Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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Social Selling Coordinator at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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I am originally from Mexico City, a large metropolis with a great diversity of cultures, foods and customs. My mother is from the beautiful Pachuca Hidalgo and my father is from San Rafael, a town located in the State of Mexico at the foot of the Iztaccíhuatl volcano known as the “sleeping woman”. My wife is from Nicaragua with whom I have been married for 14 years, which has allowed me to learn about other customs and cultures, although Hispanic but different. I love Mexican food although I think I haven’t tried all the great variety that exists yet and of course, I also love Nicaraguan food. I like to set goals and strive to achieve them. My 94-year-old paternal grandfather has taught me that age does not matter, as long as we are alive we can continue studying, learning and applying what we have learned.

Working at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law, a firm with very specific values and objectives, has allowed me to enjoy a pleasant fellowship and contribute to helping those who for many reasons have had to emigrate to the United States, a situation that is already difficult. Doing things for others is very pleasant and even healthy, so knowing that with my work I can contribute to others having the possibility of living better and that they can help their relatives and friends is very satisfying. I believe that we can all have the possibility of a better future, in peace, security and happiness, although it is very difficult in many parts of the world at the moment.

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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It is without a doubt that migrating to other countries can be challenging. However, this is the only option many people across the globe are faced with daily. It could be because of a lack of opportunities, discrimination, or hardships in their native land but many people are forced to immigrate to other countries in search of a better future.

Being part of the Marketing department at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law brings me joy and satisfaction, knowing that the work we put in, which is communication, is heard by those in need, and by that they can take the right path toward their immigration status. Their success stories not only reaffirm my commitment through the work that I do, but also feeds into my soul by knowing that I was able to help families, along with my teammates.

I am sure we have many more challenges ahead and battles to win but I believe with the dedication from all of us at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law and the Marketing department, we will be able to overcome any obstacle by doing what we do best, which is by guiding our clients through the immigration process and by bringing peace of mind and a fresh start to them and their beloved families.

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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Quality Control Specialist at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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I grew up in Puerto Vallarta alongside the beach. I enjoyed visiting my grandmother and playing with my cousins. I grew up surrounded by a very loving family. In my free time, I enjoy watching movies and T.V. shows and I also like spending time with my family and cats.

I’m a Graphic Designer. I’m interested in putting into practice how design can be a tool to communicate and teach others as well as how design can transmit messages in a more understandable way and thus support our society.

I had the opportunity to live in Canada and see beyond what surrounds me. I like to think that the world has no barriers and that it’s not complicated to supersede any that exist, it only takes support to achieve one’s goals. I feel fortunate to be at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law and know that it is possible to reach my goals.

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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As a marketing student the vision we usually have is clear towards the expansion of a brand; but in our family, in our firm we have a strong belief that our goal is to help as many people and many families that have suffered and had to go through the most difficult times in front of unfair situations.

This is the reason I feel so proud to call this team my family, because we share the same ideals and we work every day to help more and more people every time. Our main intention is not to grow our business but bring families together and help them get a better future.

Working with such an important mission that was born from an enormous calling for the whole team is a constant inspiration and the most powerful motivator I’ve ever worked with. The opportunities that this position has granted me to help the firm get better have also given me a challenge I am extremely happy to face.

I consider myself very lucky to have had an amazing childhood and a wonderful supporting family that have accepted me and helped me thrive in every stage of my life and career. Even though my sister and I don’t recall having any big problems as we grew up, now the world starts changing and making sense to us, I become more aware of how much I can do to help, even if it’s just a little hand in the whole net of support. Is the net of the world, one we all have to work in, to look for complete universal well-being, it’s the only way we can better our own lives, our environment, and step by step, our own future too.

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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My name Yunuen, and I was born in Queretaro, Mexico. I immigrated to the United States when I was six years old, and grew up moving around the Southern states –Georgia, Florida and Alabama–before eventually settling in Austin, Texas when I was 14 years old.

Growing up as a young, undocumented kid was very difficult at first. I didn’t have a full grasp of the English language and was sometimes teased for having an accent.

Although times were tough, my mother did not give up once and taught me the importance of resilience, compassion and respect for others, as well as the need to have a good moral compass in the face of uncertainty and injustice. Because of this, I know that my purpose in life is to be of service to my community, and to always stand up for what I believe is right.

When I was 15, I became a DACA recipient, and this opened so many doors for me. Having a work permit allowed me many opportunities that I would never have had otherwise. I graduated from Texas State University in 2020 with a degree in Journalism & Mass Communication (Digital Media concentration) and a minor in Diversity Studies. Currently, I am working on a masters’ degree in Sustainability Studies. I also have a background in sociology and philosophy.

I work at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law because I love helping people, and it brings me great joy to use my knowledge and skills to provide support for underrepresented communities. I know what it’s like to feel helpless, or like you don’t belong, and I fight every day to make sure other people don’t have to feel like that.

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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Administrative Assistant at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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Administrative Assistant at Lincoln-Goldfinch Law

Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch
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I enjoy working out, spending time outside, listening to music, eating, and shopping. I love my family, friends, and my boyfriend, with whom I love to travel. 

I became a DACA recipient at the age of 17. It brought so many opportunities for me and luckily I’m now blessed to be a part of the Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Team.  

Working here allows me to help families every day with a purpose. Seeing clients improve their lives the way it did for me brings a smile to my face every day and that’s one of the many reasons I love my job.