketing SEO company you must check business listing websites. there are many with Glass Door being one of them. This provides a picture of the stability of the company. You get information on the staff, their credit rating, and update posts. If they are good the updates should give you information on drug rehab marketing and SEO. This is a good starting point. If the profile is laid out correctly it should take you to the content you need.

Charles Davis
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digital-darwinism-affecting-drug-rehab-SEO-and- ma

Drug rehab SEO marketing is understandably becoming the most important part of drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing and lead generation. Search engine optimization is what allows Google to effectively communicate with your website. Search engines speak many languages, but SEO is what it understands best. It requires on-page and off-page critical areas to rank on page one.

Many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers, opiate detox’s, sober livings and behavioral health sales/service organizations do not have the proper foundation in place. Without the proper website foundation, you are wasting large amounts of money on marketing. A website is like an iceberg only 10% of it is showing. The 90% underneath is the critical piece to be examined. Many organizations judge their website on how it looks. This is a critical and costly mistake.

Substance abuse marketing for intensive outpatient programs and inpatient drug rehabs requires many different areas. CEO’s and Directors have always taken short term solutions to their long-term problem of a healthy census. They expect immediate results in all their marketing efforts. Many rehabilitation centers are seeking that one thing. They think they can do one singular thing and get page one rankings, it doesn’t exist. Drug rehab SEO takes many things to accomplish, time and investment.

Understanding Drug Rehab SEO and Digital Darwinism

digital-Darwinism-affecting-drug-rehab-SEO-and- marketing

Digital Darwinism is a sign of the 21st-century. It demonstrates that conducting business, as usual, will eventually force you to close your doors. There are many addiction treatment centers and behavioral health organizations closing their doors nationwide.

The one thing they all had in common is that they suffered from Digital Darwinism. They stayed with past drug rehab marketing and business strategies. these consist of a “buy rehab leads” mentality. These organizations should have learned from Google when addiction treatment ads were first banned on July 1, 2017. The new addiction treatment centers like inpatient drug rehabs Los Angeles do not have this problem. They have a true marketing background and understand how marketing works.

Now, in 2018, if you want to buy rehab leads or do PPC on Google and Facebook you need the Legit Script certification. This certification is only needed if you want to place paid ads on these platforms. This certification does not apply to organic marketing. In order to achieve page one rankings in organic marketing, it takes;

  1. a structurally correct website
  2. schema
  3. a fast loading website
  4. drug rehab SEO.

Each component requires a specialist with specific knowledge. It takes time and investment, however, the payoff goes way beyond a buy rehab leads strategy. Consider this, AdWords or PPC only account for about 2% of page one click-throughs. The first three organic slots and Maps account for 70% of page one click-throughs.

Digital Darwinism Fuels Short-term Drug Rehab Marketing Solutions

Digital Darwinism is when technology evolves faster than businesses can adapt. The substance abuse industry has ignored web marketing for short-term solutions to their long-term problem of maintaining a healthy census. Not realizing that the short-term solutions strategy has put them on a hamster wheel with their addiction treatment marketing. They are forced to pay over and over again for the lead generation. Many of the small to medium size recovery centers think that they cannot compete on the web with the big players spending $100,000’s every month.

They can compete with proven strategies put into place properly. Many of these centers have also been burned by the large drug rehab marketing agencies with their cookie cutter option. Many of these agencies do not even rank for key terms for their own business like; drug rehab marketing agency or drug rehab marketing consultants. If they can’t rank their own business, how can you expect them to rank yours? Being educated on the many components of drug rehab SEO, knowing what to look for, and performing some of the SEO themselves will get the smaller centers on page one of Google.

What is Drug Rehab SEO?

Drug rehab SEO is proper website development, schema, Google My Business, proper H tags, keyword counts, META descriptions, SERP descriptions, ALT tags and URL’s to name a few. It is a key component in addiction treatment center lead generation. Then there is off-page SEO that involves citations, back-links, long tail keywords, social media, and email marketing to name a few. These are some of the long-standing components that must be performed. The newest, as of July 2018, is Google’s speed update affecting rankings on mobile devices. We recently spoke with Brian Frye, of Magna Technology, a national leader in website development about the importance of speed. This is what he had to say;

After proper website development and drug rehab SEO, speed becomes a big factor when ranking on mobile.

While it is impossible to name all the different components, the CEO’s and marketing directors must get educated in order to rank on page one organically. Many in the drug rehabilitation industry have a poor website and poor drug rehab SEO in their lead generation strategy. During our conversation with Mr. Frye, we decided to invite him as one of our 5 Executive Thought Leader panelists at our 10/23/18 addiction conference.

Critical Business Areas Are Drug Rehab Marketing and Substance Abuse Billing

Drug rehab SEO and Substance Abuse Billing are critical mistakes made by treatment centers

In any business, the #1 factor is generating revenue. In the drug and alcohol addiction treatment industry you generate revenue from marketing and billing. Many recovery industry businesses think they have these two areas under control. These are critical areas that CEO’s must be extremely knowledgeable in. In many cases organizations are leaving huge chunks of revenue on the table.

Marketing dollars are being thrown and wasted on top of a poorly developed website with poor drug rehab SEO marketing. In-house billing and unchecked substance abuse billing companies are costing centers operating revenue. If you aren’t getting paid in 14-days with some of your receivables, do not know how much is out in receivables, or have large amounts owed you may not be in business much longer.

Our industry is changing fast and the organizations that don’t adapt will not be in business. You will not be able to operate with lazaire fare strategies. Relying upon your marketing Directors and Outreach staff’s book of referral sources puts your organization at great risk. Many are simply shuffling the same referral sources back and forth. This is a short-term strategy that is causing many centers to close their doors.

Marketing Directors Role in Marketing

Marketing Directors in our industry do not understand web marketing in general. They have risen to the position of Marketing Director because at some point they generated a referral base from boots on the ground tactics. What happens many times is that their referral sources dry up and they are let go because they have little value to the organization with drug rehab marketing.

They have no marketing education or skills that provide value to the organizations. Judging from the many LinkedIn profiles we see daily, the average length of employment for Marketing Directors is about one year.

Drug Rehab SEO Website Development is the First and Most Important Step


The very first step in a solid marketing plan and drug rehab SEO that doesn't have the common mistakes made by the industry. An abundance of centers will use a website designer, not a website developer to build their website. Many of our clients like drug rehabs New Jersey intensive outpatient addiction treatment center have their website audited and we correct the mistakes that are leaking marketing dollars. There is a very distinctive difference between these two roles. A website designer will build the most beautiful website. This is often what CEO’s and marketing directors are most concerned with on their website. They don’t understand that this is only a small part of web marketing.

On the other hand, a website developer plays a much larger role in marketing on the web. A website developer puts the many critical components in place that get you ranked on Google. Many judge their website on its’ aesthetics. This is about 10% of what you need to be looking at on a website. The remaining 90% is like the inside of a watch.

There are many moving parts that must be placed correctly for Google to rank on page one. Without a structurally sound website, you are leaking wasted marketing dollars. If a website does not have a proper silo, schema, sitemap, HTTPS, mobile optimization or proper local SEO to name a few Google will not rank you, or rank you poorly.

What to Look for in Search Engine Optimization

A Marketing Director position definitely says you are an addiction professional. As a professional, you should be skilled in every aspect of that position. This biggest chunk of that position is web marketing. Web marketing if executed correctly outperforms all other marketing combined.

There are only a few small to medium size addiction treatment centers, detox’s, sober living facilities and sales/service organizations that have a decent web marketing strategy. If your organization’s or drug rehab SEO marketing agency is not on the first page of Google in the 3-pack or in the first three slots on page one organically for key longtail keywords (ie drug rehabs in Florida) you are not doing your job very well.

Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Checklist for CEO’s and Marketing Directors

As a CEO or Marketing Director you should be able to answer the following marketing and drug rehab SEO questions;

  1. Is our website structurally correct?
  2. Is the hierarchy of our website good for Google?
  3. Are the URL’s for our website correct for drug rehab SEO?
  4. Does our website have an SSL certificate?
  5. Do we have schema incorporated into our website?
  6. Are our Google maps properly coded and placed on our website?
  7. Does our website have a sitemap and have we told Google it’s there?
  8. What is our list of keywords based on our organization’s services? And, out of those keywords which ones can, we easily rank for on the first page of Google?
  9. Do the main pages of our website have SEO for these keywords?
  10. Is our website fast enough on mobile for the new speed update released on July 9, 2018?
  11. What marketing company is performing our SEO and have we recently looked at their performance? Do we rank in the first three slots of Google organically for any of the keywords?
  12. What keywords are we ranking for in the Google 3-pack?
  13. How do we understand Google analytics and how to use it to build our marketing campaign?
  14. What posts are producing the most calls from our call tracking metrics?
  15. How many calls are being produced by our marketing company?
  16. When was the last time we posted in our Google My Business?
  17. When was the last time we uploaded pictures in our Google My Business?
  18. Are we using Yoast to check the bare minimum for our SEO?
  19. Are our pictures on the website optimized?
  20. Do we have a blog?
  21. Does our blog have SEO for our keywords? If so, what are those keywords and how many of the blog posts have made it to page one of Google?
  22. Is our blog attracting and engaging for our target audience?
  23. How are we building quality back-links?
  24. How many citations do we have?
  25. Do we have a staff page?
  26. Are we getting regular Google Reviews? If not, why?
  27. Can we use email marketing to professionals, individuals seeking treatment and our alumni? Are we emailing EAP’s, Labor Unions, Interventionists, Private Clinicians, Treatment Centers, Detoxes and more…?
  28. How many of our staff are involved in our social media marketing? And, what are the uniform messages we are using?
  29. Are we building a targeted and captured social media audience of professionals and individuals seeking treatment with our drug rehab SEO marketing on Facebook and LinkedIn?
  30. Is our direct addiction professional, and individuals seeking treatment audience over 10,000?
  31. What is our activity on the World’s #1 business networking site LinkedIn (500 million members)? Are you using drug rehab SEO marketing strategies to connect on LinkedIn?
  32. Do we understand how to maximize Facebook (2 billion members)
  33. Are we driving 500-1000 targeted visitors (per article) to your blog posts?
  34. Do we understand and utilize your Google Analytics?
  35. What have we done to utilize call tracking metrics?
  36. Are we doing Lunch and Learns at our center for EAP’s, Labor Unions, Interventionists, Private Clinicians and more…?

Addiction Conferences for C-Level Executives Provide Answers

Addiction Conferences by Behavioral Health Network Resources

You can get answers to these critical questions and more at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences EMP (ethical marketing Practices) Series events. We are currently looking for Co-Host and Co-Chair sponsors for our next event. These addiction conferences cover proven and ethical business and marketing practices. Each event has 5 panelists educating on the real pain points of operators. Some of these topics include;

  • substance abuse billing
  • proper website development
  • drug rehab SEO
  • dealing with insurance companies
  • social media marketing
  • legal issues
  • patient brokers

Outreach Needs More Marketing Education

This is even more evident for Outreach positions. There are many new pups that are in the role of Outreach. Many are out of treatment for less than a year, and again have some source for referrals. Once their referral sources dry up or get reduced they are given the talk by the treatment center owner that they have 30 days to start generating more referrals. In those 30 days, they are aggressively seeking new treatment centers for employment. Many times this is when they try to start using LinkedIn for outreach and addiction professional networking. As an Outreach professional and certainly as a Marketing Director you need to understand the complexities of web marketing.

