Shelia Huffman
Happy Birthday Connecting Point, Teammates and Staff
One year ago Connecting Point of Park Cities (CPPC) opened their doors in the educational building of Central Christian Church. They celebrated this one year...
Central Christian Church and Dallas Summer Musical Academy Presented "The Jungle Book."
Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) was a bit of a zoo Sunday morning as tigers, elephants, monkeys and bears along with other natives of the jungle...
School's Out, Camp's In!
The popularity of summer camp has increased over the past several decades. This may be partly because of the number of working moms who need quality child-care...
Church Fellowship Is Alive And Well
Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) may be the oldest church in Dallas, but it is one of the liveliest. Each Sunday Central members enjoy an old...
Book Trotters Remember Barbara Jordan
The Book Trotters, a Lakewood book club, met Monday evening at Times Ten Cellar in Lakewood to discuss “ Barbara Jordan: American Hero” by Mary Beth Rogers....
On The Road Again: This Time With The Grandkids
Car trips with kids often bring to mind tortuous memories of back seat fights, urgent potty stops and whines of “I’m hungry” and “are we there yet?” The late,...
Central Christian Church Honors Senior Members At Sprin Tea
Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the oldest church in Dallas but it remains young at heart and continues to look for fresh, new ways to reach...
Famous Bourbon Laced Cake Made Famous By "To Kill A Mockingbird>"
If you follow the Book Trotters on BubbleLife, you know that the book club just read Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird.” For the monthly meeting of the book...
Book Trotters Read "To Kill A Mockingbird" And Await This Summer's Sequel
The Book Trotters met Monday evening at Times Ten Cellar in Lakewood to discuss the current book selection—Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Choosing...
Central Christian Church Enjoys Sunday Afternoon Picnic On The Lawn
What better way to welcome spring and countdown to summer than with an afternoon picnic and classic lawn games? Central Christian Church (Disciples of...
Fashion Week At Edgemere Retirement Community
Edgemere Retirement Community and St. John Boutique collaborated to bring beautiful spring fashions to the senior set at a tea room-style fashion show and...
The Bluebonnet Trail: A Texas Tradition
When the pastures are green in the springtime And the birds are singing their sonnets, You may look to the hills and the valleys And they’re...
Bob Troyer Shares Personal Perspective Of The Amish Faith
At Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), you may hear the expression, "don't leave your brains at the door." Senior Co-Pastor Dr. Debbie Chisolm is...
Rose Mary Rumbley Reviews "Big D Read"
What is the “Big Read?” It is a city-wide program created in the midwestern United States in 2006 to revitalize the role of literature in American culture and...
Juliette Fowler Communities Present 2015 Vidionary Woman Award At Luncheon
The 3 rd annual Visionary Women luncheon was a magnificent tribute, not only to the recipients of the award, legendary leaders of Woodrow Wilson High School’s...
Book Trotters Read "The Guernsey Literacy And Potato Peel Pie Society: A Novel
The Book Trotters, a Lakewood book club, met Monday evening in the Tank room at Times Ten Cellar in Lakewood to discuss the March book club selection, “The...
A Living Last Supper At Central Christian Church
The Maundy Thursday service was a re-enactment of the last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples during his time on earth. Central members portrayed...
Easter Bunny Hosts Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny paid an early visit to Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Saturday morning when he joined kids and their parents for “breakfast...
A New Beginning In The Garden At Central Christian Church
Friends, family and community business leaders gathered in the Meditation Garden at Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) yesterday afternoon to...
Dallas Summer Musicals Academy Holds Auditions
The Dallas Summer Musicals Academy of Performing Arts held auditions for an opportunity to be selected for the Academy Industry Showcase. As the Academy...
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