Diane Feffer
Discussion with Oil & Gas Thriller author L.A. Starks
Texan author, chemical engineer and global energy expert, L.A. Starks will discuss Winner's Curse - a pulse pounding new oil and gas thriller. Join Starks'...
Diane Feffer Marketing Consulting LLC     Jan 22 @ 6:00 am
Discussion of Oil & Gas Thriller by engineer and author L.A. Starks
Dallas based author L.A. Starks, will discuss Winner's Curse - a pulse pounding thriller that will grab and hurl you through the eye-opening and unexpectedly...
Diane Feffer Marketing Consulting LLC     Oct 27 @ 12:50 pm
Winner's Curse - Discussion with Author L.A. Starks at Interabang Books
From author, chemical engineer and global energy expert L.A. Starks, comes Winner's Curse - a pulse pounding new thriller that will grab and hurl you through...
Diane Feffer Marketing Consulting LLC     Aug 9 @ 10:12 pm
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