Understanding Drug Rehab SEO Vs. Digital Darwinism


Your drug rehab SEO works and outperforms all other marketing combines. It requires H Tags, ALT Tags, SERP’s, URL’s and keywords. Not understanding Digital Darwinism is a costly mistake and could be detrimental to the success of the organization. Once you have set-up the proper foundation you need to drive your target market to your website.

Drug rehab marketing agency providing addiction conferences, drug rehab SEO, drug rehab marketing consultants. Organic solutions for a buy rehab leads and AdWords or PPC strategies. We provide advertising solutions for addiction treatment centers from Florida to California. Our addiction conferences educate on ethical business and marketing practices.

Drug rehab SEO is extremely complicated and behavioral health organizations need to be educated on what needs to be done. SEO involves key search words, H tags, internal and external links, high PR back-links, citations, Google My Business, Google 3-pack, schema, site speed, SERPS, and this list goes on. While this article provides a healthy checklist for drug rehab SEO, there is much more. SEO is an on-going task and treatment centers must take on more of this role. We not only perform drug rehab SEO, but we also teach our clients to be able to perform many tasks needed for SEO. Give us a call at 561-235-6195 and ask about our 90-day program that also provides you SEO training.

Charles Davis

Why Are Drug Rehab Marketing Plan Leads Critical in 2020?

Drug rehab marketing plan leads are paramount in 2020 to the many addiction treatment centers in generating treatment calls. Business and drug rehab marketing changes are dramatically affecting owners and operators. It’s apparent the addiction treatment industry is facing difficult challenges. Business, administrative and marketing changes are causing some centers to close their doors. You can no longer rely on a buy rehab leads strategy from drug rehab call centers or Google pay per click.

Big brother is watching with the new laws in Florida, changing how centers obtain their addiction recovery clients. Drug rehab call centers are under investigation by Congress and regulation is not far away. This is not isolated to just Florida, we have been seeing glimpses of the law protecting the vulnerable in California, and Arizona. Not only is big brother watching, but also the biggest kid in the marketing sandbox (Google) is now also trying to protect the vulnerable. These changes are seriously affecting drug rehab marketing plan leads.

Why a Solid Drug Rehab Marketing Plan is Needed?

Google is the #1 Source for drug rehab marketing plan leads.

Drug rehab marketing professionals are needed due to the many changes that have occurred in our industry. These drastic operational changes have caused many centers to start examining their addiction treatment marketing, and business strategies. Many are realizing they need a solid drug rehab marketing plan lead, and drug rehab marketing solutions resulting from a healthy marketing mix. They will not be able to survive using “laissez-faire” strategies. One of the biggest areas rehabilitation centers are looking at is their web marketing. We recently spoke with a couple of industry business, and marketing experts about what centers need to survive.

The web’s audience and traffic are staggering; it’s the largest place for marketing. By the time you finish reading this sentence, there will have been 2.3 million searches on Google, over 200,000 new Facebook posts, 22,000 tweets, and 22,000 gigabytes uploaded. So, “Why are centers not marketing, or poorly marketing, on Google and social media?” We took that question to the CEO of Addiction Rep, a nationally known and respected addiction treatment center marketing company.

This is what he had to say, “Many centers are short-sighted on their marketing, and expect immediate gratification. They want new clients immediately, and proper web addiction treatment marketing takes time, and work.” Many are realizing they need drug rehab marketing plan leads to generate clients and not just a buy rehab leads strategy. Whether your marketing an inpatient rehab, substance abuse IOP or opiate detox you need to get educated on the best drug rehab marketing strategies and implement them.

1. Why Google Must Be Included in Drug Rehab Marketing Plan Leads?

Getting on page one organically of Google does take time and knowledge, as does building a social media presence. But, as we are now seeing with Google controlling the pay per click. However, we need to consider that only 1.91% of page one Google clicks are paid advertising (top 3 ads on page one). Organic ranking (8 spots, and 3 Google Maps) on page one receives a whopping 50-60% of the clicks. This is why drug rehab SEO is so important.

Google organic page on clicks outrank AdWords and PPC

What is stopping drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers from organically getting on page one with their addiction recovery marketing? We took that question to Brian Frye, CEO of Magna Technology, a well-respected website building agency. He told us this, “One of the biggest issues is incorrect and poor website structure. Google spiders will penalize you, or not rank your site if they cannot read it. This is probably why we hear so many say that web marketing hasn’t worked for them. Without the proper web structure, any marketing you put on top will perform poorly.

Drug rehab marketing plan leads, and business strategies for PHP, IOP, detox, halfway houses, sober livings, or even independent practices are critical. The electronic assets are the largest portion of your business that generates revenue. Is your website’s foundation correctly set-up to foster the heavyweight of marketing, or is it built on sand?

2. Addiction Recovery Center Owners Need Proven Strategies

Picture of drug rehab marketing specialists giving advice

Drug rehab marketing plan leads need SEO, and website development.

For drug rehab marketing plan leads you an extensive education on what needs to be done for web marketing to work. Many owners have relied on short-term solutions like a buy rehab leads strategy. Their drug rehab lead generation consisted of buying treatment calls and spending tens of thousands of dollars a month on pay per click. Drug rehab call centers are now under the microscope of Congress and Google is controlling who can play the PPC game. These poor marketing strategies have caused many recovery centers to file bankruptcy or close their doors.

Recovery center owners need to know what to put into place that produces treatment calls or referrals. This starts with a proper website structure, SEO, and social media marketing. Many have wasted a ton of marketing dollars without these key areas being properly in place. Because these were not in place many centers have not seen page one of Google in organic rankings. The key focus in 2018 is a local marketing strategy. This means they must rank in the Google 3-pack in the maps section. In addition to ranking in the top 3 organic slots on page one.

What Are the Major Advantages of Organic Drug Rehab SEO?

There are many advantages to drug rehab SEO. Getting to these cherished spots that produce a whopping 60-70% of page one calls is not an easy feat. However, they will spend much less on their marketing efforts in the long run and produce a tremendous amount of qualified treatment calls. Treatment center owners should start by getting educated on web marketing in our industry by hiring a drug rehab marketing consultant. They can prevent you from wasting marketing dollars by trial and error. Once they have a handle on what needs to be in place, they should hire an SEO specialist to get to page one of Google.

With all these in place, you need to look at your outreach staff. You partially rely on outreach professionals to establish relationships and bring in new clients to keep your addiction treatment facility full. Do you train them in professional networking and marketing? You rely on their expertise to bring new business, and they network with other treatment centers. Are they establishing enough new relationships with other addiction and behavioral health professionals to foster referrals and generate treatment calls? Are they positively, or negatively affecting your brand?

3. Why Drug Rehabilitation Centers Lack Drug Rehab SEO Website Development?

What-are -the-common-drug-rehab-marketing-mistakes-?

Drug rehabs are making many costly drug rehab SEO mistakes on their websites. any treatment centers do not fully understand how to generate drug rehab leads. We look at many addiction treatment center websites, and many times, we can tell if they value marketing. Poor website development in drug rehab SEO and marketing is the #1 mistake made by recovery centers. Search engine optimization requires on-page SEO and high quality back-links. These are obtained by know drug rehab marketing citation building. Here are the top 12 drug rehab marketing mistakes related to addiction treatment center websites.

  • incorrect structure
  • no (or poor) search engine optimization
  • no blog, or just old blogs
  • no social media share buttons at the bottom of each blog post
  • no listing of the last 3, or 5 blog posts at the bottom of each blog post
  • no staff page
  • no testimonials
  • no Google map, or embedded incorrectly
  • poor call to action
  • offer very little value to their target audience
  • no call tracking
  • lack of understanding on Google analytics

Other factors that may affect their rehab marketing plan leads include; no email marketing, no alumni campaign, no marketing plan, and no (poor) social media presence. These are some of the tools your outreach professionals need to rely upon every day.

Drug Rehab SEO Must be Included in Marketing Strategies for Addiction Treatment

What are the reasons addiction treatment centers fail?

There are many reasons why drug rehab marketing fails. Some of the main reasons drug rehab marketing plan leads fail are; poorly structured website, bad search engine optimization, no IoT assets built, lack of good back-links, no analytics, no tracking and not driving targeted visitors their website. Many problems stem from the most basic component, a properly structured website that Google spiders can read. Many centers don’t realize what a good addiction treatment marketing strategy can do for their organization. Many give up, and resort to “word of mouth” as their main marketing vehicle. It’s time to examine your drug rehab marketing plan leads strategy.

4. What is Word of Mouth Drug Rehab Marketing Plan?

Word of mouth marketing is someone that endorses you to someone else. The addiction treatment industry is full of gossip. We hear a tremendous amount of gossip every day. This treatment center is brokering, this opiate center provides poor care, this recovery center is swapping patients and so on.

Rumors hurt drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers marketing strategy.

Many times, the accusations are incorrect, hurting that organizations brand efforts to build relationships and get referrals that produce treatment calls. This drastically affects their “boots on the ground” efforts. It is happening every day, whether you want to believe it or not, and affecting your referral sources. One way to overcome untrue gossip is through effective branding. Making your message strong enough, reaching a big enough audience, for people to question the validity of the accusations.

Controlling Word of Mouth for Addiction Treatment Lead Generation

How does Word of mouth hurt lead generation?

Many treatment center owners and sales/service organizations say, “We do best by, “word of mouth” for referrals.” They do not even realize they are suffering from drug rehab SEO marketing digital Darwinism. Being on page one of Google organically is the best possible word of mouth you can achieve. When you’re on page one, you get 1000’s of treatment calls, and click-through to your website. It outperforms all other addiction treatment marketing combined. Also, you need to consider, “What really is word of mouth marketing?” The problem is they have no long-term marketing strategy in their marketing mix. A good drug rehab marketing mix provides both, in a dedicated effort. However, it takes time, resources and investment for a long-term strategy.

5. Needed Drug Rehab Marketing Tools Tools for Outreach and Addiction Professionals

What are some tools for outreach professionals?

Addiction treatment centers Owners are providing little for drug rehab marketing tool for their employees. You most likely hired your outreach employees because they convinced you they could produce clients. Most outreach professionals in our industry are “boots on the ground.” They have a limited amount of referral sources, and many do not have a formal marketing education, or resources to continually grow new relationships.

Your outreach staff relies on you for guidance to perform well. If your organization is short-sighted on its’ drug rehab marketing plan leads efforts, “How can you expect your outreach staff not to be short-sighted?” Many centers use short-term solutions for long-term problems with their substance abuse marketing. All businesses require short, and long-term marketing strategies. The Google control on paid addiction treatment marketing ads has brought to light the extreme importance of solid marketing strategies, properly built websites, organic marketing and having an audience that you own.

Why Drug Rehab Marketing Branding Tools Are Needed?

Your addiction treatment marketing team must have some essential tools in their toolbox. Tools that not only help establish new relationships but also promote the organization. You need to provide tools for assisting your staff in increasing quality and targeted relationships. These tools include; ways to grow an industry professional network, understanding social media, using social media, and using a marketing strategy getting your entire organization involved in generating targeted website traffic.

How can outreach build targeted referral relationships?


Your rehab marketing plan should include building your organization’s unique brand with front-line professionals to generate targeted relationships and find your niche in the addiction treatment market.

