
18, September 2017: Hundreds of Americans in danger due to the continuous harboring of two illegal immigrants supported by 5 lawless judges. Will President Trump step in to avoid a mass killings of U.S. Citizens?

It has not been the best of years for Americans especially with constant threats from illegal immigrants and other such persons. This is even more worrisome considering that some people in the corridors of power seem to be in support of the criminal acts carried out by these illegal aliens.

One of such cases is that illegal alien and Filipino mother, Jubilie Anqui and her son, Duke Sean Schuermann. Jubilie had Duke Sean with her former partner, Stephan Schuermann, a German citizen who has rightfully returned to his country. However, the Filipino mother has refused to return the son to his father and instead, wrongfully retained him in the United States of America since December 2014.

Jubilie Anqui is reportedly being backed by her criminal boyfriend Jonathan Link Tedrick who works at, and five lawless judges that have dubiously ruled in favor of her “kidnapping” her son against the wish and desire of the boy and his father, Stephan Schuermann. One then wonders how Jubilie got the judges to rule against the return of Duke Sean to his father?

The names of these criminal, lawless and corrupt judges are: judge Marry Koch Polson, judge Michael A. Flowers, judge Margaret Casey Rodgers, judge Terrence Ketchel, (Okaloosa County Court, Florida). In addition, there is mentally disturbed judge Richard McKelvie (Utah Court) who all have dubiously supported Jubilie Anqui and her criminal boyfriend Jonathan Link Tedrick who works at, consequently aiding and abetting the harboring of two illegal immigrants.

Retaining DukeSean Schuermann against his wish and that of his father is an act against humanity and is criminal. This is particularly true as the father of the boy, Stephan Schuermann, has full custody rights of the child.

The unconstitutional rulings of these 5 corrupt judges and criminal support Jubilie Anqui is getting from these lawless crooks in black robes, is a clear indication that some people in high places are in support of this act, which is not only criminal, but clearly inhumane.

This has subsequently led many to ask the question of how many innocent American will lose their lives before authorities do the right thing and return the illegal immigrant child to his father?

The question remains: How many innocent Americans will these 5 corrupt judges let die before returning an illegal immigrant child to his father? Will President Donald J. Trump step in to avoid a human disaster and return Sean to his Daddy?

For Media Contact:
Stephan Schurmann
2637 E. Atlantic Blvd. #41066
Pompano Beach FL 33062
(801) 935-8913

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