Saffie Farris
Murder-Suicide? On Purdue
I read in my BubbleLife Feedletter a few minutes ago that there was a Murder-Suicide on Purdue that is currently being investigated. I have included a link...
BubbleLife Highlights for September 23
Glenn Beck is going to ruin the Republican Party (New York Times) Summary of Special UP Pool Meeting on Monday ( Conserve Water Today in UP...
Park Cities Features     Sep 23 2009
Conserve Water Today in UP
From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, September 23, University Park will have a limited supply of water. On that date, all water users in the city are asked to...
Glenn Beck is going to ruin the Republican Party
This is an interesting article that mentions Joe Scarborough's view on Glenn Beck. His preaching of hatred is going to result in something bad if the...
Summary of UP Pool Special Meeting
Summary of September 21 City Council Meeting Regarding UP Pool ( The City Council voted 5-0 to proceed with the following improvement for the...
BubbleLife Highlights for Today
Board of Adjustment Meeting (City of UP) Highland Belles Spaghetti Supper and Auction - This Friday (BubbleLife Calendar) 2 Scots Season Football Tickets...
Park Cities Features     Sep 22 2009
Get The Word Out!
Remember BubbleLife when you need "to get the word" out in the neighborhood!
Park Cities Features     Sep 22 2009
Cold? Flu? H1N1? How can you tell the difference?
Confirmed cased are popping up close to home. Here is an article that talks about the difference.
Re: Awesome Dinner - Olivella's
I have to agree with you that the food at Olivella's is awesome. However, the seating is so uncomfortable! It really makes the dining experience poor when you...
How Facebook Ruins Friendships
This is a must read. My major issue with Facebook is that I get all the high school friends that I don't remember. Now, if I don't remember you, were we...
Re: Obama Speech
I just caught up on my Tivo shows, one of which is Morning Joe. I watched the heckling piece again and the boos and hisses are going after Joe Wilson for his...
Online Community
Max: This is a great way to communicate with a number of people. It works like Yahoo Groups but much better. Features: Shared Group Calendar Shared File...
Re: H1N1
We were at the Dr yesterday as the TEEN has a cold. He told us that the best defense is to wash your hands... Soap and water works the best! My big discovery...
Great Way to Communicate with A Large Group
Max: This is a wonderful software application that we developed for Group Organization. When you post a discussion, an email is sent to all members with the...
2009-10 HPHS Parents Book Club
The Highland Park High School Book Club is an organization open to all Park Cities parents and community members who enjoy reading and meeting to discuss a...
Drives Me Nuts - Obama
Am I the only one that thinks that regardless of if we voted for the President or not, we should respect the office. I believe that our children should watch...
Texas Book Festival Announced
The Texas Book Festival is planned for October 31 and Nov 1, at the state Capital in Austin. Former First Lady, Laura Bush made the announcement yesterday from...
UP City Council Meeting Video
Click on the article link and go straight to the streaming video of last night's meeting.
UP Pool Meeting Tonight at 5:00
Just a reminder that the City Council meeting tonight will address the UP Pool renovations. The meeting will take place at UP City Hall. Many are opposed to...
Boca Grande Salad
I made this salad at the beach (Boca Grande) and everyone loved it so much that we had it every night for 3 weeks! 3 heads of Romaine or a Box of Spring Mix...
BubbleLife Recipe Box     Aug 2 2009
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