Outreach professionals may be hurting your brand with the messages they are putting out on social media. Behavioral Health Network Resources is on social media 12-15 hours a day. We own over 30 social media groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. We see many outreach professionals posting messages that are not good for branding.

6. Branding Builds Trust and Engages Individuals Seeking Addiction Treatment

Building your brand is not advertising. It’s establishing a relationship that allows your target market to get to know you. It is attaching your organization to their emotions and feelings. Think of it as if you are single and looking for a long-term relationship. You causally meet someone. You are looking to see if they are attractive and engaged with what you like. If they are, then you want to get to know them. As you get to know them better, you get feelings and emotional ties to that person. Branding is much like this, it is not about your organization, but about being attracting, engaging, and getting emotionally attached.

Branding builds trust and must be a part of your drug rehab marketing plan leads strategy.

Branding is much bigger than marketing, and marketing should support branding. Marketing is your website, search engine optimization, advertising, email marketing, etc. Branding is the culture of the organization itself, that builds trust over the competition. It identifies, connects, touches the emotions, and feelings of the target audience. If repeatedly successful, your organization gets attached to those emotions, and feelings of that individual. This must be considered in your drug rehab marketing plan leads strategy.

7. Controlling Social Media with a Marketing Plan.

Drug rehab marketing on Facebook and other social media works especially well in generating treatment calls and lead generation, However, we must understand it’s not social. I say that because there are specific goals that treatment centers or sales/service organizations must strive for on social media. These goals include; attract, engage, capture and convert. For drug rehab social media to work you need an intimate understanding of how each one works. They all have their strengths, secrets, tricks, and back-doors.

Understanding how to use social media for drug rehab marketing plan leads.

A blog is one of the most valuable pieces of organic social media marketing and is an absolute must for all drug rehab marketing plan leads strategies. However, addiction treatment centers and sales/service organizations must realize their blog is not about them. It should be attracting and engaging to their target audience. Blog posts must be optimized for a keyword or a tail. Many center’s blogs are not optimized correctly and are not inviting for the target audience.

Value of Social Media for a Drug Rehab Marketing Plan

Drug rehab marketing on social media is more valuable than every. Google is carefully examining and ranking websites on this platform. Social media is one of the places Google looks at for drug rehab SEO. The ranking giant is looking for social signals and back-links. This is one of the best areas to improve search engine optimization and drive targeted traffic. Addiction treatment outreach professionals must completely understand the key social media (Facebook, and LinkedIn) in our industry. They are valuable tools for their toolbox. Used correctly they can generate clients, establish new referral sources, and brand the treatment center.

Facebook has 2 billion people that include many individuals seeking help, and behavioral health professionals. LinkedIn has over 550 million members and a minimum of 20 million addiction and behavioral health professionals. There is nowhere else you can go to reach these large numbers, and must be included in your long-term drug rehab marketing plan leads strategy. These are the most powerful tools for outreach professionals for lead generation and SEO. They must also be used by treatment centers to grow an IoT targeted audience they own. They are also the best way a treatment center can generate targeted visitors to their website. Treatment centers can use these for paid. and organic marketing. If your organization is interested in social media training, please give us a call at 561-235-6195.

Addiction treatment centers must be aware of what their employees are putting out on social media. We see posts like, “Sunshine Recovery, we are a PHP, IOP, are JACHO accredited and have 2 beds available.” A post like this not only hurts the person posting it but also the brand of the addiction treatment center. Your entire organization needs to be on the same page with social media marketing. CEO’s, Directors, and Outreach must be putting out a message that compliments and supports the brand.

Understanding Tools for Drug Rehab Marketing Plan Leads

We’ve explained the power of social media, and why it is paramount for drug and alcohol treatment centers, and addiction treatment sales/service organizations to be organically marketing on them. Some treatment centers will hire an agency to do their social media marketing. They usually do this for a 3-6-month period, before they realize not too much is happening. At this point, they have nothing to show for their money. Many centers and sales/service organizations then say, “Social media doesn’t work for us”.

It is paramount to capture your target audience for your drug rehab marketing plan leads strategy.

You not only need to push your blog out through social media, but you also need to capture a targeted audience. This audience is part of your long-term drug rehab marketing plan leads strategy because there is a lifetime value to owning your own targeted audience. A good social media push on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and G+ should generate a minimum of 500-1,000 targeted clicks to your website. If the article is shared a lot, it could be much higher. Behavioral Health Network Resources has built one of the largest organic social media audiences in the nation.

Our drug rehab SEO marketing social media audience consists of addiction professionals, and individuals seeking information on treatment (210,000). Give us a call at 561-235-6195, and ask us about our 90-day social media marketing package that instantly taps you into our audience, and builds an audience your own.

Learn More About Drug Rehab Marketing

As an addiction treatment center Owner, you’ve mastered the skills to start your practice and provide a great clinical service. The missing component of getting clients is strategic marketing. Where are your drug rehab marketing plan leads coming from? There are many important aspects you need as a foundation and components that should be in your marketing mix. Whether you are just starting out, or have a seasoned team, you need clients to keep your census high enough to keep the doors open. You put a tremendous amount of pressure on your outreach and marketing staff. Are you providing a solid foundation, effective tools, proven methods to foster new business and a strategic plan to grow your organization’s electronic assets? Learn proven business and marketing strategies at our addiction conferences.

Why It’s Time to Examine the Drug Rehab Marketing Plan Leads Top 7 Mistakes?

Examine the Top 7 Drug Rehab Marketing Plan Leads Mistakes.

Examine and learn from the 7 most common drug rehab mistakes made by drug rehabilitation centers. Many addiction treatment centers closing from a poor marketing strategy when seeking treatment calls for substance abuse treatment clients. The addiction treatment industry is more competitive than ever. The main focus has been on drug rehab SEO. This is the most cost effective advertising strategy on the web. CEO’s and Executives need proven drug rehab marketing solutions. Many centers are closing due to poor web marketing. This article laid out 7 extremely important areas to address in your marketing strategy.

  1. Google Must Be Included in Drug Rehab Marketing Plan Leads Obtain better substance abuse marketing strategies on Google.
  2. Addiction Recovery Center Owners Need Proven Strategies for Drug Rehab Marketing. Utilize proven substance abuse treatment in web marketing strategies.
  3. Drug Rehabilitation Centers Websites Lack Structure and Important Information. Improve proper website structure, SEO, and content.
  4. Controlling Word of Mouth Addiction Treatment Center Organic Marketing.
  5. Drug Rehab Marketing Tools for Outreach Professionals.
  6. Branding Builds Trust and Engages Individuals Seeking Addiction Treatment.
  7. Organic Marketing on Social Media for Recovery Centers. Focused organic social media marketing to generate treatment calls and targeted website traffic.

Behavioral Health Network Resources is ranked one of the best SEO marketing companies in the United States. We have several page one listings on Google for drug rehab marketing, drug rehab marketing Agency and drug rehab SEO. We understand search engine optimization for addiction treatment centers. Our 90-day marketing package will get you ranked for the best search terms. Give us a call today at 561-235-6195 and start capitalizing on the 63,000 searches on Google every second.

Have we missed any points that you’d like to add? Post them in the reply section below.

Charles Davis

Opiate Detox West Palm Beach Educates on Narcan

This article, Narcan Education Opiate Detox West Palm Beach, Florida hopefully will bring light to the negative stigma that is being reinforced by the media. Headlines below are in newspapers, magazines, and reported on the daily news now on a horrifyingly regular basis. Many of these articles have perpetuated that Narcan entices addicts to continue to use. This article provides much needed information on this life saving drug.

Typically, in the context of somebody who was found unresponsive and unable to be resuscitated from opiate overdose.  The sad and scary reality is that novel opioids, not FDA approved drugs and often not even labeled for human consumption, are constantly being synthesized and sold by drug dealers across the globe.

Basically, clandestine scientists work in the laboratory to move some atoms around, making synthetic opioids such as acryl fentanyl or tetrahydrofuran fentanyl from known parent drugs like fentanyl (which is the most potent FDA-approved opiate used in human medicine at about 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and 30 to 50 times more potent than heroin).  The drug dealer’s goal is to make a cheaper, stronger, easier to transport product to get addicts “higher” and make more money.  The unfortunate side-effect is that these new synthetic opiates are so strong, in fact, that people are dying from the minutest amount laced into what they think is heroin.


“New Naloxone-Resistant Drug Acrylfentanyl Is a Public Health Emergency” (Cision PR Newswire); “Narcan-resistant Drug Appears in Indiana” (EMSWORLD); “Narcan resistant synthetic opioids found in Kentucky” (New Objectives/Blog); “Fentanyl Found in Georgia Resists Life-Saving Naloxone Antidote” (Newsweek)

Logic would dictate that people would never intentionally put something that could very easily kill them into their bodies.  But, logic and addiction are often mutually exclusive, and so goes the unrelenting strength, power, and counter intuitive destructiveness of the disease.  As a matter of fact, my patients tell me that when they hear somebody has overdosed they will intentionally seek out that person’s supplier because it is “good stuff”.  Very scary situation and one which has cost countless lives as this opioid epidemic rages on. This is not because they say “Narcan will bring me back, so it’s OK to continue using.”

Narcan Education by Opiate Detox West Palm Beach, Florida

There is another problem with these new synthetic opioids- the so-called “Narcan-resistant” concept of these powerful drugs.  The most common cause of mortality in opiate overdose is fulminant respiratory depression (i.e. the patient simply stops breathing).  If the patient stops breathing there is no oxygen inhaled to reach vital organs such as the heart and brain.  Prolonged respiratory arrest leads to death or permanent organ damage.

Brain damage from cerebral anoxia can occur in as little as six minutes.  Narcan is the one pharmacologic “antidote” we have to combat acute opioid overdose and death, but it can be far less effective when new synthetic opioids are in the patients’ body, making overdose, organ damage, and death all the more probable even when Narcan is given promptly.

There are more resources for opiate detox West Palm Beach that include the Bridge device. This is a non drug with little side effects. In addiction, it drastically reduces withdrawal. You can learn more by clicking the link.

Drug Rehabs West Palm Beach Poised for Addiction Treatment

The Top 10 Drug rehabs West Palm Beach are trying to help with treating the opiate epidemic. Thier addiction treatment centers are treating 1000's and saving many lives for addiction. To be completely accurate, the term “Narcan-resistant” is a bit of a hyperbolic misnomer.  Narcan will still work in patients overdosing on these new synthetic opiates- that pharmacology doesn’t change, but much, much more is needed to reverse respiratory depression and stave off death.  This is because synthetic opiates bind so strongly to the body’s opiate receptors where Narcan is trying to attach to reverse the opiates’ effect.

This relative resistance is one reason that Evzio, a Narcan auto-injector (think Narcan epi-pen), recently increased their dose from 0.4mg to 2mg.  The 2mg dose is certainly more effective, but there are even still cases where it is not potent enough!  What this comes down to is that we need some other method to be able to keep patients alive, keep oxygen-rich blood circulating to vital organs, until EMS can arrive, stabilize, and transport the patient to the emergency department. 

Want more evidenced based education on opiate addiction, click below and join Facebook groups;

Addiction and Behavioral Health Options

Evidenced Based Addiction Treatment

Narcan Education by Alcohol Detox San diego is Needed

Some rehabilitation facilities like the best alcohol detox San Diego options are trying to help. This other method is as widespread a proficiency and training in overdose prevention as possible, particularly treatment center and sober home employees and patients’ family members, who are in contact with those suffering with addiction. Overdose prevention means the proper administration of Narcan, the ability to activate emergency response and initiate CPR, and the utilization of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).  These are all necessary skills if we are to do everything we can to save a patient who has overdosed on opiates.

Please consider learning these life-saving skills. There is a lot of information on saving lives of those suffering from the disease of addiction; this is their mission and their passion!

The post is by drug rehab SEO specialist Charles Davis, CEO of BHNR.

Get educated on ethical business and marketing practices at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences EMP series.

Charles Davis


How to Find the Best Drug Rehabs in Florida and Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach?

It’s hard to find the best drug rehabs in Florida and addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach offers. When seeking substance abuse help in these areas you must be careful. Florida has business administration and patient brokering laws. These pertain to drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers, sober livings and halfway houses. The new drug rehab and sober homes laws cover the entire state of Florida. However, the largest concentration is with addiction treatment-related facilities in Palm Beach County.

It is paramount that every individual seeking drug rehabs in Florida and addiction professional help fully understand the drug rehabs West Palm Beach laws. Many seeking drug and alcohol addiction treatment in any fashion do not understand the risks that are involved when picking treatment centers, sober livings or halfway houses. Even within the addiction treatment industry, there are some “green” professionals that are being deceived in their new roles. Under the new laws, “ignorance is not bliss.”

Drug Rehabs in Florida and the Evolution of Patient Brokering Laws “The Florida Shuffle”

Drug rehabs in Florida and addiction treatment Centers West Palm Beach learning about Patient Brokering

The spotlight for addiction treatment marketing has been in South Florida for some time. The media has jumped on the bandwagon with drug rehabs in Florida to get more viewers for more advertising dollars. Some of this coverage is slanted and irresponsible. It has caused many ethical players to struggle in keeping their doors open while causing others to close their doors. The focus of the coverage should be that the new “Florida Model” is paving the road for national laws against patient brokering.

We are fighting a heroin epidemic (more than 150 per day) and the stigma of addiction. One-sided stories of drug rehabs in Florida are hurting more than they are helping. They have slanted that drug rehabs West Palm Beach and Florida is the only place patient brokering is occurring. Let’s be perfectly clear here, patient brokering is happening all over the United States. Florida happens to be one of the nation’s more popular destinations for addiction treatment. Soon we will see the spotlight shift to other largely populated recovery areas like California, Texas, Arizona and the Northeast.

Who’s Keep Track and Regulating the Drug Rehabs Industry?

Although it is difficult to accurately measure how many drug rehabs in Florida, sober homes, 1/2 way houses, recovery residences, and drug rehabs in Florida exist in the geographical area there is some data. For instance, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) did a study in LA County showing 260 sober living homes with a capacity of 3,265 individuals. The number is most likely in excess of 600 based on industry unconfirmed sources, while the unconfirmed numbers in the West Palm Beach, FL area are between 400 to 600.

What to do in West Palm Beach, FL Area, and Drug Rehabs in Florida Reputation

What to do while attending Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach, FL is a diverse community and a destination for many including those suffering from drug and addiction problems. It’s beginnings date back to 1513 with Juan Ponce de Leon and had a population of 20,000 native Americans. West Palm Beach’s current population is 100,000. In the heart of West Palm Beach is the Flagler Museum, the Kravis Center, Clematis Street, and City Place districts. These are the areas that attract many seeking drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment. However, they are filled with nightlife, bars, clubs, and restaurants. The largest West Palm Beach area attracting those seeking drug rehabs in Florida is Delray Beach, FL. These are some of the reasons why drug rehabs West Palm Beach have been targeted.

Understanding Why Drug Rehabs in Florida Have a Bad Reputation?

Drug rehabs in Florida fighting the nightlife.

Delray Beach, FL Sunny Addiction Treatment Destination

For drug rehabs in Florida, West Palm Beach is ground zero with Delray Beach, Florida leading the way.

The center of the top 10 drug rehabs West Palm Beach is a collection of addiction treatment centers. In the West Palm Beach area is the heart of the recovery community in Florida. Although Delray Beach is only 15 square miles there are many sober homes and 1/2-way houses. It has been marked by the New York Times in 2007, as the drug recovery capital of the United States. This dubbing was due to having one of the nation’s largest addiction recovery communities and the highest number of sober living homes.

Other major news outlets like NBC News have aired stories on drug rehabs in Florida, West Palm Beach fraudulent practices and claimed Florida is generating a billion dollars a year.  Consider this, in 2015, Forbes did an article claiming the addiction treatment industry generates 35 billion dollars a year. Drug rehabs in Florida generate a billion dollars, where is the other 34 billion? According to these numbers, Florida may not be the worst state with patient brokering issues.

Governmental Drug Rehabs in Florida Listings for Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach

The governmental listing for drug rehabs in Florida shows fewer centers than actually exist. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMSHA) website only lists 92 addiction treatment facilities categorized as substance abuse in a 25-mile radius around West Palm Beach, including Delray Beach, FL. This list includes addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach, drug rehabs, sober homes, and halfway houses. Even though we know there are many unregistered sober homes, this list should most likely be over 400 facilities.

A collection of drug rehabs in Florida including recovery residences.

In comparison on SAMSHA’s website, there are 274 treatment centers, sober homes and halfway houses listed in a 25-mile radius around Los Angeles County. These numbers fall in line with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) study and clearly show we need to address that all addiction treatment centers, sober livings, and halfway houses be registered and regulated by some governing body.

SAMHSA Los Angeles County Addiction Treatment Centers sober livings half way houses

This article simplistically outlines the new drug rehabs in Florida laws and behavioral health legal counsel should be contacted for exact interpretation. Our goal is to direct addiction treatment centers and sober living owners, operators and addiction professionals to the Florida law statutes. This is paramount for them to operate ethically and responsibly. It also goes beyond educating addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach, there are laws across the entire US.

Take for instance, new start-ups like drug rehabs Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They are a residential inpatient addiction treatment center and alcohol detox facility. They are ethically using drug rehab marketing be educating with in-depth content. The drug and alcohol information is comprehensive. this is no surprise as they are Joint Commission accredited.

What are the Addiction Treatment Centers in Florida Regulations?

The regulation of drug rehabs in Florida stemmed from five Florida rehab centers bills. These five bills HB 807 (SB 788), HB 249 (SB 588), HB 477, HB 557 (SB 840), and SB 866 (HB 791) have taken many concerned elected officials years to get passed. If you would like a simple break-down you can read, “Patient Brokering Top 5 Legal Things Nationally.” You may also want to read the “Top 5 Criteria for Sober Livings in Florida.”

What Do the Florida and West Palm Beach Laws Cover?

The new Florida drug rehabs laws cover much more than just rehab marketing for drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers. The laws affect more recovery residences. 1/2-way houses and sober homes West Palm Beach, Florida area. They cover all of Florida.

The laws also cover opiate detox West Palm Beach. It must also be understood that if you are out of state and engage in breaking any of these new laws with an organization in Florida, you are subject to Florida laws and can be prosecuted. This includes offering any enticements (airfare) to bring a client out of the state of Florida.

Chapter 2017-179 Encompasses Drug Rehabs in Florida and West Palm Beach

The CHAPTER 2017-173 is a criminal statute which specifically prohibits Florida drug rehabs any health care providers or health care facilities from giving or receiving any form of remuneration in exchange for referrals, regardless of the source of payment for the applicable service or product. The Florida Legislature passed the Patient Brokering Act after learning that various hospitals, mental health, addiction treatment centers and sober livings we’re brokering patients.

While the laws focus on Florida drug rehabs, they apply for the entire state of Florida. The laws also cover deceptive web marketing practices. Popular search terms like “addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach” are being redirected to shady websites copycat sites.

Overview of Florida Drug and Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach Laws

What-are-the-drug-rehabs-in-Florida-patient-brokering-laws-affecting-patient-brokering for-addiction-treatment-centers-West-Palm-beach

2017 Florida Statutes on Fraudulent Practices;

  • License application for drug rehabs in Florida; requiring accreditation for certain license renewals.
  • The new role of DCF.
  • Higher licensing fees to cover the cost of regulation.
  • Background screening for owners, directors, chief financial officers, and clinical supervisors.
  • Authorizing the department to deny a renewal application of a regular license if received fewer than 30 days before expiration.
  • Requiring clinical supervisors of addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach to undergo background screening.
  • Requiring the department to establish minimum standards for license of substance abuse service components.
  • Specifying standards, procedures, and staffing requirements.
  • DCF can conduct announced and unannounced inspections in all drug rehabs in Florida..
  • Limiting referrals to and from recovery residences in certain circumstances; providing exceptions; requiring a service provider to maintain certain referral records.
  • Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services can take action against an entity providing services without a license.
  • Unlawful for a person to offer or pay, or solicit or receive, benefits for clients.
  • In order to be issued a regular addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach license, the applicant must be in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. An application for renewal of a regular license must be submitted to the department at least 60 days before the license expires.
  • Drug rehabs in Florida licensed under this part may not make a referral of a prospective, current, or discharged the patient to, or accept a referral of such a patient from, a recovery residence unless the recovery residence holds a valid certificate of compliance as provided in s. 397.487 and is actively managed by a certified recovery residence administrator as provided in s. 397.4871.
  • 397.4871 does not apply if referrals by a recovery residence to a licensed service provider when the recovery residence or its owners, directors, operators, or employees do not benefit, directly or indirectly, from the referral.
  • A licensed drug rehabs in Florida service provider shall maintain records of referrals to, or from recovery residences as may be prescribed by the department in the rule.
  • After June 30, 2019, drug rehabs in Florida violating this section shall be subject to an administrative fine of $1,000 per occurrence. Repeat violations of this section may subject a provider to license suspension or revocation pursuant to 397.415.
  • Making a false or misleading statement, or providing false or misleading information, about the provider’s, or operator’s, or third party’s products, goods, services, or geographical locations in its marketing, advertising materials, or media on its website. This is often done to increase drug rehab SEO rankings.
  • Including on its website false information or electronic links, coding, or activation that provides false information or that surreptitiously directs the reader to another website in their rehab marketing campaigns.
  • Drug rehabs in Florida entering into a marketing contract with a provider who agrees to generate referrals or leads for the placement of patients with a service provider or in a recovery residence through a call center or a web-based presence, unless the service provider or the operator of the recovery residence disclose the following to the prospective patient so that the patient can make an informed health care decision.
  • Information about addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach, the specifically licensed service providers, or recovery residences that are represented by the provider and pay a fee to the marketing provider, including the identity of such service providers or recovery residences.
  • Clear and concise instructions that allow the prospective patient to easily access lists of licensed service providers and recovery residences on the department website.

Drug Rehabs in Florida Get educated at Addiction Conferences on Ethical Drug Rehab Marketing and Business Practices

Addiction Conferences by BHNR Co-Host for drug rehab marketing and SEO on 6.24.20

Behavioral Health Network Resources holds addiction conferences for drug rehabs in Florida educating on ethical drug rehab marketing strategies. Drug rehabs in Florida are getting much needed LinkedIn training at our addiction conferences 2020 “Get Linked for Addiction Professionals” drug rehab marketing series. This event will train addiction treatment centers and ancillary services providers on how;

  • how to properly build a LinkedIn profile
  • use LinkedIn for back-links and get SEO juice that can rank on page one of Google
  • build a new referral source with private clinicians, EAP’s, psychologists and more.
  • hoe to distribute content with Pulse Posts
  • how to use groups to reach 100,000’s

Behavioral Health Network Resources has held addiction conferences for 3 years with 15 addiction professional conferences. These events have provided vital business and marketing intelligence to survive the drastic changes from new laws and regulations. California is experiencing what Florida experienced 1-1/2 years ago.  The events tackle and provide proven, ethical business and marketing strategies. Addiction treatment centers and sober livings learn proven long-term solutions for maintaining a healthy census and how to generate more revenue.

Each event is in a unique talk show host, town hall-style conference featuring 5 Executive panelists. This is an interactive forum that features 150-200 attendees and 15 exhibitors. You can contact Charles Davis at, or 561-235-6195 if you would like to be a panelist, sponsor or exhibit.

W2 Employees and 1099 Contractors- Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach May Not be Protected. 

    1. Many drug rehabs in Florida believe that they are free to compensate marketers based on the number of patients or the amount of revenue they bring to an SAT provider as long as the marketer is hired on a W2 basis.  Is it really that simple?
    1. In addition to carefully choosing whether the characterize the marketer as 1099 or W2, are there any other steps SAT providers can take to help shore up their marketing arrangements from a regulatory perspective?

What Ethical Marketing Resources are Available for Florida and West Palm Beach

There is a need for educational resources on drug rehabs in Florida. The new laws have impacted addiction treatment center marketing on how they can get referrals. It is now paramount the drug rehabilitation centers establish ethical referral relationships. Below is the top 5 addiction professional referral resource to assist outreach and marketing professionals. Connect with ethical centers in the Facebook Addiction Professional Referral group with 20,000 members helping dozens every week. This is an extremely active group with professionals seeking a fit for their clients and individuals seeking help.

  1. Facebook Addiction Professional Referral Group 19,000 Members with 500 waiting to be approved. One of Facebook’s most active addiction groups, highly monitored with over 6,000 banned in the last 12 months.
  2. LinkedIn Addiction Professional Referral Group 14,000 Members
  3. Facebook Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach Connection  2,000 Members (Only in Florida)
  4. Facebook California Addiction and Behavioral Health Connection
  5. Get connected to the “Top 60 Addiction and Behavioral Health Social Media Groups“- Over 120,000 Members.”

Drug Rehabs in Florida and Addiction Treatment Centers West Palm Beach Understanding the Laws

Drug Rehabs in Florida, sober homes, and addiction treatment centers in the West Palm Beach area have been hit hard with media coverage on the Florida Shuffle. This has affected many ethical operators making it difficult to obtain new clients. Centers now are looking at drug rehab SEO to compete with PPC using Legit Script. Florida only accounts for one billion dollars of the industries 35 billion dollars that are being generated.

The media in its effort to gain viewers and advertising dollars need to be more responsible with their reporting. They need to report all the other bad areas including California, Texas, Arizona, and the North East. The bad publicity from drug rehabs West Palm Beach is driving individuals seeking addiction treatment to another state where it could potentially be worse. Judging by the industry revenue numbers of $35 billion a year, there is $34 billion that is unaccounted.

We would love to hear your thoughts (below) on the current status of patient brokering in the addiction treatment industry.

Charles Davis

Drug rehab marketing agency providing addiction conferences, drug rehab SEO, drug rehab marketing consultants. Organic solutions for a buy rehab leads and AdWords or PPC strategies. We provide drug rehab marketing solutions for drug rehabs West Palm Beach to drug rehabs Costa Mesa California. Our substance abuse marketing clients are in many states including addiction treatment centers Nashville Tennessee. Our addiction conferences educate on ethical business and marketing practices.

Drug rehab leads have become a difficult task. A buy rehab leads tactitic is even more difficult for for drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing. There have been many businesses, administrative and marketing changes. Addiction treatment centers can no longer just rely on a “buy rehab leads” strategy. A detailed addiction treatment center marketing plan must be in place. A plan with a healthy marketing mix and many components.

You should have a solid understanding of the competitive addiction treatment center marketing of all your competitors. With this understanding, you will realize that it’s a highly competitive market. You need a decent investment and a knowledgeable drug rehab leads marketing company specializing in our field.

Deception with a Buy Rehab Leads Generation Strategy

Website-tracking-metrics-for-drug-rehabs-300x200 Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to KnowIt is not enough to have an addiction treatment center marketing specialist, you need to research them and get behind the smoke and mirrors. You need tracking metrics on the back-end of your website. These show you exactly where your recovery leads are being generated and what is producing the treatment calls. We’ve had many drug rehab leads marketing clients that buy into exclusive listings on high gloss websites with a ton of listings and banner ads of their competitors. Some sites have heavy traffic and some have very little. Also, be aware of drug rehab marketing agency cookie-cutter options.

Some fool you with fake traffic. If you pay to be on these sites, place Google analytics on the back-end of the website and look closely at the monthly traffic generated. In addition, you can code you’re call tracking and see how many calls are being generated. This should be done for your entire marketing mix. In addition, drug rehab marketing consultants can prevent you from making costly mistakes. They have the experience and knowledge to guide you to what works. It’s in your best interest to about the top 3 benefits of drug rehab consultants.

The first step in drug rehab leads marketing is to check their visitor count. One of the best ways to check is to use Alexa. This is a website checker that will show you any websites traffic. Many of the ones that show heavy traffic use black hat tactics to depict traffic. Some will buy fake traffic which is useless to addiction treatment centers.

Once we put tracking mechanisms in place for our drug rehab leads clients we find these sites generate very little leads and have wasted the treatment centers marketing dollars. One of the sites we do recommend should be in a drug rehab marketing mix is Psychology Today. Every one of our clients tells us it does generate some leads and is inexpensive.

Behavioral-Health-Network-Resources-Addiction-Treatment-Marketing-6220-SW-15th-Ct-Pompano-Beach-Fl-33068-300x218 Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to Know

Drug rehab marketing is the #1 overlook aspect in our industry. the bottom line is, it is not easy! You should have a written drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing plan with many buckets. This is you’re drug rehab marketing mix and should clearly outline what you are going to be trying and documenting the results. It is going to take an investment, time and long-term commitment to finding you’re drug rehab leads marketing mix. Be careful of the top 3 drug rehab marketing mistakes. These are common mistakes made by many centers and can waste $100,000’s of marketing dollars. Without the proper website foundation and SEO, you’re marketing will be leaking valuable Google juice.

Drug Rehab Marketing Leads Tools

A buy rehab leads strategy is expensive. Rehabilitation centers spend a lot of money on drug rehab lead generation to generate a client. In that process, there are many potential clients that touch upon that organization by inquiring, calling and researching that company. Very few centers have drug rehab SEO tools or know-how to capture and execute a consistent marketing plan. Your due diligence needs to produce a solid education in web marketing, website development, and search engine optimization. Understanding how search engines work and how to communicate effectively are paramount.

Consider this, 70% of conversions are coming from mobile. Furthermore, 60-70% of page one Google clicks are the first three organic slots. Many centers choose Ad Words which only receive 1.81% of page one clicks. Whether you are performing you’re marketing in-house or through a drug rehab marketing agency it is always beneficial to have drug rehab marketing consultants evaluate your marketing strategy. This will save $100,000’s of thousands of dollars.

You should be investing 25% of your yearly revenue for the addiction treatment center marketing to generate drug rehab leads. Marketing is the hand that is feeding your rehabilitation treatment center and skimping or cutting corners is going to be a direct reflection on the results of you’re marketing campaign. You can learn more about correcting many common business and marketing mistakes at our 15th Addiction Conferences EMP Series event. This event is on 1/22/19 in Costa Mesa, CA.

Using LinkedIn to Generate Drug Rehab Leads

linkedin-gif-addiction-treatment-marketing-behavioral-health-network-resources-300x169 Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to KnowYour drug rehab leads should not only include targeting clients needing treatment, but also professional referral sources of front-line clinicians, private clinicians, EAP’s, Interventionists, LMHC, CAP’s, etc… The best way to achieve this is through the largest professional website in the world LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a definite must in the drug rehab marketing strategy.

LinkedIn has over 20,000,000 addiction and behavioral health professionals. If you are not using this #1 medium, or do not know how you can check out our Executive Get Linked for Addiction Professionals Training by calling 561-235-6195. This will increase your level one connections by a minimum of 1,500. It will also show you how to continually grow a targeted audience, teach you all the tricks and secrets, back-doors and how to set-up meetings to establish referral relationships.

Just like Facebook, LinkedIn’s algorithm favors personal profiles and groups. We have performed tests on the Behavioral Health Network Resources drug rehab marketing LinkedIn business page. We’ve found the personal profiles and groups outperform the business pages drastically.

We did the same tests on our drug rehab marketing Facebook business page and the reach was astronomically higher on the individual profiles and groups. This means the focus on social media for drug rehab leads must be placed on individual profiles and growing targeted groups. You also need to know how to strategically reach and coral your target audience.

How Effective is Your Drug Rehab Marketing Agency?

lead-by-example Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to KnowIf someone is trying to tell you they can perform drug rehab leads for your organization on social media, then you should be seeing them everywhere and know them. After all, you are their target audience. If they have not been in front of you already chances are they don’t have the audience and do not know how to utilize this medium.

This goes for all social media especially LinkedIn and Facebook. If your drug rehab marketing agency can’t do this for their company, how can you expect them to do it for your treatment center? On LinkedIn, you need to learn the value of level ones, groups, and followers on LinkedIn. How to get your blog posts in front of 100,000’s without paying for distribution.

You can get a boost in reaching your target addiction and behavioral health audience on LinkedIn and Facebook. Here are 60 addiction professionals social media groups with over 210,000 members. However, this is only one piece and intimately understanding these mediums is critical. We see many wasting many hours with no chance of utilizing these mediums. How much is your time worth?

How to Get in-front of Potential Clients with Drug Rehab Leads?

To get treatment calls, or industry-related sales/service clients you need to get in front of them.  You also need to stay in front of them and continually run them through your sales funnel until they become your client. You need to be where they are or be high on organic listings inside the social media and on Google.

If you don’t have a good drug rehab leads marketing budget you’re going to lose market share to those that do. If you only have a $5,000 – $10,000 marketing budget per month, you better have a geographical marketing plan in place. This is the way to beat the big players. These big players have sophisticated financial capabilities; they’re usually funded by a hedge fund or portfolio managers and they have plenty of cash. They have and continue to invest in organic marketing.

Think Local with a Advertising Professional Specializing in Drug Rehab SEO

Think local in you’re drug rehab SEO marketing strategy. If you have a drug rehab marketing agency, check your local listings for your long-tail keywords. If you are not ranking for your specialty followed by geographical location you are wasting marketing dollars and should consider another marketing company. Here is a way to check how well you’re marketing agency is doing or an in-house marketing team. Pick one of you’re treatment center’s specialties. In this example, we look at addiction treatment centers. Then follow it by the geographical location. In this example, we will use West Palm Beach.

Screenshot-58-300x169 Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to Know

Now type the entire long-tail keyword into your Google browser, addiction treatment centers in West Palm Beach and Florida. Again, this is just an example, use your organizations’ specialty. Do this for all your center’s keywords. If your advertising and marketing agency or in-house marketing staff is performing well you should be ranked in the Google 3-pack (Google maps) and in the first three organic listings. If you are not ranking you need to hire a new marketing company or get your in-house staffed training on SEO.

Notice on the picture above that Behavioral Health Network Resources takes up the entire top of the fold with the Google three-pack. This goes beyond just ranking in Google maps. Usually, only the big brands achieve gaining this much real estate on page one of Google. Then, look at the picture below and see we are ranked #4 organically for the same term drug rehab marketing agency.

Screenshot-64-300x169 Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to Know

How Long Do Drug Rehab Leads Take?

It takes 9 months to have a baby no matter how many women you have on the job. Drug rehab leads with search inclusion takes time and is not immediate. If anyone is offering instant drug rehab leads results to get on page one of Google for your drug rehab marketing be aware. While they may get you there quickly, Google will find out their black hat strategy and penalize your website. Social media marketing is not instant. It is earned over time.

Also, you should have good operational knowledge of the different search platforms. They all have a per sauna and knowing their personality can save you a lot of time and money. Facebook recently went public and announced business pages would be served less. Many centers need to understand this for their drug rehab lead generation. Facebook is trying to force the business to pay for advertising.

Drug Rehab Leads Remember the 8 Things to Know

When trying to generate drug rehab leads remember the 8 things to know. This will prevent you from wasting valuable drug rehab marketing dollars. Many are still trying to use a buy rehab leads strategy. The cost per acquisition is much higher than drug rehab SEO and social media marketing. This includes Google Ad Words, and pay per click (PPC). This has become too costly for the small to medium sized drug rehabs. The cost of Legit Script is $2,000 for the application and $1,200 yearly to maintain.

  • Proper website structure with schema incorporated into it.
  • On-page and off-page SEO by an industry expert.
  • Detailed attention on NAP.
  • A back link plan to build high-quality back links.
  • A local SEO plan focused on Google’s 3 pack.
  • Dedication of resources on social media including LinkedIn, Facebook, G+, Twitter and YouTube
  • Properly installed Google analytics.
  • Call tracking metrics set-up on the back end. This is a must inexpensive tool ($19/Month plus pennies per call.) This will tell you exactly what is producing your calls and where they are coming from.

Generating drug rehab leads is difficult. It takes specific knowledge and time. The big treatment centers can afford to operate at a loss to push the small to medium centers out and gain market share. However, unless they have a center in your area they will not geographically target down to your location.

Pick our brain on drug rehab leads generation and your industry related sales/service marketing. Give us a free no-obligation call to discuss your marketing pain areas. Call 561-235-6195 Ask About Our 4-Week Consulting Package.

Leave a comment on your addiction treatment centers marketing pain points below.

Get educated on ethical business and marketing practices at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences EMP series.

Charles Davis
Pin on Pinterest

Drug rehab marketing agency providing addiction conferences, drug rehab SEO, drug rehab marketing consultants. Organic solutions for a buy rehab leads and AdWords or PPC strategies. We provide drug rehab marketing solutions for drug rehabs West Palm Beach to drug rehabs Costa Mesa California. Our substance abuse marketing clients are in many states including addiction treatment centers Nashville Tennessee. Our addiction conferences educate on ethical business and marketing practices.

Drug rehab leads are the ability for addiction treatment centers to get their target audience to pick up the phone and call them for addiction treatment. It is a difficult task. A buy rehab leads tactic is even more difficult for for drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing. There have been many businesses, administrative and marketing changes. Addiction treatment centers can no longer just rely on a “buy rehab leads” strategy. A detailed addiction treatment center marketing plan must be in place. A plan with a healthy marketing mix and many components.

You should have a solid understanding of the competitive addiction treatment center marketing of all your competitors. With this understanding, you will realize that it’s a highly competitive market. You need a decent investment and a knowledgeable drug rehab leads marketing company specializing in our field.

Deception with a Buy Rehab Leads Generation Strategy

%Drug Rehab SEO Buy Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to KnowIt is not enough to have an addiction treatment center marketing specialist, you need to research them and get behind the smoke and mirrors. You need tracking metrics on the back-end of your website. These show you exactly where your recovery leads are being generated and what is producing the treatment calls. We’ve had many drug rehab leads marketing clients that buy into exclusive listings on high gloss websites with a ton of listings and banner ads of their competitors. Some sites have heavy traffic and some have very little. Also, be aware of drug rehab marketing agency cookie-cutter options.

Some fool you with fake traffic. If you pay to be on these sites, place Google analytics on the back-end of the website and look closely at the monthly traffic generated. In addition, you can code you’re call tracking and see how many calls are being generated. This should be done for your entire marketing mix. In addition, drug rehab marketing consultants can prevent you from making costly mistakes. They have the experience and knowledge to guide you to what works. It’s in your best interest to about the top 3 benefits of drug rehab consultants.

The first step in drug rehab leads marketing is to check their visitor count. One of the best ways to check is to use Alexa. This is a website checker that will show you any websites traffic. Many of the ones that show heavy traffic use black hat tactics to depict traffic. Some will buy fake traffic which is useless to addiction treatment centers.

Once we put tracking mechanisms in place for our drug rehab leads clients we find these sites generate very little leads and have wasted the treatment centers marketing dollars. One of the sites we do recommend should be in a drug rehab marketing mix is Psychology Today. Every one of our clients tells us it does generate some leads and is inexpensive.

%Drug Rehab SEO Buy Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to Know

Drug rehab marketing is the #1 overlook aspect in our industry. the bottom line is, it is not easy! You should have a written drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing plan with many buckets. This is you’re drug rehab marketing mix and should clearly outline what you are going to be trying and documenting the results. It is going to take an investment, time and long-term commitment to finding you’re drug rehab leads marketing mix. Be careful of the top 3 drug rehab marketing mistakes. These are common mistakes made by many centers and can waste $100,000’s of marketing dollars. Without the proper website foundation and SEO, you’re marketing will be leaking valuable Google juice.

Drug Rehab Marketing Leads Tools You Need for Advertising An Addiction Treatment Center

A buy rehab leads strategy is expensive. Rehabilitation centers spend a lot of money on drug rehab lead generation to generate a client. In that process, there are many potential clients that touch upon that organization by inquiring, calling and researching that company. Very few centers have drug rehab SEO tools or know-how to capture and execute a consistent marketing plan. Your due diligence needs to produce a solid education in web marketing, website development, and search engine optimization. Understanding how search engines work and how to communicate effectively are paramount.

Consider this, 70% of conversions are coming from mobile. Furthermore, 60-70% of page one Google clicks are the first three organic slots. Many centers choose Ad Words which only receive 1.81% of page one clicks. Whether you are performing you’re marketing in-house or through a drug rehab marketing agency it is always beneficial to have drug rehab marketing consultants evaluate your marketing strategy. This will save $100,000’s of thousands of dollars.

You should be investing 25% of your yearly revenue for the addiction treatment center marketing to generate drug rehab leads. Marketing is the hand that is feeding your rehabilitation treatment center and skimping or cutting corners is going to be a direct reflection on the results of you’re marketing campaign. You can learn more about correcting many common business and marketing mistakes at our 15th Addiction Conferences EMP Series event. This event is on 1/22/19 in Costa Mesa, CA.

Using LinkedIn to Generate Drug Rehab Leads

%Drug Rehab SEO Buy Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to KnowYour drug rehab leads should not only include targeting clients needing treatment, but also professional referral sources of front-line clinicians, private clinicians, EAP’s, Interventionists, LMHC, CAP’s, etc… The best way to achieve this is through the largest professional website in the world LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a definite must in the drug rehab marketing strategy.

LinkedIn has over 20,000,000 addiction and behavioral health professionals. If you are not using this #1 medium, or do not know how you can check out our Executive Get Linked for Addiction Professionals Training by calling 561-235-6195. This will increase your level one connections by a minimum of 1,500. It will also show you how to continually grow a targeted audience, teach you all the tricks and secrets, back-doors and how to set-up meetings to establish referral relationships.

Just like Facebook, LinkedIn’s algorithm favors personal profiles and groups. We have performed tests on the Behavioral Health Network Resources drug rehab marketing LinkedIn business page. We’ve found the personal profiles and groups outperform the business pages drastically.

We did the same tests on our drug rehab marketing Facebook business page and the reach was astronomically higher on the individual profiles and groups. This means the focus on social media for drug rehab leads must be placed on individual profiles and growing targeted groups. You also need to know how to strategically reach and coral your target audience.

How Effective is Your Drug Rehab Marketing Agency?

%Drug Rehab SEO Buy Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to KnowIf someone is trying to tell you they can perform drug rehab leads for your organization on social media, then you should be seeing them everywhere and know them. After all, you are their target audience. If they have not been in front of you already chances are they don’t have the audience and do not know how to utilize this medium.

This goes for all social media especially LinkedIn and Facebook. If your drug rehab marketing agency can’t do this for their company, how can you expect them to do it for your treatment center? On LinkedIn, you need to learn the value of level ones, groups, and followers on LinkedIn. How to get your blog posts in front of 100,000’s without paying for distribution.

You can get a boost in reaching your target addiction and behavioral health audience on LinkedIn and Facebook. Here are 60 addiction professionals social media groups with over 210,000 members. However, this is only one piece and intimately understanding these mediums is critical. We see many wasting many hours with no chance of utilizing these mediums. How much is your time worth?

How to Get in-front of Potential Clients with Drug Rehab Leads?

To get treatment calls, or industry-related sales/service clients you need to get in front of them.  You also need to stay in front of them and continually run them through your sales funnel until they become your client. You need to be where they are or be high on organic listings inside the social media and on Google.

If you don’t have a good drug rehab leads marketing budget you’re going to lose market share to those that do. If you only have a $5,000 – $10,000 marketing budget per month, you better have a geographical marketing plan in place. This is the way to beat the big players. These big players have sophisticated financial capabilities; they’re usually funded by a hedge fund or portfolio managers and they have plenty of cash. They have and continue to invest in organic marketing.

Think Local with a Advertising Professional Specializing in Drug Rehab SEO

Think local in you’re drug rehab SEO marketing strategy. If you have a drug rehab marketing agency, check your local listings for your long-tail keywords. If you are not ranking for your specialty followed by geographical location you are wasting marketing dollars and should consider another marketing company. Here is a way to check how well you’re marketing agency is doing or an in-house marketing team. Pick one of you’re treatment center’s specialties. In this example, we look at addiction treatment centers. Then follow it by the geographical location. In this example, we will use West Palm Beach.

%Drug Rehab SEO Buy Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to Know

Now type the entire long-tail keyword into your Google browser, addiction treatment centers in West Palm Beach and Florida. Again, this is just an example, use your organizations’ specialty. Do this for all your center’s keywords. If your advertising and marketing agency or in-house marketing staff is performing well you should be ranked in the Google 3-pack (Google maps) and in the first three organic listings. If you are not ranking you need to hire a new marketing company or get your in-house staffed training on SEO.

Notice on the picture above that Behavioral Health Network Resources takes up the entire top of the fold with the Google three-pack. This goes beyond just ranking in Google maps. Usually, only the big brands achieve gaining this much real estate on page one of Google. Then, look at the picture below and see we are ranked #4 organically for the same term drug rehab marketing agency.

%Drug Rehab SEO Buy Drug Rehab Leads 8 Things to Know

How Long Do Drug Rehab Leads Take?

It takes 9 months to have a baby no matter how many women you have on the job. Drug rehab leads with search inclusion takes time and is not immediate. If anyone is offering instant drug rehab leads results to get on page one of Google for your drug rehab marketing be aware. While they may get you there quickly, Google will find out their black hat strategy and penalize your website. Social media marketing is not instant. It is earned over time.

Also, you should have good operational knowledge of the different search platforms. They all have a per sauna and knowing their personality can save you a lot of time and money. Facebook recently went public and announced business pages would be served less. Many centers need to understand this for their drug rehab lead generation. Facebook is trying to force the business to pay for advertising.

Drug Rehab Leads Remember the 8 Things to Know

When trying to generate drug rehab leads remember the 8 things to know. This will prevent you from wasting valuable drug rehab marketing dollars. Many are still trying to use a buy rehab leads strategy. The cost per acquisition is much higher than drug rehab SEO and social media marketing. This includes Google Ad Words, and pay per click (PPC). This has become too costly for the small to medium sized drug rehabs. The cost of Legit Script is $2,000 for the application and $1,200 yearly to maintain.

  • Proper website structure with schema incorporated into it.
  • On-page and off-page SEO by an industry expert.
  • Detailed attention on NAP.
  • A back link plan to build high-quality back links.
  • A local SEO plan focused on Google’s 3 pack.
  • Dedication of resources on social media including LinkedIn, Facebook, G+, Twitter and YouTube
  • Properly installed Google analytics.
  • Call tracking metrics set-up on the back end. This is a must inexpensive tool ($19/Month plus pennies per call.) This will tell you exactly what is producing your calls and where they are coming from.

Generating drug rehab leads is difficult. It takes specific knowledge and time. The big treatment centers can afford to operate at a loss to push the small to medium centers out and gain market share. However, unless they have a center in your area they will not geographically target down to your location.

Pick our brain on drug rehab leads generation and your industry related sales/service marketing. Give us a free no-obligation call to discuss your marketing pain areas. Call 561-235-6195 Ask About Our 4-Week Consulting Package.

Leave a comment on your addiction treatment centers marketing pain points below.

Get educated on ethical business and marketing practices at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences EMP series.

Charles Davis

Drug rehab marketing agency providing addiction conferences, drug rehab SEO, drug rehab marketing consultants. Organic solutions for a buy rehab leads and AdWords or PPC strategies. We provide drug rehab marketing solutions for drug rehabs West Palm Beach to drug rehabs Costa Mesa California. Our substance abuse marketing clients are in many states including addiction treatment centers Nashville Tennessee. Our addiction conferences educate on ethical business and marketing practices.

Drug rehab social media marketing during the Corona virus has forced addiction treatment centers and sales organizations to open advertising doors they have ignored. Many in both segments have solely used a “boots on the ground” strategy. Now with social distancing this leaves them will little outreach and marketing. Even the big centers are facing issues with a poor social media presence.

Drug Rehab Social ‘Media Marketing is for All addiction Treatment Industry Businesses

Drug rehab social media marketing is even more important for industry related sales and service organizations. Social media advertising is not for fun. It’s much different than being on these platforms for fun. There are specific goals and tools needed that companies must learn to be effective and not waste valuable company time.

Outreach and sales are not immobilized while in quarantine. Now, is the time for drug rehab social media marketing. What should these employees be doing if they can’t be on the road? This article will provide some solutions for your sales force during this business shutdown. It will look at;

  • How to effectively use drug rehab social media marketing now and after the pandemic?
  • How to use LinkedIn during the Corona virus?
  • How to maximize Facebook organic for drug rehab social media marketing?
  • Why is it an excellent time to start SEO?

Using Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

Everyone thinks drug rehab social media marketing is easy. They do not understand the platform and what maximizes time and gets in front of the target audience. The second problem is they are short-sighted. They are expecting immediate results. However, organic social media marketing pays bigger dividends than pay per click. Consider this, a company puts a social media strategy in place after getting trained on what needs to be done.

They have one individual run this program. If they are paying that individual let’s say $35,000 a year, they would probably need about three admits or clients to break even in a 12 month period. I guarantee that you will get more than three clients in a 12 month period if you effectively use social media.

It’s funny, almost every drug rehab marketing agency says they do drug rehab social media marketing. They will half ass build the LinkedIn and Facebook business profile. They then resort to posting a few post on the business page. Then they run Facebook paid ads off a landing page. They do nothing organically and once you stop paying Facebook your lead generation possibilities are shut off. This falls in line with the expectations of the industry that has traditionally relied on Google Ad Words and PPC.

BHNR Leads by Example with Their Drug rehab Social Media Marketing

Behavioral Health Network Resources spends a ton of time on social media with Facebook and LinkedIn for drug rehab SEO and marketing. Our drug rehab social media marketing has built over 60 groups with over 210,000 members.

While other advertising agencies were using one liners and paid Facebook marketing for their so-called social media marketing, we were doing drug rehab social media marketing.

With the completion of the Google March update it paid off more than we could have imagined. The update gives SEO juice for social media activity.

Understanding the platforms is critical to success. Consider this, Facebook in 2018 did an algorithm change and said they will no longer serve as many of the business posts. However, they will continue to serve the posts from personal pages and groups. So, this means focusing on the business page posts is just spinning your wheels. As a matter of fact, if a person does not manually change their preferences it won’t get served.

How to Use LinkedIn for Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing with Outreach and Sales During the Covid-19?

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

LinkedIn has always been the most underutilized drug rehab marketing avenue in the addiction treatment industry. This is surprising considering it’s the only place for two key target audiences. For treatment centers it has the private clinicians, EAP providers, hospitals, and many more key resources. For the sales and service organizations it has the CEO’s Executives and key decision makers for all the treatment centers and sober livings.

Behavioral Health Network Resources started in 2014 solely based on LinkedIn. We learned how to use level one connections for drug rehab marketing. We took the time to learn all the secrets, tricks and back-doors to using it. It is not as simple as everyone thinks and it has many unrealized advantages.

  • Connect with your target audience as a level one connection
  • Corral target audience in groups
  • Get your Pulse posts read by the target audience
  • LinkedIn email has a 90% open rate. However, you cannot spam this.
  • An endless supply of drug rehab SEO back-links from a highly rated website by Google.

Behavioral Health Network Resources is the leader in our industry on LinkedIn with drug rehab SEO and drug rehab social media marketing. We have a combined total of 35,000 addiction and behavioral health level one connections. We own 12 addiction and behavioral health groups with over 50,000 members. This has been one of the keys to our success because we can drip our message to our target audience. If you remember from above, a sales landing page is ineffective. Successful advertising in 2020 is keeping your content in front of your target audience, addressing their pain point and not directly selling to them.

We have learned many secrets and tricks that no others have found. We have mastered how to get LinkedIn profiles to show up on page one of Google. Try and Google;

  • drug rehab marketing agency
  • drug rehab marketing consultants
  • drug rehab marketing

What are the key areas to organic marketing on LinkedIn?

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

There are several key areas that drug rehab marketing, sales, and outreach should be focusing on while the social distancing is going on. Some of those include;

  • Complete profile to All-Star level
  • SEO personal profiles on LinkedIn
  • Input the 3 main SEO url back-link areas
  • utilize tagline by inputting long-tail keyword
  • Do Pulse posts with hot linked back-links
  • Complete and SEO business profile
  • Add links to business website with pics and descriptions that show up on their LinkedIn profile with pics.
  • Upload media and back-link urls in job description area
  • Add projects with key words for SEO and url link to website
  • Add publications with long-tail keywords for SEO and link url to website

Now is the time to get you employees educated on how to use and maximize LinkedIn. This is one of the best sites for drug rehab social media marketing. Over 99% of the addiction and behavioral health industry are not doing the above. They are just posting, and incorrectly posting I might add, and hove no idea how to maximize this platform. If you would like to have your staff trained on LinkedIn, we have one more consulting and training slot left for an organization. You can contact our CEO, Charles Davis at 561-235-6195.

Common Drug Rehab Marketing Mistakes Being Made on Facebook

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

Behavioral Health Network Resources controls about 40 Facebook groups on a daily basis. These groups have more than 150,000 members. Some of the posts that are attempted are shocking. Unlike other groups that just let any post through, we must approve every post. If they are poor or of no value to our audience, they never see the light of day. 

90% of addiction treatment centers and sales/service organizations need to learn how to use social media.

With that being said, organic marketing on Facebook provides to lowest cost per acquisition than any advertising method. This goes for addiction treatment centers, sober homes, sales organizations, and service companies. That doesn’t mean that Facebook paid marketing doesn’t work. It can work if you have an experienced Facebook PPC specialist. However, once you stop paying Facebook, your marketing valve gets shut off. When doing organic drug rehab social media marketing you are gaining electronic assists that are yours forever.

When we perform our 90-day drug rehab SEO and social media marketing package we grow LinkedIn and Facebook for our clients. They get instantly tapped into our audience of 150,000 on Facebook and 50,000 on LinkedIn.

Sales and Service Organizations Need to Build their Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

Facebook is undoubtedly the #1 social media website. It is an absolute must for drug rehab marketing. There 2 billion registered user. Next to Google you have to have a prescience here. As a sales and service organization many in our industry solely rely on “boots on the ground”. Besides that they will attend a few select addiction conferences. This is the extent of the advertising. The biggest area they are missing is LinkedIn for sure. This is where they can find their target audience. However, they do not know a lot of the ways above to maximize LinkedIn.

They need to be building level one connections with CEO’s, Executives and Directors. They need to do pulse posts and re-share them 3 times a day. These posts need to be much better than their companies blog posts.

Those posts are all about the company they work for, they are not about attracting and engaging the target audience.

You need content that hits their pain point and provides a solution, all the while not being salesy.

Another thing they need to be doing is posting the attracting and engaging content in related groups. These groups for CEO, Executives, and Directors can reach at least 500,000 in their target audience

Why the Corona Virus Opened the Door to Drug Rehab SEO?

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

Drug rehab SEO is a big pill for many centers, sales organizations and service companies to swallow. It’s a long-term strategy in an industry that wants short-term solutions. Since the google March update with social media getting SEO juice it’s a great time for search engine optimization.

We all agree that social media is a key advertising component during the social distancing. The outreach and sale staffs are all working from home. The “boots on the ground” strategy is extremely difficult during this time. It’s an optimal time to learn and maximize social media. Done correctly while doing this you will get SEO with it.

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

Behavioral Health Network Resources is the only marketing company that provides drug rehab social media marketing training with our 90-day drug rehab SEO package. We have been awarded the top influencer marketing agency by Design Rush.  That’s because we are the only agency that truly does organic social media marketing. Heck, we started our agency on it, and now dominate LinkedIn and Facebook.

It’s Time to Maximize Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Social Media Marketing Needs to Learn

Addiction treatment centers are far behind in drug rehab social media marketing and SEO. This has become extremely evident in 2020. The Corona virus has opened a door for social media marketing with many drug rehabs not knowing how to capitalize. We are seeing it every day. There has been a huge surge of virtual meetings like Zoom.  We are seeing people trying to post in our 60 groups that have never posted before.

LinkedIn and Facebook profiles are poorly built at best. The posts are of poor content and affect the brand. Let’s face it drug rehab social media marketing for business is not social. It has a specific audience and a specific result that is trying to be achieved. This will not be done with a landing page and paid advertising. Having well thought out blog posts and distributing them through the many different ways on each platform to get read is key. Here are the top 10 actionable things you can do to stop wasting time on LinkedIn and social media.

  • Individual posts
  • Pulse posts
  • Business posts
  • Groups posts
  • Posts to friends only or level one connections only
  • When and why to re-share posts
  • Complete and SEO business profiles (There are many hidden and secret areas.)
  • Complete and SEO personal profiles (There are many hidden and secret areas.)
  • Using LinkedIn email (remember 90% open rate). Never to mass mailings!
  • Using Facebook Messenger

This is just a short list of some of the important things to do to increase drug rehab social media marketing. If you are an addiction treatment center, sober living or sales organization in our industry we can help. We understand drug rehab marketing, SEO and social media for business in our industry and have led by example. Give us a call today at 561-235-6195 for LinkedIn trialing or our drug rehab SEO 90-day package that includes social media. Start maximizing your employees time while they are working from home.

Get educated on ethical business and marketing practices at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences EMP series.

Charles Davis

Drug rehab marketing during the Corona virus has forced addiction treatment centers and sales organizations to open advertising doors they have ignored. Many in both segments have solely used a “boots on the ground” strategy. Now with social distancing this leaves them will little outreach and marketing. Even the big centers are facing issues with a poor social media presence.  This is even more true for industry related sales and service organizations. Social media advertising is not for fun. It’s much different than being on these platforms for fun. There are specific goals and tools needed that companies must learn to be effective and not waste valuable company time.

Outreach and sales are not immobilized while in quarantine. What should these employees be doing if they can’t be on the road? This article will provide some solutions for your sales force during this business shutdown. It will look at;

  • How to effectively use social media now and after the pandemic?
  • How to use LinkedIn during the Corona virus?
  • How to maximize Facebook organic marketing?
  • Why is it an excellent time to start SEO?

Using Social Media for Drug Rehab Marketing

stop-wasting-time-on-social-media-like-LinkedIn-and-Facebook-300x169 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

Everyone thinks social media marketing is easy. They do not understand the platform and what maximizes time and gets in front of the target audience. The second problem is they are short-sighted. They are expecting immediate results. However, organic social media marketing pays bigger dividends than pay per click. Consider this, a company puts a social media strategy in place after getting trained on what needs to be done. They have one individual run this program. If they are paying that individual let’s say $35,000 a year, they would probably need about three admits or clients to break even in a 12 month period. I guarantee that you will get more than three clients in a 12 month period if you effectively use social media.

It’s funny, almost every drug rehab marketing agency says they do social media drug rehab marketing. They will half ass build the LinkedIn and Facebook business profile. They then resort to posting a few post on the business page. Then they run Facebook paid ads off a landing page. They do nothing organically and once you stop paying Facebook your lead generation possibilities are shut off. This falls in line with the expectations of the industry that has traditionally relied on Google Ad Words and PPC.

Behavioral Health Network Resources spends a ton of time on social media with Facebook and LinkedIn for drug rehab SEO and marketing. We have over 60 groups with over 210,000 members.

While other advertising agencies were using one liners and paid Facebook marketing for their so-called social media marketing, we were doing it.

With the completion of the Google March update it paid off more than we could have imagined. The update gives SEO juice for social media activity.

Understanding the platforms is critical to success. Consider this, Facebook in 2018 did an algorithm change and said they will no longer serve as many of the business posts. However, they will continue to serve the posts from personal pages and groups. So, this means focusing on the business page posts is just spinning your wheels. As a matter of fact, if a person does not manually change their preferences it won’t get served.

How to Use LinkedIn for Drug Rehab Marketing with Outreach and Sales During the Covid-19?

how-to-use-LinkedIn-for-drug-rehab-SEO-and-marketing-300x271 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

LinkedIn has always been the most underutilized drug rehab marketing avenue in the addiction treatment industry. This is surprising considering it’s the only place for two key target audiences. For treatment centers it has the private clinicians, EAP providers, hospitals, and many more key resources. For the sales and service organizations it has the CEO’s Executives and key decision makers for all the treatment centers and sober livings.

Behavioral Health Network Resources started in 2014 solely based on LinkedIn. We learned how to use level one connections for drug rehab marketing. We took the time to learn all the secrets, tricks and back-doors to using it. It is not as simple as everyone thinks and it has many unrealized advantages.

  • Connect with your target audience as a level one connection
  • Corral target audience in groups
  • Get your Pulse posts read by the target audience
  • LinkedIn email has a 90% open rate. However, you cannot spam this.
  • An endless supply of drug rehab SEO back-links from a highly rated website by Google.

Behavioral Health Network Resources is the leader in our industry on LinkedIn with drug rehab SEO and marketing. We have a combined total of 35,000 addiction and behavioral health level one connections. We own 12 addiction and behavioral health groups with over 50,000 members. This has been one of the keys to our success because we can drip our message to our target audience. If you remember from above, a sales landing page is ineffective. Successful advertising in 2020 is keeping your content in front of your target audience, addressing their pain point and not directly selling to them.

We have learned many secrets and tricks that no others have found. We have mastered how to get LinkedIn profiles to show up on page one of Google. Try and Google;

  • drug rehab marketing agency
  • drug rehab marketing consultants
  • drug rehab marketing

What are the key areas to organic marketing on LinkedIn?

How-To-Use-LinkedIn-for-drug-rehab-SEO-and-marketing-for-addiction-treatment-centers-300x225 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

There are several key areas that drug rehab marketing, sales, and outreach should be focusing on while the social distancing is going on. Some of those include;

  • Complete profile to All-Star level
  • SEO personal profile
  • Input the 3 main SEO url back-link areas
  • utilize tagline by inputting long-tail keyword
  • Do Pulse posts with hot linked back-links
  • Complete and SEO business profile
  • Add links to business website with pics and descriptions that show up on their LinkedIn profile with pics.
  • Upload media and back-link urls in job description area
  • Add projects with key words for SEO and url link to website
  • Add publications with long-tail keywords for SEO and link url to website

Now is the time to get you employees educated on how to use and maximize LinkedIn. Over 99% of the addiction and behavioral health industry are not doing the above. They are just posting, and incorrectly posting I might add, and hove no idea how to maximize this platform. If you would like to have your staff trained on LinkedIn, we have one more consulting and training slot left for an organization. You can contact our CEO, Charles Davis at 561-235-6195.

Common Drug Rehab Marketing Mistakes Being Made on Facebook

top-7-internet-marketing-mistakes-to-avoid-rehab-marketing-behavioral-health-network-resources-300x246 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

Behavioral Health Network Resources controls about 40 Facebook groups on a daily basis. These groups have more than 150,000 members. Some of the posts that are attempted are shocking. Unlike other groups that just let any post through, we must approve every post. If they are poor or of no value to our audience, they never see the light of day. 

90% of addiction treatment centers and sales/service organizations need to learn how to use social media.

With that being said, organic marketing on Facebook provides to lowest cost per acquisition than any advertising method. This goes for addiction treatment centers, sober homes, sales organizations, and service companies. That doesn’t mean that Facebook paid marketing doesn’t work. It can work if you have an experienced Facebook PPC specialist. However, once you stop paying Facebook, your marketing valve gets shut off. When doing organic drug rehab marketing you are gaining electronic assists that are yours forever.

When we perform our 90-day drug rehab SEO and social media marketing package we grow LinkedIn and Facebook for our clients. They get instantly tapped into our audience of 150,000 on Facebook and 50,000 on LinkedIn.

Sales and Service Organizations Need to Build their Social Media

lead-generation-behaviorl-health-network-resources-addiction-treatment-ceneter-marketing-300x197 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

Facebook is undoubtedly the #1 social media website. It is an absolute must for drug rehab marketing. There 2 billion registered user. Next to Google you have to have a prescience here. As a sales and service organization many in our industry solely rely on “boots on the ground”. Besides that they will attend a few select addiction conferences. This is the extent of the advertising. The biggest area they are missing is LinkedIn for sure. This is where they can find their target audience. However, they do not know a lot of the ways above to maximize LinkedIn.

There are pages like drug rehabs West Palm Beach that have demonstrated usefulness by their conetnet on substance abuse treatment. They need to be building level one connections with CEO’s, Executives and Directors. They need to do pulse posts and re-share them 3 times a day. These posts need to be much better than their companies blog posts.

Those posts are all about the company they work for, they are not about attracting and engaging the target audience.

You need content that hits their pain point and provides a solution, all the while not being salesy.

Another thing they need to be doing is posting the attracting and engaging content in related groups. These groups for CEO, Executives, and Directors can reach at least 500,000 in their target audience

Why the Corona Virus Opened the Door to Drug Rehab SEO?

how-to-use-social-media-for-drug-rehab-SEO-during-social-distensing-300x169 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

Drug rehab SEO is a big pill for many centers, sales organizations and service companies to swallow. It’s a long-term strategy in an industry that wants short-term solutions. Since the google March update with social media getting SEO juice it’s a great time for search engine optimization.

We all agree that social media is a key advertising component during the social distancing. The outreach and sale staffs are all working from home. The “boots on the ground” strategy is extremely difficult during this time. It’s an optimal time to learn and maximize social media. Done correctly while doing this you will get SEO with it.

Behavioral-Health-Netwrok-Resources-honored-by-Design-Rush-as-the-best-drug-rehab-marketing-social-media-marketing-agency-300x288 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

Behavioral Health Network Resources is the only marketing company that provides social media training with our 90-day drug rehab SEO package. We have been awarded the top influencer marketing agency by Design Rush.  That’s because we are the only agency that truly does organic social media marketing. Heck, we started our agency on it, and now dominate LinkedIn and Facebook.

It’s Time to Maximize Drug Rehab Marketing with Social Media

Linkedin-Stop-Waisting-Time-Spark-Facebook-300x157 Drug Rehab Industry Learning How to Maximize Social Media

Addiction treatment centers are far behind in using social media for drug rehab marketing and SEO. This has become extremely evident in 2020. The Corona virus has opened a door for social media marketing with many drug rehabs not knowing how to capitalize. We are seeing it every day. There has been a huge surge of virtual meetings like Zoom.  We are seeing people trying to post in our 60 groups that have never posted before.

LinkedIn and Facebook profiles are poorly built at best. The posts are of poor content and affect the brand. Let’s face it social media marketing for business is not social. It has a specific audience and a specific result that is trying to be achieved. This will not be done with a landing page and paid advertising. Having well thought out blog posts and distributing them through the many different ways on each platform to get read is key. Here are the top 10 actionable things you can do to stop wasting time on LinkedIn and social media.

  • Individual posts
  • Pulse posts
  • Business posts
  • Groups posts
  • Posts to friends only or level one connections only
  • When and why to re-share posts
  • Complete and SEO business profiles (There are many hidden and secret areas.)
  • Complete and SEO personal profiles (There are many hidden and secret areas.)
  • Using LinkedIn email (remember 90% open rate). Never to mass mailings!
  • Using Facebook Messenger

This is just a short list of some of the important things to do. If you are an addiction treatment center, sober living or sales organization in our industry we can help. We understand drug rehab marketing, SEO and social media for business in our industry and have led by example. Give us a call today at 561-235-6195 for LinkedIn trialing or our drug rehab SEO 90-day package that includes social media. Start maximizing your employees time while they are working from home.


Get educated on ethical business and marketing practices at Behavioral Health Network Resources addiction conferences EMP series.